SEWS - ES Tools: Service Interfaces

The development package SEWS contains objects for "ES Tools: Service Interfaces".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package SESD. It belongs to software component BC-DWB-WS-ABA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package SEWS

VEPADMINFLAGTable for Administrative Services
VEPCROSSREFTable for where-used list
VEPELEMTYPEVirtual Interface: Elementary Data Type
VEPELETYPSOAPVirtual Interface: Elementary Type of SOAP Extension
VEPENDPOINTVirtual Interface Endpoint
VEPFAULTVirtual Interface: Exception of Function
VEPFIELDREFWS Virtual Interface: Field References, Default Values
VEPFUNCSOAPEXTVirtual Interface: Associated Functions of SOAP Extension
VEPFUNCSTSimple Transformation of VI _function
VEPFUNCTIONVirtual Interface: Associated Functions
VEPGENCLASSVirtual Interface: Generated Class
VEPHEADERVirtual End Point Definition: Administrative Data
VEPPARAMETERWS Virtual Interface: Parameter(s) of a Function
VEPPARAMIDDEFSWS Virtual Interface: Fixed Values
VEPPARAMIDSParameter ID of VI (Generated)
VEPPARASOAPEXTVirtual Interface: Associated Parameter SOAP Extension
VEPPLUGINOBJSVirtual Interface Plug-In Objects
VEPPLUGINOBJSTVirtual Interface Plug-In Texts
VEPSTRUTYPEVirtual Interface: Structure Type
VEPTABLETYPEVirtual Interface: Table Type
VEPTABTYPSOAPVirtual Interface: Table Type SOAP Extension
VEPTYPEVirtual Interface: Associated Type
VEPTYPESOAPEXTVirtual Interface: Associated Type of SOAP Extension
VEPTYPESTSimple Transformation of VI Type
VEPVISOAPEXTVirtual Interface: Associated VI SOAP Extension
WSHEADERWeb Services Definition Administrative Data
WSHEADER_DARKDark table of WSHEADER (only for transport reasons)
WSSOAPPROPWeb Services: Soap Application Properties for Features
WSSOAPPROP_DARKTransport Table as Replacement fo WSSOAPPROP (Only Transp.)
WSURLREFCross References: Web Services
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