/ATL/CASHIR - cashier system

The development package /ATL/CASHIR contains objects for "cashier system".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /CCEE/IL. It belongs to software component FI-LOC-FI-IL.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /ATL/CASHIR

/ATL/KP012CTable of addition info to house bank.
/ATL/KPATARCashier table - plant definition.
/ATL/KPATARTCashier table - plant description.
/ATL/KPCC_CURSHVA currency type
/ATL/KPCC_FILERequest/Answer Credit Card Files Definitions
/ATL/KPCC_LOGLog Credit Card Interface
/ATL/KPCC_MSGCredit card interface messages
/ATL/KPCC_STRRequest/Answer credit card interface file structures
/ATL/KPCRDLTYPCredit Card Deal Type
/ATL/KPCRDLTYPTCredit Card Deal Type - description
/ATL/KPCRDTYPTCredit Types - Description
/ATL/KPFASRCashir system - credit card company
/ATL/KPFASRTCashir system - creadit card company descreption
/ATL/KPFI00003cashier system - checks concentration
/ATL/KPFI00003DLcashier system - checks concentration deleted
/ATL/KPFI00003KPCashier system - checks concentration - Temporary
/ATL/KPFI00004Cashier system - Credit card concentration
/ATL/KPFI00004KPCashier system - Credit card concentration - Temporary
/ATL/KPFI00005Cashier declared amounts
/ATL/KPFI00006Cashier system - Cash payments concentration
/ATL/KPFI00006KPCashier system - Cash payments concentration - Temporary
/ATL/KPINCOMTYPEEntry type of incoming payment
/ATL/KPKP00Chasier System Parameters
/ATL/KPKP01Chasier connection to sales document
/ATL/KPKP01KPChasier connection to sales document - Temporary
/ATL/KPKUPACashier table - Cashier definition
/ATL/KPKUPATCashier table - Cashier Description
/ATL/KPKUPBCashier table - Payment method
/ATL/KPKUPCCashier Table - allowed payment method for tranfers
/ATL/KPKUPDCashier Table - Subject definition
/ATL/KPKUPDTCashier table - subject description
/ATL/KPKUPECashir openning balance
/ATL/KPLIMITTable of account restrick
/ATL/KPRCPTDetail of receipt
/ATL/KPRCPTKPDetail of temporary receipt
/ATL/KPSP_TIL Localization Cash-Statistic Docs' Errors-Incoming Payment
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