SPOO - Spool

The development package SPOO contains objects for "Spool".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BASIS. It belongs to software component BC-CCM-PRN.

Child development packages of SPOO

Tables for development package SPOO

T022AObsolete: Spool: Indirect printer selection
T022BSpool allocation for logical/physical destination
T022DSpool: Print control translation
TSP01Spool Requests
TSP01PSpool: Part Table of a Spool Request
TSP02Spool: Print requests
TSP02ADynamic Attributes for Spool Requests and Output Requests
TSP02FList of frontend printing to be executed
TSP02FXList of Front-End Printing to Be Printed (Replaces TSP02F)
TSP02JTJob ticket data
TSP02LSpool: List parameters for spool and print requests
TSP02TSpool: Output Requests Waiting to Be Activated
TSP02WSpool: Output Requests Waiting for Processing
TSP03Spool: Printer declaration
TSP03ASpool: Device description (new format)
TSP03CSpool: Device Description Extension
TSP03DSpool: Device Description (New Format)
TSP03LSpool: Long device names
TSP03POCCNFPrint option configuration
TSP03POCPREPrinter option configuration: preselection
TSP03TPaper format in the device paper tray
TSP04Spool: Access to paper types
TSP05Spool: Protection rules
TSP06Spool: Sequences for handling paper
TSP06ASpool: Implemented format type of a device type
TSP06POTPrint options texts
TSP06TText table: Title texts for print formats
TSP07Spool: Paper used by the printer
TSP08Spool: Paper formats
TSP09Spool: Printer drivers
TSP0ASpool: Device types
TSP0CSpool: Change Log
TSP0EData for optical archiving
TSP0GSpool: Number ranges
TSP0HPrinter pools
TSP0IAssignment of printers to terminals (room assignment)
TSP0KPrint commands for host spooler (link type 'L')
TSP0LSpool events
TSP0NGraphical object
TSP0PObsolete: Resources for formatting
TSP0QObsolete: Derivation resource
TSP0RPaper in the paper trays on the device
TSP0SObsolete: Name Conventions For Spool Request Authorizations
TSP0TAssignment of local printer type to terminal
TSP0UAdditional Information for Saved Data Transfer
TSP1DSpool: Format
TSP1TSpool: Long Text for Format
TSP2DSpool: Formats in a paper family/form
TSP2TSpool: Paper family (form)
TSP3TSpool: Command to prepare the printer for the paper family
TSP4DSpool: Check table for print control
TSP4TSpool: Explanation of the Print Controls
TSP5DLPQ formats (host spool system)
TSP5TText for LPQ format from the spooler
TSP6DType of connection to format program
TSP6TText Table: Printer Access Method
TSP7DWith or without cover sheet?
TSP7SWith or without cover sheet?
TSP7TWith or without cover sheet?
TSP8DGraphical object
TSP8TDescription of graphical objects
TSP9DObsolete: Resource
TSP9TObsolete: Resource
TSPCMDSCommand Line Model for LOMS
TSPDEVCFReconfiguration Table for OMS Devices
TSPEVDEVOMS Events for Devices
TSPEVJOBOMS Events for Print Requests
TSPFGUIDGUID Matching Table for Webgui Front End Print
TSPJSTATStatistical data for output requests
TSPLOMSLogical Output Management Systems for Access Method 'E'
TSPQSTATStatistical data about print queues
TSPRMGCFReconfiguration Table for OMS Callback Groups
TSPROMSReal Output Management Systems for Access Method 'E'
TSPSVSpool: Server table
TSPSVISpool: Server Information (Updated by Spool Work Processes)
TSPUSROPTSpool: User-specific settings
TSPUSRSELSpool: User-Specific Settings
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