/ACCGO/COMMON - ACCGO: Package for all DDIC and Common Objects

The development package /ACCGO/COMMON contains objects for "ACCGO: Package for all DDIC and Common Objects".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /ACCGO/MAIN. It belongs to software component LO-AGR.

Child development packages of /ACCGO/COMMON

Tables for development package /ACCGO/COMMON

/ACCGO/T_ABDLOGRevenue Recognition ABD Log
/ACCGO/T_ABDTYPEABD billing document type dependent on scenario
/ACCGO/T_ADF_ABDAdditional fields of Agency Business Document
/ACCGO/T_ALV_FLDALV field Catalog
/ACCGO/T_ANTYPLDC Analysis Types per Location
/ACCGO/T_ANTYPEAnalysis Type
/ACCGO/T_ANTYPETAnalysis Type Text Table
/ACCGO/T_APLINSApplication Instructions
/ACCGO/T_APLINSTApplication Instructions Text Table
/ACCGO/T_APL_EVTEvent details for Application Document
/ACCGO/T_APPDATAApplications links - Contract to Logistics -Appl and Calloff
/ACCGO/T_APPITEMApplication Links (Contract to Logistics) Item
/ACCGO/T_APPSORTList of field allowed for sorting
/ACCGO/T_APP_OBJTDOBJECT TDOBJECTAssignment of text-objects to applications
/ACCGO/T_ASG_DISAssignment Distribution table
/ACCGO/T_ASG_DSTAssignment Distribution data
/ACCGO/T_ASSGMTAssigment History table
/ACCGO/T_AUF_QTYApplication tolerance quantity maintenance table
/ACCGO/T_AVG_MTHTable for Averaging Methods
/ACCGO/T_AVG_TText Table for Averaging Methods
/ACCGO/T_BILLDUETable for Delivery items of Settlement Due for Billing
/ACCGO/T_BKDATEDConfiguration To Maintain Back Dated Master Data Changes
/ACCGO/T_BN_PTCBatch Update Table
/ACCGO/T_CAKHDRACM Contract Header (WBHK Additional Data)
/ACCGO/T_CAKITMACM Contract Item (WBHI Additional Data)
/ACCGO/T_CAKOPTNContract Optionality
/ACCGO/T_CAKSTATContract: Status Category
/ACCGO/T_CAK_TYPContract Type Determination
/ACCGO/T_CALC_RLTable for Calculation rule
/ACCGO/T_CAL_RLTText Table for Calculation rule
/ACCGO/T_CANCLTrading Contract Cancellations Information
/ACCGO/T_CANC_CCCommodity Contract Cancellation Information
/ACCGO/T_CANC_PLCommodity Contract Cancellations Pricing Lot Information
/ACCGO/T_CAS_AGHHeader details of Application group
/ACCGO/T_CAS_AGIItem of Application group
/ACCGO/T_CAS_AHTText table for application group header
/ACCGO/T_CAS_CABContract Application Document Business data
/ACCGO/T_CAS_CAHCA Application Document Header
/ACCGO/T_CAS_CAICA Application Document Item..
