SDIC - ABAP Dictionary

The development package SDIC contains objects for "ABAP Dictionary".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BASIS. It belongs to software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package SDIC

BGPROTDB utility log
D010INCWhere-Used Table for ABAP INCLUDEs
D010TABTable for Use Report<->Tables
DBPROPERTIESDatabase Installation Properties
DD01TR/3 DD: domain texts
DD02LSAP Tables
DD02TSAP DD: SAP Table Texts
DD07LR/3 DD: values for the domains
DD07TDD: Texts for Domain Fixed Values (Language-Dependent)
DD08TTexts on the relationship definitions
DD09LDD: Technical settings of tables
DD10LLock table for DD activation
DD12INFIndex parameter for INFORMIX
DD12LR/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, header;
DD12TText Table for DD12L (Short Descriptions of Sec. Indexes)
DD14SR/3 DD: components of SAP objects
DD15LR/3 DD: SAP objects
DD15TR/3 DD: texts on SAP objects
DD17SR/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, fields
DDACLExclusion times for ABAP/4 Dictionary actions
DDDBSTMTHDDD: Information on DB Statements
DDDBSTMTPARDD: Parameters for Generation of Database Statements
DDDBSTMTSDD: Statements for CDS Objects and Functions
DDMIMETYPESMime Types (for Full-Text Index)
DDMIMETYPES_TMime Types (for Full-Text Index)
DDOT4OPSSupported Object Types for MT Separation Using GENFLAG
DDPRHR/3 DD: Log header
DDPRSR/3 DD: log lines
DDPRTUVARUser settings for printing DD objects
DDSPARStorage clause for tables and indexes
DDSPAR1Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSPAR2Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSTORAGEStorage clause for tables and indexes
DDSTORAGE1Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSTORAGE2Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDTENANTKEYSDD Multi-Tenancy: Mixed table customer key range
DDXTFNametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing
DDXTTNametab header structure for delayed writing
DSTCLControl Table for Distribution Program Running Parallel
GEN_EXCEPTIONSharing exception list for generation attribute
GWFEODETest with fields or DE
IAINFCurrent INFORMIX Database Spaces
IAORATable category -> index storage parameters for ORACLE V6
IGINFAssignment of INFORMIX Storage Params to Table Categories
IGORATable category -> index storage parameters for ORACLE V6
T100AMessage IDs for T100
T100ULast person to change messages
T100XError Messages: Supplements
T100_IText Verticalization: Delta Table for T100
TACO1Table for activating DD objects
TACOBTable for activating DD objects
TAORACurrent ORACLE tablespaces
TAPPLR/3-DDIC: Application classes
TATAFProgram for implementing ADD FIELDS
TATAF_SDD: For statement editing
TBATGControl table for batch table conversion
TDATSR/3 DD: Control for Generating Data Interfaces
TDDATMaintenance Areas for Tables
TGORAAssigning ORACLE Storage Parameters to Table Categories
TGTBControl table for table converter
TMAGETable for mass activator
TPINDIndex parameters for DB2
TPOTBTable parameters for ORACLE
TPROTTable contains all DD tables to be logged
TPTABTable parameters for DB2
TPTSPTablespace parameters for DB2
TRESEReserved Names
TRJOBJob ID for Coordinating Batch-ABAP/UNIX for Transports
TSORATable of valid ORACLE tablespaces
TSRCGList of tables from which source coding is generated
TSYNCSynchronization table for Dictionary - Processes
TXBUFDDTMP: Tables with Authorization, but without Buffering
UTCMPVerification Table for Decider in DD_DECIDE
VSYNCControl Table for Distribution Program Running Parallel
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