VVSRG_CORE - Objects for System AL0 (Stable Detached Objects)

The development package VVSRG_CORE contains objects for "Objects for System AL0 (Stable Detached Objects)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component TR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package VVSRG_CORE

TW05Insurance branch
TW05TInsurance branch (Text)
TW06BAV group 4/77 appendix 8
TW06TBAV group (Text)
TW09Premium reserve fund list
TW09BRelationship table TW09 - RANTYP
TW09TPremium reserve fund (Text)
TW10BRelationship table TW10 - RANTYP
TW10TSubsection texts
TW12BAV asset group 501
TW12TBAV group 501 (Text)
TZ11Stock indicator
TZ11TStock indicator (Text)
TZ13Tax office stock indicator
TZ13TTax office indicator (Text)
TZ14BAV asset group stmt 101
TZ14TBAV asset group stmt 101 (Text)
TZ15BAV asset group stmt 102
TZ15TBAV asset group stmt 102 (Text)
TZ16BAV asset group stmt 201
TZ16TBAV asset group stmt 201 (Text)
TZ17Asset group C11/76 Asset 6 (Annual stock overview)
TZ17TAsset group R11/76, appendix 6 (Text)
TZ18Appendix group R11/76, appendix 1-5 and R2/87, append. 1-2
TZ18TAsset group R11/76, append.1-2 and R2/87 append.1-2 (text)
TZ19Asset type in acc. with BAV PRF3 and PRF8, sub-section 7
TZ19TAsset type in acc.with BAV PRF3 and PRF8, sub-sect. 7 (Text)
TZ21Control of cost elements for BAV statements
TZ22Asset classes relationship table -- BAV- Sub-section
TZ25Regulatory reporting list control
TZ25TIndicator for list selection
TZ27Allocation: Valuation area for internal stock indicator
TZ28[obsolete] Asset Type According to Regulatory Acct. Requ.
TZ28TAsset Type in acc. with Reg.Acctng Requirements / Text
TZ29[obsolete] BAV asset group stmt 600
TZ29PCheck table for indicator SNW600
TZ29TBAV asset group stmt 600 / Text
TZ30[obsolete] Premium reserve fund list
TZ30TPremium reserve fund list number / Text
TZ31[obsolete] Subsection
TZ31TSubsection / Text
TZ32[obsolete] BAV asset group stmt 102
TZ32TBAV asset group stmt 102 / Text
TZ36Check table for R5/97 appendix 3/4
TZ36TText table for indicator appendix 3/4 circular R5/97
TZ37Indicator for circular R5/97 appendix 5
TZ37TText table provision of security according to app. 5 R5/97
TZ38Indicator for circular R5/97 appendix 8
TZ38TText table for indicator reason for message appendix 8 R5/97
TZ39Indicator for circular R5/97 appendix 10
TZ39BRelationship table indicator R5/97 append. 10 for prod. cat.
TZ39TText table indicator appendix 10 R5/97 mix type
TZ40Customizing regulatory reporting field control for contract
TZ45Headings for BAV Lists
TZBRAName of grouping table acc.to R11/76 app.4 - Contract.party
VZBAVFBAV Master Data Without History Management
VZBAVVVariable BAV Master Data
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