STU2 - CCMS for DB2 for OS/390

The development package STU2 contains objects for "CCMS for DB2 for OS/390".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BASIS. It belongs to software component BC-DB-DB2.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package STU2

DB2BPTUNEDB2/390: Buffer Pool Tuning Settings
DB2CCACCORParameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCOR
DB2CCACCOXParameters stored procedure DSNACCOX
DB2CCDAILYList of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOR Daily)
DB2CCDAILYXList of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOX Daily)
DB2CCDL_OUTTSDSNACCDL: History of output table
DB2CCDL_PARMSDSNACCDL: History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs
DB2CCDS_INDSNACCDS: History of input table for DB13 jobs
DB2CCDS_PARMSDSNACCDS: History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs
DB2CCHOURList of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOR Hourly)
DB2CCMO_ERRORDSNACCMO: History of error info with length > 255 CHAR
DB2CCMO_OBJERRDSNACCMO: History of failed utility executions
DB2CONVTOOLDB2 z/OS: Recommendations for data conversions
DB2COPYIDB2 copy information from SYSIBM.SYSCOPY
DB2DB02CONTROLControl table for information in DB02
DB2DB02EXTENTSTx DB02: Data for DB02's Extent Monitor
DB2DB02IXDYNTx DB02: Dynamics of the size of indexes
DB2DB02IXSIZETx DB02: List of indexspace datasets
DB2DB02IX_SUMTx DB02: Summary of Index info. Partitions are summed up
DB2DB02MISSOBJTx DB02: Missing objects
DB2DB02SUMMARYTx DB02: Summary information on first screenincl. size histo
DB2DB02TBDYNTx DB02: Dynamics of the size of tables
DB2DB02TBSIZETransaction DB02: List of tables and tablespace (Details)
DB2DB02TBTOPGROWTx DB02: Top Twenty of table growth for fast access
DB2DB02TSDYNTx DB02: Dynamics of the size of tablespaces
DB2DB02TSSIZETransaction DB02: List of tablespace datasets
DB2DB02TS_HISTx DB02: Short history of TS info
DB2DB02TS_SUMTx DB02: Summary of TS info. Partitions are summed up
DB2DB02VOLFREETx DB02: Volume freespace list
DB2IREORGInformation for Database Reorgcheck: Indexes
DB2IXBACKList of indexes that need a backup
DB2JOBJCL Jobs for OS/390
DB2JOBIDMAPMaps JCL Job ID for backwards compatibility with FTP JES ID
DB2JSINFHeader Table of JCL Administration
DB2JSTATUSStatus of Submitted JCL Jobs
DB2JUTSO User on OS/390
DB2LSCONFIGDB2 Landscape Tool Configuration
DB2MONDB2/390 Monitor Table
DB2NORUNExclude table spaces from RUNSTATS ALL
DB2REOTSREORG of Tablespaces
DB2SAPSYSSAP systems located in one DB2 subsystem
DB2TREORGInformation for Database reorgcheck: Tables
DB2TSBACKList of tablespaces that need a backup
DB2TSSIZE_TDB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces
DB2UTPARMDB2/390: Parameters for DB2 Utilities
DB2_OPTIM_PROFILConfiguration table for statement profiles
DBCHECKDB2Configuration of DB2/390 System Check Parameters
DBMSGDB2DB2/390 System Check Messages
DBSTAIHDB2DB2/390 Statistics for Indexes
DBSTATHDB2DB2/390 Statistics for Tables (History)
DBSTATIDB2DB2/390 Statistics for Indexes
DBSTATTDB2DB2/390 Statistics for Tables
DBSYCHKDB2DB2/390: Global Information for Database System Check
SDBADDB2Detail Table for DBA Logs
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