/ACCGO/T_CAS_ICTCA Maintain Application Document Item Category
/ACCGO/T_CAS_ICXCA Application Document Item category texts
/ACCGO/T_CAS_ITCCAS relevant item category for Sales Order
/ACCGO/T_CAS_PDTCAS relevant purchase document types
/ACCGO/T_CAS_REVCA Movement Types relevant for App Doc creation
/ACCGO/T_CAS_WHRWarehouse Receipt
/ACCGO/T_CAT2ITMAssignment of line item type to TC item category
/ACCGO/T_CERTCATLDC Certification Categories per Location
/ACCGO/T_CERTCTCertification Category
/ACCGO/T_CERTCTTCertification Category Text Table
/ACCGO/T_CHK_FMFunction Module Names for Check Criteria
/ACCGO/T_CHK_FMTTexts for Check Criteria
/ACCGO/T_CIP_TYPDetermine Ticket Type for Orchestration Framework
/ACCGO/T_CLS_TYPClass Type for Material Determination
/ACCGO/T_CMGL_MTMovement Type Config. Table
/ACCGO/T_CMN_CTSCommon Configurable Constants Table
/ACCGO/T_CMN_QPAAssignments of Quantity types to Quantity Profiles
/ACCGO/T_CMN_QTAAssignments of Contract Types to Quantity Profiles
/ACCGO/T_CMN_QTFFormula Table for Quantity Types
/ACCGO/T_CMN_QTPQuantity Profiles for Contrat Types in GTM T/Cs
/ACCGO/T_CMN_QTTQuanity Type Texts for Quantity types in GTM T/Cs
/ACCGO/T_CMN_QTYQuantity Types used in GTM T/Cs
/ACCGO/T_CMN_STMConfiguration table for mapping Selection ID & Status
/ACCGO/T_CONDTYPCondition Type Category
/ACCGO/T_CRPSNIDTable for Crop Season ID
/ACCGO/T_CRPSSNMaintain Crop Seasons
/ACCGO/T_CRPSSNTTable for Crop Season ID Text
/ACCGO/T_C_NC2PODetermine Document Type for Non CAS STO
/ACCGO/T_C_TC2POCall off Pricing TC <-> Purchase Order
/ACCGO/T_C_TC2SOOrder creation from TC : Sales side
/ACCGO/T_DC_CONSConstant Parameters for DPQS Schedule and Derived Characteri
/ACCGO/T_DEL_ASGDeleted Assignments
/ACCGO/T_DER_RLTable for derived rule
/ACCGO/T_DER_RLTText table for derived characteristics
/ACCGO/T_DOCTYPConfigure the settlement document types
/ACCGO/T_DOCTYPDCustomizing Table: Determine the settlement document type
/ACCGO/T_DOCTYPTText Table for Settlement Document Type
/ACCGO/T_DOC_TYCA Application Document Type
/ACCGO/T_DOC_TYTCA Application Document Type texts
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_CDPQS Characteristics
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_CRDPQS Characteristics Range
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_CTDPQS Characteristics: Text Table
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_DCDPQS Derived Characteristics
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_HDHeader information of DPQS on a contract
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_MSDPQS: Material Schedule
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_OCDPQS Overrides: Characteristics
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_OHDPQS Overrides: Header
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_ORDPQS Overrides: Characteristic Ranges
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_TSchedule Text Table
/ACCGO/T_DUM_VENMaintain Undefined Vendor
/ACCGO/T_EMACCRUAuto accrual configuration
/ACCGO/T_EMSERMPService mapping table
