STXD - SAPscript

The development package STXD contains objects for "SAPscript".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BASIS. It belongs to software component BC-SRV-SCR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package STXD

BDSCHKF3SDOK: File name of last checkout
BDSCHKO3BDS: Check out data for a physical information object
BDSCONT3SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
BDSLOIO3BDS: Instances of logical information objects
BDSLOIOT3BDS: Descriptions of logical information objects
BDSLOPR3BDS: Attribute values of logical information objects
BDSLORE3BDS: Outgoing relationships of logical information objects
BDSLORI3BDS: Incoming relationships of logical information objects
BDSPHF3BDS: Files of physical information objects
BDSPHHR3BDS: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
BDSPHIO3BDS: Instances of physical information objects
BDSPHNM3BDS: Use of target anchors in physical objects
BDSPHPR3BDS: Attributes of physical information objects
BDSPHRE3BDS: Outgoing relationships of physical information objects
BDSPHRI3BDS: Incoming relationships of physical information objects
BDSRE3BDS: Relationship instances
BDSREPR3SDOK: Relationship attributes
STXBSAPscript: Texts in non-SAPscript format
STXBITMAPSSAPscript Graphics Management
STXB_ITexts in Non-SAPscript Format (Insert; Zero Downtime Upg.)
STXHSTXD SAPscript text file header
STXH_DSAPscript Text File Header (Delete; Zero Downtime Upgrade)
STXH_ISAPscript Text File Header (Insert; Zero Downtime Upgrade)
STXITFDSAPscript Verification: ITF data table
STXITFRSAPscript Verification: ITF reference table
STXLSTXD SAPscript text file lines
STXL_ISAPscript Text File Lines (Insert; Zero Downtime Upgrade)
STXOTFDSAPscript verification: OTF data table
STXOTFRSAPscript verification: OTF reference table
STXRDIDSAPscript: Raw Data Interface - Data Table
STXRDIRSAPscript: RDI - Reference Table for Test Mode
STX_NOTIFYNotification whether STXH_I/STXH_D were filled
TFO01Entity table of font families in SAPscript
TFO02SAPscript system fonts
TFO03SAPscript printer fonts
TFO04AFM fontmetrics for SAPscript font maintenance
TFO05SAP bar codes
TFO06Printer Bar Codes
TFO07Table with default font family for language
TFO08Assignment of font family, language -> replacement family
TFO09Assignment of font family to language
TFO10Font replacement for special device type
TFO11PDF converter: Adobe type 1 font file
TFO12Adobe type 1 font file attributes for PDF converter
TFO13Attributes of Soft Repo Fonts
TFO14PDF converter: Encoding vector for Adobe type 1 font
TFO15PDF converter: Adobe font data
TFO16Corresponding RTF form for a font family in SAPscript
TFO17Replacement for font familiy (table TFO16)
TFO18Configuration Table for OTF PDF Converter
TFO_BUFFERBuffer of Font data
TSKT4Log of Translations for Language Transport
TT3X40Form Painter access for 3.X systems
TTDCFTable for style sheet conversion
TTDCWConversion of abbreviations in MS Word terms
TTDTGSAPscript: Standard Symbols for Word Processing
TTXFPSelection list of print programs
TTXFPTAssignment of print program to form (test)
TTXFTSAPscript: Tables for Forms
TTXGRSAPscript Graphics Management: Objects and IDs
TTXGRTSAPscript Graphics Management: Texts for objects and IDs
TTXIDValid text IDs
TTXIESAPscript: Function modules for INCLUDE exit
TTXINSAPscript: Who with whom?
TTXITTexts for Text IDs
TTXOBValid text objects
TTXOTShort Texts for Text Objects
TTXPISAPscript program interface
TTXPSSAPscript: Tables for Program Symbols
TTXSYSAPscript system symbol
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