SUSR - ABAP User Administration

The development package SUSR contains objects for "ABAP User Administration".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package SUSR_MAIN. It belongs to software component BC-SEC-USR-ADM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package SUSR

AUTHXAuthorization Fields (Maintain with SU20)
AUTHX_ATTRAuthorization Fields - Attributes (Maintenance with SU20)
AUTH_FLDINFO_TMPAuthorization fields: technical info from dictionary
IDM_BADI_FILTERBADIs for Identity Management
IDM_BADI_TEXTDescription of BADIs for Identity Management
SUIM_CHG_IDXChange Document Index for User Data
SUKRITransaction Combinations Critical for Security
SUKRITText table for SUKRI (crit. comb. of trans. authoriz.)
SUSR_UST12Reference Structure for Change Documents (Auth. Values)
TACTActivities which can be Protected
TACTTActivities that can be protected
TACTZValid activities for each authorization object
TADMIForeign key table for values of object S_ADMI_FCD
TADMTTexts for table TADMI
TAUTLList of tables AUTH (authorization fields)
TBRGAuthorization groups
TBRGTAuthorization Group Names
TFBKTFunction blocks in the SAP system
TFBLKFunction blocks for price list
TOBCClass assignment of authorization objects
TOBCTTexts for Authorization Object Classes
TOBJAuthorization Objects
TOBJCClass assignment of authorization objects
TOBJTShort Texts for Authorization Objects
TOBJ_ATTRAuthorization Objects (Attributes)
TSTCA_CValues for Transaction Code Authorizations
USADDEFDefault company address
USADDEFSShadow table: Default company address
USAGR_SYSGUM: Assignment of Role/Position to System (Type)
USAPPLREFCUA: Assignment of Users to Application Objects
USARC_CDNot Required: Archived User Data -> Change Documents
USARC_CDREDReloaded Archived Change Documents for User Data
USATTRDEFDirectory of Additional User Attributes
USATTRDEFTDirectory of Additional User Attributes
USBAPILINKCUA: Default BAPI Link for Central User Administration
USCOMPANYCompany in user's address
USCRAUIDTShort Texts for Critical Authorizations
USCRAUTHAuthorization Data for Critical Authorizations
USCRAUTHIDCritical Authorizations
USCRCOMIDPart List for Critical Combinations of Authorizations
USDOCUDocumentation User and Authorization Administration
USEXITIndividual Maint. Dialog for Authorization Field - Exit FM
USGRPUser Groups
USGRPTText table for USGRP (User groups)
USGRP_USERAssignment of Users to User Groups
USH02_ARC_TMPChange History for Logon Data: Last Entries from Archive
USH04Change history for authorizations
USH04_ARC_TMPAuthorizations Change History: Last Entries from Archive
USH10Change history for authorization profiles
USH10_ARC_TMPChange History for Profile Data: Last Entries from Archive
USH12Change history for authorization values
USH12_ARC_TMPChange History for Authorizations: Last Archive Entries
USKRICritical combination of authorizations for transactions
USKRIAEntry of Critical Auths for Report RSUSR009
USKRIATText table for USKRIA
USL04CUA: Assignment of Users to Local Profiles
USLA04CUA: Assignment of Users to Roles
USOGRObject groups for TCode < > Auth. object assignment
USOGTTexts for object groups
USOTTRelation transaction > authorization object
USR03User address data
USR04User master authorizations
USR07Object/values of last authorization check that failed
USR10User master authorization profiles
USR11User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10)
USR12User Master Authorization Values
USR13Short Texts for Authorizations
USR15External User Name (Replaced By Table USRACL)
USR16Values for Variables for User Authorizations
USR20Date of last user master reorganization
USR21User Name/Address Key Assignment
USR21SShadow table: Assignment of user name to address key
USR22Logon data without kernel access
USRARCSTATReloaded Archiving Runs
USRATTRAdditional Attributes for Users
USRBFUser Buffer Contents for Fast RFC Logon
USRBF2User buffer content for fast RFC logon - new
USRCOMBCritical Combinations of Authorizations
USRCOMBTShort Texts for Critical Combinations of Authorizations
USRCRCOMBPart List of Variants for Critical Combinations of Auths
USREFUSReference user for internet applications
USREFUSVARAssignment of Reference User Variabe to Reference User
USRFLDCUA: Definition of Logical Fields
USRFLDDEFCUA: Definition of Logical Field Names of ALE Distrib. Users
USRFLDGRPCUA: Field Selection Groups
USRFLDSELCUA: Field Attributes
USRFLDTCUA: Text Table to Define Logical Fields
USRFLDVALCUA: Selection Criteria for Field Attributes
USRSTAMPTime Stamp for all Changes to the User
USRSYSACTCUA: Roles in Distributed Systems
USRSYSACTTCUA: Roles in Distributed Systems
USRSYSPRFCUA: Profiles in Distributed Systems
USRSYSPRFTCUA: Profile Text in Distributed Systems
USRVARVariants for Critical Authorizations
USRVARCOMVariants of Critical Combinations of Authorizations
USRVARCOMTShort Texts for Variants of Critical Combs of Authorizations
USRVARIDPart List of Variants for Critical Authorizations
USRVARTShort Texts for Variants of Critical Authorizations
USR_FLAGSVarious Flags for Authorization Programs
USSETTINGSCustomizing settings in user maintenance
USSYSTYPTGUM: System Type Texts
UST04User masters
UST10CUser master: Composite profiles
UST10SUser master: Single profiles
UST12User master: Authorizations
USUSER_AGRGUM: Assignment of Role to User
USUSER_SYSGUM: Assignment of User (Group) to System (Type)
USZBVLNDRCCUA: System Landscape Recipient
USZBVLNDSCCUA: System Landscape Sender
USZBVPROTCUA: Protocols of the Distribution of Users
USZBVPROTCCUA: Protocols of the Distribution of Company Addresses
USZBVPROTCUCUA: Synchronization Log (Company -> Employee)
USZBVSYSCUA: Assignment of Systems to Users
USZBVSYSCCUA: Assignment of Systems to Company Addresses
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