UGX2 - XBRL Application

The development package UGX2 contains objects for "XBRL Application".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FINB_XBRL. It belongs to software component FIN-FB-XR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package UGX2

UGX0010Queries of a Data Basis
UGX001CDatabase - Check Table
UGX001SData Basis - SIDs
UGX001TData Basis Text Table
UGX0020Taxonomy - Files
UGX002CTaxonomy - Check Table
UGX002STaxonomy - SIDs
UGX002TTaxonomy Text Table
UGX0030Report Category - Assignment Taxonomy Element <-> Selection
UGX0031Report Category - Assignment Tax.Element <-> Dimension Map.
UGX0032Reporty Category - Assignment Tax.Elem./TRole <-> Selection
UGX0035Report Category - Leading Characteristic for Tuple
UGX0036Report Category - Assignment Tuple Element <-> Selection
UGX003CReport Category - Check Table
UGX003SReport Category - SIDs
UGX003TReport Category Text Table
UGX0040Value Selection - Characteristic Values
UGX0041Value Selection - Parent Characteristics
UGX004CValue Selection - Check Table
UGX004SValue Selection - SIDs
UGX004TValue Selection Text Table
UGX0050Dimension Mapping: Value Mapping
UGX0051Dimension Mapping: Value Mapping Parent Fields
UGX005CDimension Mapping - Check Table
UGX005SDimension Mapping - SIDs
UGX005TDimension Mapping Text Table
UGX200GTaxonomy Elements: GUIDs
UGX201GTaxonomy Elements: GUIDs
UGX3000Selection Criteria: Characteristics
UGX300GSelection Criteria: Query and Key Figure
UGXV00CVariant - Check Table
UGXV00SVariant - SIDs
UGXV00TVariant Text Table
UGXV100Variant: BW Variables of Type Characteristic Value
UGXV101Variant: BW Variables of Type Characteristic Value, Parent
UGXV105Variant: BI Variables, Hierarchy Name, and Version
UGXV106Variant: BI Variables, Hierarchy Nodes
UGXV107Variant: BW Variables, Hierarchy Node, Parent F.
UGXV108Variant: BW Variables, Hierarchy Name Parent F.
UGXV110Variant: Time Contexts
UGXV111Variant: Time Contexts, BW Variables
UGXV112Variant: Time Contexts, Parent Fields
UGXV120Variant: Entity Context
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