/BEV4/PL - Pendulum List Indirect Sales

The development package /BEV4/PL contains objects for "Pendulum List Indirect Sales".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package PL_MP. It belongs to software component SD-BIL-RB-PL.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /BEV4/PL

/BEV4/PLCPGCustomizing Period Groups
/BEV4/PLCPGIPeriod Identifier (If Required)
/BEV4/PLCPGTPeriod Groups
/BEV4/PLCPRTPeriod split
/BEV4/PLCPVIEWTCustomizing Period View, Texts
/BEV4/PLCTPGFPeriod Group Functions
/BEV4/PLCTPRPeriod split
/BEV4/PLCTPVIEWCustomizing Period View
/BEV4/PLDALCST_TGeneral Customizing - Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDALCUSTGeneral Customizing - Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDANFABHSales Request History
/BEV4/PLDANFABSSales Request - Header
/BEV4/PLDANFARTSales Request - Items
/BEV4/PLDANFBELMaintenance of Document Types for Indirect Orders
/BEV4/PLDANFCSTCustomizing Settings for Pendulum List Requests
/BEV4/PLDANFCSTTCustomizing Settings for Pendulum List Requests
/BEV4/PLDANFKONConverted Request Table with Reporting Period
/BEV4/PLDANFMELRequest Table with Reporting Period
/BEV4/PLDANFNUMNumber of Last Request Run - Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDANFORTUpdate Determination of Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDANFVKOSales Organization-Dependent Control of Request
/BEV4/PLDANFZEITRequirement Update
/BEV4/PLDAUSGABEControl Indicator for Output Medium
/BEV4/PLDAUSGABTControl Indicator - Translation - Output Medium
/BEV4/PLDFAUFTRFunction Module Call for Order Creation
/BEV4/PLDIFSTInterface Control Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDKARTOrigin Indicator - Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDKART_TOrigin Indicator Translation - Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDPERIODPeriod Table Pendulum Lists
/BEV4/PLDPERIODTPeriod Table - Translation - Pendulum Lists
/BEV4/PLDPFADDefault File Paths
/BEV4/PLDPFAD_TDefault File Paths
/BEV4/PLDROLZURole Assignment for Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDSTATStatus - Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDSTAT_TStatus - Translation - Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLDUMARTConversion Table Material Master
/BEV4/PLDUMKDNConversion Table Customer/Object Numbers
/BEV4/PLDVKORGZSales Organization Assignment Pendulum List
/BEV4/PLPROTLogs Sales Pendulum List (Master Data)
/BEV4/PLPROT_2Log File with Error Messages
/BEV4/PLPROT_ALLCustomers and Material Records
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