SWF_WORKFLOW - SAP Business Workflow

The development package SWF_WORKFLOW contains objects for "SAP Business Workflow".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BASIS. It belongs to software component BC-BMT-WFM.

Child development packages of SWF_WORKFLOW

Development Package
SBPT_FWWPFramework for Workplace
SBPT_GUIGUI Components
SINWWorkflow: Interface Inbox for Business Workflow
SOBJWorkflow Object Types: Release 2.1
SWABusiness Workflow: Expressions, binding
SWADWorkflow Administration
SWBBusiness Workflow: Condition Editor & Start Conditions
SWEBusiness Workflow: Events
SWF0BPT: Workflow Engine
SWF1BPT: Workflow Definition
SWF2BPT: Workflow Tools
SWF_ADMWorkflow: Administration
SWF_AIFApplication Interface Monitoring
SWF_ALMWorkflow: Alert Monitor Connection
SWF_APIWorkflow API / XML Interface
SWF_BNDWorkflow: Data Flow
SWF_BRFWorkflow and Business Rule Framework
SWF_CNTWorkflow: Container
SWF_CNT_SRVWorkflow: Container Services
SWF_CPCloud Platform Integration
SWF_CPPVCloud Platform Process Visibility Integration
SWF_CPWFCloud Platform Workflow Integration
SWF_CRLWorkflow: Correlations
SWF_CSTWorkflow: Customizing
SWF_DAAGWorkflow: Data Aging
SWF_DEADL_CONFWorkflow: Deadline configuration
SWF_DEBUGBusiness Workflow: Offline Debugging
SWF_DEFWorkflow: Definition
SWF_EVTWorkflow: Events
SWF_EXPWorkflow: Expressions
SWF_FLEXWorkflow: Flexible Workflow
SWF_FRMWorkflow: Forms
SWF_GPBusiness Workflow: API for Guided Procedures
SWF_HCWorkflow: Health Check
SWF_HTTPIncorporation of External Services with HTTP into a Workflow
SWF_IFSWorkflow: Interfaces
SWF_LOGWorkflow: Log Manager
SWF_MAILWorkflow: Connection to Mail System
SWF_MIGWorkflow: Database Table Migration
SWF_MODWorkflow: Modeling Objects
SWF_PFUtilities for Performance Measurements
SWF_PF_APIProcess facade implementation
SWF_PLOGWorkflow: Process Log
SWF_POWLBusiness Workflow: Worklist in POWL
SWF_POWL_UIBusiness Workflow: Worklist in POWL (UI Elements)
SWF_PUSH_NOTIFBusiness Workflow: Push Notification
SWF_RALWorkflow: Read Access Logging Channel
SWF_RDGWorkflow: Runtime/Dialog
SWF_REPWorkflow: Reporting
SWF_RLSRules - Workflow Rules and Rule Systems
SWF_RUNWorkflow: Runtime
SWF_RUN_UIWorkflow: Runtime (UI Elements)
SWF_SDMWorkflow: Silent Data Migration
SWF_SLSDeadline Service - Deadline Monitoring
SWF_SUPPORT_TOOLSWorkflow: Support Tools
SWF_SWRWorkflow: Internal Implementation for API Layer
SWF_TRCWorkflow: Trace
SWF_TRC_DEMODemonstration for Reusing Workflow Trace
SWF_TSIBusiness Workflow: Transaction and Service Infrastructure
SWF_TSTWorkflow: Test Objects
SWF_TST_WI_EXIT_APIWorkflow: Unit Tests for API of Work Item Exit
SWF_TXTWorkflow: Text Object
SWF_UTLWorkflow: Tools
SWF_UTL_DEBUGGERWorkflow: Debugging Utilities
SWF_VMDWorkflow: Visualization Metadata
SWF_WIZWorkflow: Wizards
SWF_WSCClient Part for Web Service Execution in Workflow
SWF_XMLWorkflow: XML
SWGWorkflow: Temporary development class
SWHBusiness Workflow: Objects for Demos,Test,Docu,Performance
SWIBusiness Workflow: Information System
SWJ_PPFWorkflow Output Medium in PPF
SWLBusiness Workflow: Worklist Client
SWLWPWorkflow: Workplace Server Part
SWMBusiness Workflow: Error Messages
SWNBusiness Workflow: E-Mail Notifications for Work Items
SWN_TESTBusiness Workflow: Tests for E-Mail Notifications
SWN_UWLBusiness Workflow: Notifications for UWL
SWPBusiness Workflow: Processor
SWRBusiness Workflow: WAPI Interfaces
SWR1Diverse Utilities
SWRDWorkflow: Definition Time
SWR_DEPRECATEDBusiness Workflow: Obsolete Interfaces
SWTBusiness Workflow: Workflow Trace Functions
SWUBusiness Workflow: Utility Functions (Package-Independent)
SWUOBusiness Workflow: Office Integration
SWUVBusiness Workflow: Desktop Objects
SWWBusiness Workflow: Work Items
SWW_LMWorkflow: Lifecycle Management
SWW_UIBusiness Workflow: Workitems (UI Element)
SWXBusiness Workflow: Utilities
SWZBusiness Workflow: Work Queue
This development package contains no tables.
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