SEIM_IM_IN_HANA - ABAP interface for task framework component of IMinHANA

The development package SEIM_IM_IN_HANA contains objects for "ABAP interface for task framework component of IMinHANA".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package SEIM. It belongs to software component BC-EIM-DQM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package SEIM_IM_IN_HANA

SIMDQCLNSINFLDPossible Input Fields for Cleanse
SIMDQ_ADDR_FMTIM in HANA Address Format Options
SIMDQ_ADDR_STGIM in HANA address related settings
SIMDQ_CFG_CNIM in HANA configuration countrys
SIMDQ_CFG_NWCNIM in HANA configuration countrys
SIMDQ_CMPRSRCIM in HANA compare source settings for Match Policy
SIMDQ_CNTRY_IDIM in HANA cleanse country identification settings
SIMDQ_CON_INFOIM in HANA connection info
SIMDQ_DESCRIPIM in HANA description table
SIMDQ_DQMM_CFGConfigure DQMm integration
SIMDQ_DQMM_TABLETable to hold names of tables associated with DQMm config
SIMDQ_DQ_OPCheck table containing possible DQ operations
SIMDQ_DSC_CLNTIM in HANA description table
SIMDQ_FLD_TYPIM in HANA table field data type
SIMDQ_GTYP_VALIM in HANA Values for Group Type
SIMDQ_INP_FILTERIM in HANA Filter for input
SIMDQ_LOG_LEVELlookup table for log level
SIMDQ_MOD_COLIM in HANA table model column definition
SIMDQ_MOD_DEFIM in HANA table model definition
SIMDQ_MOD_TABIM in HANA table model table definition
SIMDQ_MTCADDRSTGIM in HANA address settings for the Match Policy
SIMDQ_MTCCSTMSTGIM in HANA custom component settings for Custom Match Policy
SIMDQ_MTCFIRMSTGIM in HANA firm settings for the Match Policy
SIMDQ_MTCOTHRSTGIM in HANA other match component for Match Policy
SIMDQ_MTCPERSTGIM in HANA person settings for the Match Policy
SIMDQ_MTC_POLICYIM in HANA match policy settings
SIMDQ_NAM_CLNTIM in HANA description table
SIMDQ_OTHR_STGIM in HANA non-address settings
SIMDQ_OUTP_MAPIM in HANA map of table model field to transform output fld
SIMDQ_PLTFORMMap DQ platform to country
SIMDQ_PROJTABNAMIM in HANA mapping from projection name to table name
SIMDQ_PSTL_FMTIM in HANA postal format options
SIMDQ_REGIONSIM in HANA mapping of T005 to DQ region names
SIMDQ_REG_FMTIM in HANA region format options
SIMDQ_SOURCE_TYPIM in HANA source type values
SIMDQ_SUGG_OUTIN in HANA suggestion list table for transactional TASK
SIMDQ_SVC_DEFIM in HANA service definition
SIMDQ_SVC_MAPIM in HANA table to map service type to implementation class
SIMDQ_TAB_TYPEIM in HANA table type info per task
SIMDQ_TASK_DEFIM in HANA task definition
SIMDQ_TASK_UPDTIM in HANA Task Update Indicator
SIMDQ_TRAN_FLDIM in HANA transform field
SIMDQ_TRCLNS_INIM in HANA input table for transactional cleanse TASK
SIMDQ_TRCLNS_OUTIM in HANA output table for transactional cleanse TASK
SIMDQ_TRK_TASKIM in HANA track tasks on Client
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