WAKT - Application development R/3 Promotions

The development package WAKT contains objects for "Application development R/3 Promotions".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component LO-RFM-MD-PR.

Child development packages of WAKT

Tables for development package WAKT

RDMT_CUST_TYPECustomer Types
RDMT_CUST_TYPETCustomer Types Texts
RDMT_MEDIUMPromotion Media
RDMT_MED_TYPETMedia Types Texts
RDMT_TACTICPromotion Tactic
RDMT_TACTICTPromotion Tactic Texts
TMFAMarkdown Planning - Markdown type
TMFATMarkdown Planning - markdown plan, short text
TWAAPromotion Type, IS-R
TWAATPromotion type short text, IS-R
TWACMap CRM Campaign Type to Promotion Type
TWATPromotion themes, IS-R
TWATTPromotion theme description
TWCPCoupons: Profile for Distributing Discounts in POS Inbound
TWCPTCoupon Distribution Profile: Short Text
TWREBPromotion Discount: Condition Creation Control
TWTYPromotion category, IS-R
TWTYTPromotion cat. short text, IS-R
WAALMaterial-to-vendor assignment in price maintenance (promo.)
WAGUValidity of plant groups - IS-R
WAKCAssignment of Coupons to Promotion
WAKHPromotion Header Data, IS-R
WAKHINDPromotion header data IS-R: index table for conditions
WAKPPromotion Item Data
WAKRPromotion Discounts
WAKRWPromotion discounts by plant
WAKTPromotion description short text, IS-R
WALEMaterial to store assignment to promotion
WAZBModule plant-group assignment
WAZTPromotion/themes assignment
WAZWPromotion/advertising media assignment
WMFFMarkdown Planning - Stores
WMFHMarkdown Planning - header data
WMFHTDescription of a markdown plan
WMFLMarkdown Planning - Price Lists
WMFPMarkdown Planning - item data (materials)
WMFUMarkdown planning - price phases per material/un
WMPKMarkdown rule header
WMPRMarkdown rule item
WMPRTText table for markdown rules
WSAHWorklist Season wind-up - header
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