WDK_CONTROLLER - Kayak Controller

The development package WDK_CONTROLLER contains objects for "Kayak Controller".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package WDK. It belongs to software component BC-MUS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package WDK_CONTROLLER

WDKACTGRPSTATSAction group optimization statistics
WDKACTIONAction Definition
WDKACTIONGROUPActiongroup <=> Action Assignment
WDKACTIONGROUPACActiongroup Definition
WDKACTIONGROUPTActiongroup Definition (Texts)
WDKACTIONSCRIPTAssignment of Scripts to Action
WDKACTIONTAction Definition (Texts)
WDKAPPLWeb Dynpro Applications to Floorplans
WDKCQREFFIELDSReferences for currency and quantity fields
WDKCUSTKEYDefinition of Customizing Keys
WDKCUSTKEYPARAMValues for customizing
WDKCUSTKEYTDescription of Customizing Keys
WDKCUSTPOWLAssignment of POWL Selcrits to Customizing Keys
WDKCUSTREPORTAssignment of InfoSet Query Selcrits to Customizing Keys
WDKCUSTSGPARAMMapping Customing Keys => SPA/GPA
WDKCUSTVALUEValues for customizing
WDKDYNPDefinition of the Program/Dynpros used by a Transaction
WDKDYNPASSIGNDynpros to Floorplan States
WDKDYNPTCTable Control Information
WDKDYNPTCACTIONTable Control Information
WDKDYNPTCKEYTable Control Information
WDKDYNPTCSCRIPTTable Control Information
WDKFIELDSDynpro fields to Contextnodes
WDKFPCDefinition of Floorplan States
WDKFPSTATEFloorplan States for Web Dynpro Applications
WDKFPSTATETFloorplan States for Web Dynpro Applications
WDKLAYOUTDefinition of Layouts
WDKLAYOUTELEMLayout object elements
WDKLAYOUTOBJDefinition of Layout Objects
WDKLAYOUTOBJTDefinition of Layout Objects (Texts)
WDKLAYOUTTDefinition of Layouts (Texts)
WDKLAYOUTVALAssignment of Layout
WDKMSGMAPFilter for backend messages
WDKNRBLACKLISTBlacklist for numer ranges
WDKSCRIPTBatch Input Data for Scripts
WDKSCRIPTBDCDefinition of Action Script sequences
WDKSCRIPTMAPMapping of Dynpro Fields for Actions / Action Script
WDKSNAPSHOTSSnapshops / Serialization
WDKSTATCOMPONENTLast update of statistical information
WDKSTATFIELDSStatistical information of component context nodes
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