VA0C - Customizing R/3 sales

The development package VA0C contains objects for "Customizing R/3 sales".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component SD-SLS-GF.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package VA0C

SDAPMAPRRSales Doc Approval Management: Approval Reasons
SDAPMAPRRCATSales Doc Appr.Mgnt: Assignment of Appr.Reason to Doc.Cat
SDAPMAPRR_TSales Doc Approval Management: Approval Reasons
SDAPMREJRSales Doc Approval Management: Rejection Reasons
SDAPMREJRCATSales Doc Appr.Mgnt: Assignment of Rej.Reason to Doc.Cat
SDAPMREJR_TSales Doc Approval Management: Rejection Reasons
SDITEMREASONMaintenance Table for Sales Document Item Reason Codes
SDITEMREASONTMaintenance Table for Sales Doc. Item Reason Codes Desc.
SDSLS_MNGDOC_FIOAllowed Sales Document Type for Apps for Managing Sls Docs
T176Sales Documents: Customer Order Types
T184Sales Documents: Item Category Determination
T184AICSAllowed Item Categories for Assign Item Categories in T184
T476Parameterization of the Configuration Editor
T476TParameterization of the Configuration Editor
T661KInternal and External Conditions Assignment
T661WDetermination of Sold-to Party for EDI DlvSched/JIT
T663Delivery interval:Sched.agreements for component suppliers
T663ADealing with errors:Scheduling agreements with rel.orders
T664ASpecial processing for deliveries for ext.agents
T665ASpecial Processing for Self-Billing
TCSPCross-Selling Profile: Definition
TCSPFCross-Selling: Profile Determination
TCSPTCross-Selling Profile: Definition: Texts
TMVFTAvailability check control: Texts
TMVFUScope of Availability Check (Default Values)
TPRGDate display format
TPVDProduct Proposal: Definition of Customer Procedure
TPVDTProduct Proposal: Texts for Customer Procedure
TPVHProduct Proposal: Definition of Source Indicator
TPVHTProduct Proposal: Texts for Source Indicator
TPVMSProduct Proposal: Materials Sorting
TPVMSTProduct Proposal: Materials Sorting: Texts
TPVSBProduct Proposal: Batch Procedure Determination
TPVSEIntelligent Product Proposal: Batch Procedure Determination
TPVSFAlgorithm Parameters for Intelligent Product Proposal
TPVSMProduct Proposal: Procedure Definition
TPVSMTProduct Proposal: Texts for Procedure Definition
TPVSOProduct Proposal: Online Procedure Determination
TPVVProduct Proposal: Definition of Transaction Procedure
TPVVTProduct Proposal: Transaction Texts
TPVZUProduct Proposal: Access Sequence Definition
TVAGSales Documents: Rejection Reasons
TVAGTRejection Reasons for Sales Documents: Texts
TVAG_AUART_VKOReason for rejection depend on order type and sales org
TVAKSales Document Types
TVAKTSales Document Types: Texts
TVAKZSales Documents: Allowed Order Types per Sales Org.
TVAPSales Document: Item Categories
TVAPTSales document item categories: Texts
TVASAction Procedure for End of Contract
TVASBAction Procedure: Texts
TVASPSales Documents: Blocking Reasons
TVASTSales Document Blocking Reasons: Texts
TVAUSales Documents: Order Reasons
TVAUKCost Center Determination
TVAUTSales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts
TVAU_AUART_VKOOrder reason depend on order type and sales organization
TVAVContact Person: Buying Habits
TVAVTContact Person: Buying Habits: Texts
TVBPROCBusiness Transaction for ATP
TVBPROCTATP: Texts for Business Transaction
TVCPASales Documents: Copying Control
TVEPSales Document: Schedule Line Categories
TVEPZSales Document: Schedule Line Category Determination
TVEP_OVZI_WLWhilte list PSTYV editable in Assgmt. of Rqmt. Type (OVZI)
TVETSched.line types for sched.agreements (e.g.backlog, provis.)
TVETTSchedule line types for sched.agreements: Texts
TVGRPBGroup Referencing Requirement: Sales Document Type
TVGRPFGroup Referencing Requirement: Fields
TVGRPSGroup referencing requirement: Procedures
TVGRPTGroup Referencing Requirement: Texts
TVKRCancellation Rules
TVKRTDescriptions of Cancellation Rules
TVKSCancellation procedures for contracts
TVKSTCancellation Procedures for Agreements; Texts
TVKUSCancellation Procedures
TVKVTPricing Procedures: Procedure: Texts
TVLVCheck table for release orders: Usage ID
TVLVTRelease order usage ID: Texts
TVRGRule table for indirect date determination for contracts
TVRGTRules for Indirect Date Determination: Descriptions
TVRMASRepairs Procedure: Procedures
TVRMATRepairs Procedure: Texts
TVRMAVRepairs Procedure: Times
TVSUMaterial Substitution: Reasons
TVSUTMaterial Substitution: Texts for Reasons
TVUVIncompletion Control: Procedures
TVUVFIncompletion Control: Fields
TVUVFCIncompletion Control: Function Codes
TVUVFCTIncompletion Control: Function Code Texts
TVUVGIncompletion Control - Object Categories
TVUVOIncompletion Control: Object Category Texts
TVUVSIncompletion Control: Status Groups
TVUVTIncompletion Control: Texts for Procedures
TVVDContract Data Profile
TVVDTContract Profile: Texts
TVVWItem Usage
TVVWTItem Usage Texts
TVZPInstructions for Planning Delivery Schedules
TVZPTPlanng Dely Sched.Instructions Descripn (TVZP)
TVZSDelivery Schedule Splitting Rules
TVZSTDlv.Sched.Splitting Rule Descript. (TVZS)
TVZZAssign Splitting Rules to Planning Dlv.Schedule Instructions
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