/ACCGO/T_EMSERVService Contract link to TC expense
/ACCGO/T_EMVBDSTInvoice Router: Settled VBD for invoice
/ACCGO/T_EMVINVInvoice Router:Invoice Data
/ACCGO/T_EVTMASSettlement events for revenue recognition
/ACCGO/T_EVTREGSettlement Event Registry (Rev/Rec & Purchase Realization)
/ACCGO/T_EVT_ASGCommingled Fee Types
/ACCGO/T_FEAT_SWFeature Switch
/ACCGO/T_FR_EVNTFreight Event Customizing
/ACCGO/T_FR_MIDPConfigure Incoterm locations to det Market Point Freight
/ACCGO/T_FTSWIDFeature Switch IDs
/ACCGO/T_FTSWIDTFeature Switch ID Texts description
/ACCGO/T_GDCGlobal Derived Characteristic
/ACCGO/T_GOVANAGoverning Analysis
/ACCGO/T_GOVANATGoverning Analysis
/ACCGO/T_GOVTERMGoverning Terms
/ACCGO/T_GOVTERTGoverning Terms
/ACCGO/T_GOVWTGoverning Weight
/ACCGO/T_GOVWT_TGoverning Weight
/ACCGO/T_GRIDTable to Maintain Grid Identifier
/ACCGO/T_GRPLIENSettlement Group Lien Table
/ACCGO/T_GRP_CRTSettlement Group Criteria table
/ACCGO/T_GRP_HDRSettlement Group Header
/ACCGO/T_GTMTABTab Details (GTM Trading Contract Screen Enhancement)
/ACCGO/T_GTMTABTTab Name (GTM Trading Contract Screen Enhancement)
/ACCGO/T_IC_CTYPTable for lead and mirror contract type
/ACCGO/T_INCLUDEALV include toolbar button
/ACCGO/T_INCL_TXText Table for ALV include toolbar button
/ACCGO/T_INCOTCustomizing table for IC
/ACCGO/T_INVLOGRevenue Recognition Invoice Log
/ACCGO/T_KOMKKOMK recording for Settlement display of pricing
/ACCGO/T_KOMVKOMV table for displaying pricing in settlement
/ACCGO/T_LEAFMaintain Leaf to Node relation
/ACCGO/T_LEAF_TXText Table for Leaf
/ACCGO/T_LIEN_MNLien : Master
/ACCGO/T_LIEN_TYCustomizing Table for Lien Type
/ACCGO/T_LM_DPQSMapping Pricing Condition --> Local Derived Characteristcs
/ACCGO/T_LN_FILLTable to maintain Central Filing Notification
/ACCGO/T_LTCMAPCustomizing Table for Sales LTC (mapping of Purchasing LTC)
/ACCGO/T_MAPDPQSMapping Pricing Condition --> Characteristcs
/ACCGO/T_MAPEXPMapping Pricing Condition Types for Settlement
/ACCGO/T_MAPOPTMapping Pricing Condition --> Characteristcs
/ACCGO/T_MATLOCLDC Materials per Location
/ACCGO/T_MAT_CHETable that holds the chosen matching checks
/ACCGO/T_MAT_CRIMatching criteria definition table
/ACCGO/T_MEANSMeans of Transport within a Mode of Transport
/ACCGO/T_MLHDREFReference ABD-item to Material Ledger Document
/ACCGO/T_MOTATTRTable for Maintaining screen attributes
/ACCGO/T_NEGSTRLMaintain Negative Storage Location
/ACCGO/T_NODEMaintain Node Defination
/ACCGO/T_NODE_TXMaintain Node Text
/ACCGO/T_NOM_CIPMapping Nomination Mvmt. Scen to Title transfer
/ACCGO/T_NOM_DELTable to store Deliveries for a Nomination Item
/ACCGO/T_NOM_TYPNomination Types for ACCGO
/ACCGO/T_OE_CALLConfiguration to OF
/ACCGO/T_OPCATGContract Optionality Categories
/ACCGO/T_OPCATGTContract Optionality CategoryTexts
/ACCGO/T_OPCTCNFOptionality Category Configuration
/ACCGO/T_OPDECLContract options: Declarations
/ACCGO/T_OPHDRContract options: Header data
/ACCGO/T_OPTHDRContract options: Header
/ACCGO/T_OPTITEMTable for Optionality Categories Item Data
/ACCGO/T_OP_MODEMode of Transport
/ACCGO/T_PRASPPricing Aspect Type
