SMOI - CCMS: Monitoring Architecture

The development package SMOI contains objects for "CCMS: Monitoring Architecture".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BASIS. It belongs to software component BC-CCM-MON.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package SMOI

ALALERTDBAlert: alert database (general alert structure, raw message)
ALALERTXCCMS Monitoring: Cache for Alerts Already Read
ALALRTGUIDGUIDs for CCMS Alert IDs (for Alert Framework)
ALAVLAGENTCombine CCMSPING Agents into Groups
ALAVLCTRLCCMSPING Push Technology: Current State of Worklists
ALAVLGCNTLCCMS Avail. Mon.: Control Table for Reference System Group
ALAVLGRP_CCCMS: Control Table for RFC_PING Check of Logon Groups
ALAVLGUIDCCMSPING: Mapping Table GUID <-> Monitored System
ALAVLPTRCControl Table for RFC_PING - CCMS Availability Monitoring
ALAVLWORKCCMS: Dummy Table for Config. Table Controls
ALCACHECNFConfiguration of the SALC Cache
ALCCMCUSTCustomizing settings for CCMS
ALCCMCUSTPValue table for CCMS Customizing Parameters
ALCCMCUSTTText table for customizing settings
ALCCMCUSTVValue table for possible values of parameters
ALCLASTOOLAlert: Assignment of tools to object class
ALCONSEGAlert: Context/segment assignment
ALCUSTSETAlert: Monitoring Properties Variants
ALDBSCTXCCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring Contexts
ALDBSMSEGCCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring Segments
ALDBSMTECCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: General MTE Data
ALDBSPERFCCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Performance MTE
ALDBSSMESCCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Status AttributeMTE
ALDBSTOOLCCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: MTE Method Data
ALDWNTIMEDowntime of systems for availability calculations
ALF1DEFLTCCMS Monitoring Architecture: Default Description Texts
ALGLOBSYSLGFILCentral System Log Filter Definition
ALGRPCUSGEAlert: General Customizing for MTE classes
ALGRPCUSMCAlert: Message container Customizing for Cust. groups
ALGRPCUSMGAlert: Group Customizing data single message class
ALGRPCUSPFAlert: Group Customizing data performance class
ALGRPMCFILAlert: Message container filter for Cust. groups
ALIMCDATAAlerts: ABAP-Shared-Buffer for IMC Communication
ALLONGJOB_CTRLControl Table for CCMS Monitoring of Jobs by Runtime
ALMBCADMCCMS Monitoring Cache: Administration of "MTEs of one Class"
ALMBCDATACCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for "MTEs of one Class"
ALMBRDATACCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for "MTEs of one Class"
ALMDRLDSCAlerts: Language-dependent rule description
ALMDRULESAlerts: Rules for rule nodes of a monitor definition
ALMONIDEFAlerts: Description of Monitor Definition Nodes
ALMONISETSAlerts: Monitor sets of the CCMS monitoring infrastructure
ALMONITORSAlerts: Monitors and Corresponding Default Values
ALMRULESAlerts: Rule Descriptions for Monitor Definitions (V3)
ALMSETSAlerts: Monitor Sets and Corresponding Attributes
ALMSETSV2Alerts: Copy of Monitor Sets From Database Version 2
ALMTCUSGENAlert: MT-specific Customizing Class-independent
ALMTCUSMSCAlert: MTE-specific Customizing: message container
ALMTCUSPERAlert: MT-specific Customizing Performance-Class
ALMTCUSSMGAlert: MT-specific Customizing: Single Message Class
ALMTECLSETAlert: MTEClass setting of the Monitoring Architecture
ALMTMSCFILAlert: MTE-Specific Message Container Filter
ALNAMEDUSERSCustomizing Settings for CCMS Named Used Data Collector
ALNODEKEYMTEKEY to node mapping
ALPERFDBAlert: Performance database
ALPERFDB_CAlert: Performance Database
ALPERFOBAlert: Performance Database Object Part
ALPERSONELAlerts: Personalized Data of Monitoring Architecture
ALPFASSIGNAlert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE (New Version)
ALPFAUTOREPORTList of PerfDB Report to Be Executed Automatically
ALPFCOLLREORGSCHCollection/Reorganization Schemas for PerfDB
ALPFCOLLSYSSystems from Which the CPH Collects Data
ALPFCOLLTIDTID List Created from ALPFREORG:Objects to Collect in PerfDB
ALPFPOLICYAlert: Performance DB Schema (Reorg/Coll)
ALPFREORGAlert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE
ALPFREPDEFTable for Report Definitions
ALPFREPORTDEFTable for PerfDB Report Definitions
ALPFREP_CATPerfDB Reporting Catalog
ALPFREP_DATTable for PerfDB Report Data
ALPFSFTPLYTable for Performance Database Shift Aggregate Schema
ALPFTHRHIST_RWSPerformance Threshold History: Number of Records
ALPFTHRHIST_TBPerformance Threshold History
ALPFWSCHEMWeighting Schemas for PerfDB Reorganizations
ALPF_TESTDATARepository for Test Data
ALQRFCMONDefine Additional Message Container for qRFC Queue Mon.
ALQRFCMONAAssign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEs
ALQRFCMONOOwner of the Active Queue Group Settings for RZ20
ALQRFCMONQAssign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEs
ALSLDCTRLCCMS Access to Standard SLD - X Not Possible, 0 Possible
ALSLDUPDCCMS SCR SLD Comparison: Delet. and DSR Registration Actions
ALSYSALInstance Table for BOR Object SYALERT (for Use with WFs)
ALSYSGRPSAlerts: Definition of R/3 System Groups
ALTEXTASSIGNAssignments of Text collection schemas to MTE classes
ALTEXTDBHistory Database for text, status, and message nodes
ALTEXTSCHEMADefinition of Schemas for Text History
ALTIDTOOLAlert: Assignment of tools to Tid
ALTLDESCRAlert: Method Description - Language-Dependent
ALTOOLCHEKAlert: Tools that have been checked as usable
ALTOOLDPAlert: Name of tool dispatchers
ALTOOLEXECAlert: Tool definition (executable, dispatcher and so on)
ALTRAMONIMonitoring Arch.: Table for Transaction-Specific Monitoring
ALTSTLODMonitoring Arch.: For Report to Measure a Standard Load
ALVFOBMOAlerts: Association Between Object Type and Monitor Set
ALVFOBTYAlerts: List of Supported Object Types
CCMSBIDATATime-Dependent General MTE Data
CCMSBIMETHTime-Dependent MTE Reaction Methods
CCMSBITHRHTime-Dependent MTE Threshold Values
CCMSBI_MTE_DATATime-Dependent General MTE Data
CCMSBI_MTE_METHTime-Dependent MTE Reaction Methods
CCMSBI_MTE_THRHTime-Dependent MTE Threshold Values
CPH_TRACETable for CPH Log Information
CSMNIPINGCFGCCMS : Configuration Table for NI PING Availability
CSMSYSCentral Table of Known Systems
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