WPOS - IS-R: POS Interface

The development package WPOS contains objects for "IS-R: POS Interface".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package WPOS_APPL. It belongs to software component LO-RFM-IFC-IN.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package WPOS

T6WL4Check table - label form
TWPBRDefinition of the Check Rules for POS Upload
TWPDZAssignment of credit card institute to customer
TWPEKPOS outbound: Condition types
TWPFIPOS outbound profile
TWPFITCommunication profile store
TWPIBTransaction-type-based control of sales as per receipts POS
TWPIEPOS Interface: Automatic EAN Creation Control
TWPIFTransaction type-dependent control of POS financial trans.
TWPIRGeneral control of upload of sales as per receipts POS
TWPISPOS interface: profile for internal interfaces
TWPISTPOS interface: text table for TWPIS
TWPIVGeneral control of aggregated sales upload POS
TWPIWPOS interface: default values for movement types/inv. man.
TWPIZGeneral control of payment list POS
TWPOS_IDOC_SIZEmax. IDoc size of outbound IDocs
TWPPBTransaction types for sales as per receipts
TWPPBTTransaction types for sales as per receipts / description
TWPPFTransaction types for financial transactions
TWPPFTTransaction types for financial transactions / description
TWPPKPOS outbound: condition type group
TWPPKTPOS interface: text table for table TWPPK
TWPTYPOS interface: checking table for POS system types
TWPTYTPOS interface: text table for table TWPTY
TWPUBPOS interface: conversion of transaction types sales rcpts
TWPUCPOS interface: currency code conversion
TWPUEPOS interface: conversion of subsystem units of measure
TWPUFPOS interface: conversion of store numbers
TWPUKPOS interface: conversion of POS condition types
TWPULPOS interface: conversion of POS language codes
TWPUMPOS interface: conversion of POS movements types
TWPUPPOS interface: conversion parameters
TWPUSPOS interface: conversion of POS tax codes
TWPUTPOS interface: check table for conversion categories
TWPUTTPOS interface: text table for table WPUT
TWPUVPOS interface: conversion of POS transaction types FI
TWPUWPOS interface: conversion of POS material groups
TWPUXPOS interface: reassignment of mat. tax classification key
TWPUZPOS interface: conversion of POS payment methods
TWPWBGeneral Processing Control for POS Goods Movements
TWWAGScales group
TWWAGTTexts for tables TWWAG
WPLSTPOS interface: processing log
WPTSTPOS interface: restart log for upload processing
WPXSTPOS interface: status external subsystems (error messages)
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