/ACCGO/T_PRCLOCKManual Locking of Pricing Lots
/ACCGO/T_PRC_DISDet. Price Info. of Pricing Lots for Shadow Document
/ACCGO/T_PROGSCRLeaf to Program and screen number
/ACCGO/T_PROTRACCustomizing Table to trace Application Process logs
/ACCGO/T_PRO_TSKProcess parallelization
/ACCGO/T_QD_VALQ-Rep DPQS Value evaluation
/ACCGO/T_QD_VOLQ-Rep DPQS Value evaluation
/ACCGO/T_QF_ASDQuality framework assignment distributions
/ACCGO/T_QF_ASGQuantity framework assignments
/ACCGO/T_QF_PRASQuality framework pricing aspects of shadow items
/ACCGO/T_QF_SHDQuantity framework shadow Items
/ACCGO/T_QR_AP_MTable with details of Q-repository Main Application Document
/ACCGO/T_QR_AP_NTable for Q-Rep Entries for DPQS Negotiate
/ACCGO/T_QR_AP_QTable with details of Q-repository Grades Application Doc
/ACCGO/T_QR_AP_WTable with details of Q-repository Weights Application Doc
/ACCGO/T_QR_OPTQ - Rep Optionality data
/ACCGO/T_QTOLQ-Rep Tolerance evaluation
/ACCGO/T_QTOL_HDQuantity and Volume Tolerance Schedules (Header data)
/ACCGO/T_QTOL_ITQuantity and Volume Tolerance Schedules (Item)
/ACCGO/T_QTY_TYPEvaluated Quantity Types for GTM T/Cs
/ACCGO/T_REGAGENRegulatory Agency Code
/ACCGO/T_REGAGETRegulatory Agency Code
/ACCGO/T_RLTYPRelated Trade Types
/ACCGO/T_RLTYP_TRelated Trade Types
/ACCGO/T_RL_PRMConfiguration Table for Customising Rule Details
/ACCGO/T_RL_PRMTText Table for Configuration of Calculation Rule Details
/ACCGO/T_ROUNDRounding off customizing for Tiered Pro rated calc method
/ACCGO/T_RTDATARelated Trade data of contract
/ACCGO/T_SAPP_IDAssign text-IDs to sub-application IDs
/ACCGO/T_SCP_ACAdditional Contract details in Nomination
/ACCGO/T_SCP_CVTTrigger table for holding scalp conversion
/ACCGO/T_SCP_PEGPegging Type for Back-to-Back
/ACCGO/T_SO_MAPItem category determination from Incoterm
/ACCGO/T_SPOTDTLSpot/Accumulate & Own Contract requests details
/ACCGO/T_SPOTUDTSPOT Message update entries
/ACCGO/T_STG_TYPStorage Program Type
/ACCGO/T_STLABDMConfig table to set msg flag for SLT & ABD amount mismatch
/ACCGO/T_STLAMTSDictionary Table for Settlement Amounts
/ACCGO/T_STLCONCondition routines
/ACCGO/T_STLCPRCSettlement calculated (PriceLot) Prices
/ACCGO/T_STLCTNRSettlement Document Container
/ACCGO/T_STLDCATTable for Settlement document type and category
/ACCGO/T_STLDPQSSettlement Quality/DPQS item table
/ACCGO/T_STLEDITSettlement Editable Fields Customization
/ACCGO/T_STLGRBTTable to store Settlement Group data
/ACCGO/T_STLHEADSettlement header table
/ACCGO/T_STLINVTable for MM invoice of settlement
/ACCGO/T_STLITEMSettlement Item Table
/ACCGO/T_STLLIENSettlement Lien holder table
/ACCGO/T_STLOCLDC Storage location per Location
/ACCGO/T_STLOPRCSettlement table : Override price
/ACCGO/T_STLPACTCustomizing for GL Posting Active
/ACCGO/T_STLPMAPSAP Plant Storage Location <=> 3PTY Storage Level
/ACCGO/T_STLPRCSettlement table:Pricing lots used in the settlement documen
/ACCGO/T_STLRCReason Codes for Settlement Documents
/ACCGO/T_STLRCTRReason Code Transaction table for settlement object
/ACCGO/T_STLRC_TText Table for Reason Codes for Settlement Documents
