WER_DDIC - Dictionary

The development package WER_DDIC contains objects for "Dictionary".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package WER. It belongs to software component LO-RFM-MD-PCT-IN.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package WER_DDIC

WER_ACT_DBE_AAction database enrichment (Customers)
WER_ACT_DBE_SAction database enrichment
WER_ACT_GLOBAL_AGlobal action data (Customers)
WER_ACT_GLOBAL_SGlobal action data
WER_ACT_MC_AAction method call class and method (Customers)
WER_ACT_MC_SAction method call class and method
WER_ACT_PARAM_AAction method call parameters (Customers)
WER_ACT_PARAM_SAction method call parameters
WER_ACT_SStandard action types
WER_ACT_SM_AAction simple mapping
WER_ACT_SM_FLD_AAction simple mapping target structure fields
WER_ACT_SM_FLD_SAction simple mapping target structure fields
WER_ACT_SM_SAction simple mapping
WER_ACT_T_SStandard action types (Text Table)
WER_APPL_AFDT applications created in Rule Engine (Customers)
WER_APPL_REQ_AWorkbench Request Associated to each application
WER_APPL_SFDT applications created in Rule Engine
WER_CTX_MAP_AMapping information between object data and item fields
WER_CTX_MAP_SMapping information between object data and item fields
WER_DBE_FIELD_AAction database enrichment field assignment (Customers)
WER_DBE_FIELD_SAction database enrichment field assignment
WER_EVENT_ARule Engine event
WER_EVENT_SRule Engine event
WER_EVENT_T_ARule Engine event
WER_EVENT_T_SRule Engine event
WER_EXP_BOOL_ATable of boolean expressions - OBSOLETE
WER_EXP_BOOL_STable of boolean expressions - OBSOLETE
WER_EXP_COMP_ATable of comparison expressions
WER_EXP_COMP_STable of comparison expressions
WER_EXP_MC_AExpression method call class and method (Customers)
WER_EXP_MC_SExpression method call class and method
WER_EXP_PARAM_AExpression method call parameters (Customers)
WER_EXP_PARAM_SExpression method call parameters
WER_EXP_SStandard expression types
WER_EXP_T_SStandard expression types (Text Table)
WER_ITEM_AWork item
WER_ITEM_FIELD_AInformation about the fields of an item
WER_ITEM_FIELD_SInformation about the fields of an item
WER_ITEM_SWork item
WER_RE_MAP_AMapping btw data object and assigned rule element (Customer)
WER_RE_MAP_SMapping between data object and assigned rule element
WER_RULE_ARule (Customers)
WER_RULE_SET_ARuke set assignement to events
WER_RULE_SET_SFunction set assignement to events
WER_TEMPLATE_AList of template element of an application (Customers)
WER_TEMPLATE_SList of template element of an application
WER_TMPL_REF_AReferences to template elements: where-used list (Customers)
WER_TMPL_REF_SReferences to template elements: where-used list
WER_WI_USE_AUsage of workitems within applications
WER_WI_USE_SUsage of workitems within applications
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