VL - WS-SHP: General Processing for Shipping

The development package VL contains objects for "WS-SHP: General Processing for Shipping".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component LE-SHP-GF.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package VL

DLFLDNon-Changeable Delivery Fields
DVK01R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Header Data R2 -> R3
DVK02R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Item Data R2 -> R3
DVKTXR/2-R/3 Link: Delivery texts R2 -> R3
DVM01R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data for Material Master
KNVSCustomer Master Shipping Data
LDA01Decentralized WMS: Delivery Document Appendix
LECOMPComponents for inbound deliveries for subcontracting
LESHPMDIndicator for active, general repairs/LE-SHP
LIKPSD Document: Delivery Header Data
LIPSSD document: Delivery: Item data
LIPSPOLIPS Reference Data Purchase Order
LIPSRFLIPS Reference Data
T186Delivery List Profile
T186CProfile in Deliveries Environment
T186CTTexts for 'Create Delivery' Profile
T186EExclude/Include F Codes from the Current GUI Status
T186FFunctions in the Shipping Due List
T186TTexts for 'Shipping Due List' List Profile
T186VLink between Scenario and Profile
T186VTTexts for 'Shipping Due List' List Profile
T30CWM Materials Staging Zones
T30CTDescription for Materials Staging Zones
T318Picking waves profile
T318TTexts for Picking Waves Profiles
T323Controlling Mail if Error Occurs During Decentral.Shipping
T633KR/2-R/3 Link: One-Time Customer Determination
TAETSWarehouse Sub-Process (Procedure for Warehouse Processes)
TAVGWarehouse Activities (Operations in Warehouse)
TAVGTDecsription of Warehouse Activities
THUCONTROLHandling Unit Control
TL006Assign Units of Measure to Unit-Of-Measure Load Category
TLASTLoad Table for Calculating Workload
TMAWBEVENTDefiniton of Possible Transactions for LE Goods Movements
TMAWBEVENTTText Tables for HU Goods Movement Events
TMCL_LVW&S: Control - RWE + Picking Wave Creation
TPRIOCustomers: Delivery Priorities
TVIERSales Documents Containing Errors
TVLGTRoutes: Weight Groups for Deliveries: Texts
TVPODaily Period Types
TVPODSales Document: Delivery: POD Data
TVPODGReason for Variance in POD
TVPODGTTEXT: Reason for Variance in POD
TVPOTNames of Daily Period Types
TVSLTDeliveries: Texts Processing Status
TVTGReasons for Date Deviation
TVTGTDescriptions for Reasons for Date Deviation
TVTZDeadline Functions
TVTZTDescription for Purpose of Date
TWLVZAssign Shipping Point as Goods Receiving Point to Plant/SLoc
VALWDelivery Plan: Definition of Route Schedule
VALWTDelivery Plan: Description of Route Schedule
VARKDelivery Plan: Customer-Specific Itinerary
VARZDelivery Plan: Zone-Specific Itinerary
VAWADelivery Plan: Exclusion of Itinerary
VAWKDelivery Plan: Itinerary Determination, Customer-Specific
VBFSError Log for Collective Processing
VBLKSD Document: Delivery Note Header
VLKPASD Index: Deliveries by Partner Functions
VLPMASD Index: Delivery Items by Material
VRSLIReceipt of Materials from Deliveries
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