/ACCGO/T_STLREFSettlement Reference Document Links
/ACCGO/T_STLRESCustomizing table:Configure the reason codes and reason text
/ACCGO/T_STLRESTText table for Reson Code
/ACCGO/T_STLSETSettlement General setting table
/ACCGO/T_STLSPTSettlement payment split table
/ACCGO/T_STLTABCustomizing table for TABS
/ACCGO/T_STLTABDCustomizing table :Tab stripes to hide in settlement doc UI
/ACCGO/T_STLTABTCustomizing table
/ACCGO/T_STLTOLSettlement tolerance item table
/ACCGO/T_STLWCLCustomizing table for number range
/ACCGO/T_STL_EXPExpenses transactional data at Settlement
/ACCGO/T_STL_OPTOptionality transactional data at settlement
/ACCGO/T_STL_PREPrepayment table for settlement
/ACCGO/T_STL_SPLCustomizing table for Split Criteria
/ACCGO/T_STPGMHTable for Storage Program History Data
/ACCGO/T_STREAMSProcesses to be used in Rules
/ACCGO/T_STRG_QHComingle: Quantity History for Application Document Item
/ACCGO/T_SUBSCRMaintain Subscreen Sequence
/ACCGO/T_SUB_ORDOrder of subscreens within tab for a specific tab group
/ACCGO/T_TABGRPTab Details (GTM Trading Contract Screen Enhancement)
/ACCGO/T_TAB_ASGTab Group Assign (GTM Trading Contract Screen Enhancement)
/ACCGO/T_TC2PO_Iitem copy control trading contract -> sales order
/ACCGO/T_TC2SO_ICall Off Pricing TC <--> Sales Order Item Category
/ACCGO/T_TCODETcode maintained in Node key
/ACCGO/T_TLTYPTolerance types
/ACCGO/T_TLTYPTTolerance types Texts
/ACCGO/T_TSATTTolerance Schedule Attributes
/ACCGO/T_TSCHTolerance Schedule Id
/ACCGO/T_TSCHTTolerance Schedule Texts
/ACCGO/T_TSW_IDMaintain TSW Locations based on Load/Discharge Loc Value Typ
/ACCGO/T_UISAGNLDC Analysis Agency per Location
/ACCGO/T_UISANDTLDC Analysis Details
/ACCGO/T_UISAPPLUIS Application Instruction per Location
/ACCGO/T_UISBTCHLDC Batch Maintenance
/ACCGO/T_UISCHARLDC Characteristics per Location per Material
/ACCGO/T_UISEVTTLDC Event type texts
/ACCGO/T_UISLCTPLDC Location per TSW Location Type
/ACCGO/T_UISLOCLDC Relevant TSW Locations
/ACCGO/T_UISMATLDC Material per Location
/ACCGO/T_UISMOTLDC MoT assignment per Location
/ACCGO/T_UISSTRLDC Storage Location and Bin per Location
/ACCGO/T_UISVALTable for Storing fields for comparison-- Threat Modeling
/ACCGO/T_UNMVTMaintain Unassigned Movements
/ACCGO/T_VALASGNValue Schedule Assignment to TSW Location
/ACCGO/T_VALUPNTMaster Data Table for Valuation Point
/ACCGO/T_VALUPTXText table for Valuation Point
/ACCGO/T_VBDLOGSecondary Expense Recognition VBD Log
/ACCGO/T_VBD_REVReversal of VBD during deletion of asignments
/ACCGO/T_VP_SPOTValuation Point for Spot Process
/ACCGO/T_VREL_FCVLOGP update relevant fields
/ACCGO/T_VSPLTLDC Vendor Split Percentage Details
/ACCGO/T_WASH_HNon standard Washout ID header table
/ACCGO/T_WASH_IItem table for Non standard washout process
/ACCGO/T_WASH_PNon standard Washout ID Pricing table
/ACCGO/T_WHR_TYPWarehouse Receipts Document Type
/ACCGO/T_XFR_HTransformation Header
/ACCGO/T_XFR_ITransformation Process Item
/ACCGO/T_XFR_SITransformation Process Sub Item
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