VZ - Application development R/3 RV central functions

The development package VZ contains objects for "Application development R/3 RV central functions".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component SD-BF.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package VZ

AIC_VBRKArchiving SD_VBRK: Customizing for Index (secondary)
ARCID_CUST_VBRKArchiving SD_VBRK: Customizing for Index (secondary)
ARCID_P_VBRKArchiving SD_VBRK: Index table (primary)
ARCID_S_VBRKArchiving SD_VBRK: Index table (secondary)
ARCID_VBRKArchiving SD_VBRK: Index Table
FPLABilling Plan
FPLAPOBilling Plan
FPLTBilling Plan: Dates
FPLTPOBilling Plan: Dates
QTCHProduct Allocation: Feature Directory
QTVBProduct Allocation: Allocation used by Customer Order
SDSOLRelated Object of SD Document
SDSOL_TYPE_CDefinition of Type of Related Object of SD Document
SDSOL_TYPE_SDefinition of Type of Related Object of SD Doc - SAP Values
SDSOL_TYPE_TXT_CDescription for Related Object of SD Document
SDSOL_TYPE_TXT_SDescription for Related Object of SD Document
T180Screen Sequence Control: Transaction Default Values
T190Product Allocation: Controlling
T190HProduct Allocation: Planning Structure for this Step
T190HTProduct Allocation: Text for Planning Hierarchy
T190OProduct Allocation: Definition of Product Allocation Object
T190OTProduct Allocation: Text for Product Allocation Object
T190SProduct Allocation: Definition Procedure
T190STProduct Allocation: Definition
T190VProduct allocations: Consumption period in an info structure
T459TAvailability Check: Requirement and Planning Types: Texts
TALLGHelp Structure for Pool MSTTALLG
TD4ADRCTest Double for Addresses (Business Address Services)
TFPLABilling Plan Type
TFPLBBilling Plan Type: Description
TFPLTDate Type for Billing Plan Type
TFPLUDate Type in Billing Plan: Description
TNLSNielsen ID
TNLSTDescription of Nielsen Indicators
TTBDDirectory of text module for documents
TTBDTTexts: Directory of function modules for documents
TVARKArchiving Control for Sales Activities in Sales Support
TVARNSelection parameters for archiving in sales and distribution
TVBRContact Person: Frequency of Visits
TVBRTContact person: Frequency of visits: Texts
TVBSTSD Documents: Processing Status: Texts
TVCPTSales docs: Texts for modules from TVCPA,TVCPF,TVCPL,TTXVR
TVGMOView Control: Exceptions for Move-Corresponding
TVGMSView Control: Error Messages
TVGVIView Control: View Definition
TVGZUView Control: Special Table Access
TVKGSales Documents: Reasons for Cancellation
TVKGTSales Documents: Reasons for Cancellation: Texts
TVKWZOrg.Unit: Allowed Plants per Sales Organization
TVLZValidity Period Category
TVLZTValidity Period Category: Texts
TVP0Contact Person: Attribute 10
TVP0TContact person attribute 10: Texts
TVP2Contact Person: Attribute 2
TVP2TContact person attribute 2: Texts
TVP3Contact Person: Attribute 3
TVP3TContact person attribute 3: Texts
TVP4Contact Person: Attribute 4
TVP4TContact person attribute 4: Texts
TVP5Contact Person: Attribute 5
TVP5TContact person attribute 5: Texts
TVP6Contact Person: Attribute 6
TVP6TContact person attribute 6: Texts
TVP7Contact Person: Attribute 7
TVP7TContact person attribute 7: Texts
TVP8Contact Person: Attribute 8
TVP8TContact person attribute 8:Texts
TVP9Contact Person: Attribute 9
TVP9TContact person attribute 9: Texts
TVPGPartner Function Groups
TVSASD Documents: Processing Groups
TVSATSD document processing groups: Texts
TVSFSD: Statistics Groups for Document Types and Item Categories
TVSFTSD: Statistics Groups for Doc Types/Item Categories: Texts
TVTBBilling Plan: Date Description
TVTBTSales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts
TVV1Customer Group 1
TVV1TCustomer group 1: Description
TVV2Customer Group 2
TVV2TCustomer group 2: Description
VBBESales Requirements: Individual Records
VBBSSales Requirement Totals Record
VBFASales Document Flow
VBFA_STATUSVBFA reconstruction status: nodes that have been processed
VBKOFSD index: Open sales activities by partner function
VBKPASD index: Sales activities by partner function
VBPASales Document: Partner
VBPA3Tax Numbers for One-Time Customers
VBSKCollective Processing for a Sales Document Header
VBSSCollective Processing: Sales Documents
VBUKSales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data
VBUPSales Document: Item Status
VEDAPOContract Data
VFPLABilling Plan
VFPLTBilling Plan: Dates
VZLOGLog Analysis of x/y Tables
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