/FLDQ/GDQC_LINK - Development class for SAP BusinessObjects : DQM for SAP

The development package /FLDQ/GDQC_LINK contains objects for "Development class for SAP BusinessObjects : DQM for SAP".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /FLDQ/GDQC_LINK_STRUC. It belongs to software component EIM-DQM-SAP.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /FLDQ/GDQC_LINK

/FLDQ/ACTIVE_CMPIdentify active DQM components
/FLDQ/ADR_RVW_BTButton options for the Address Reviewer
/FLDQ/AD_ACTBCS2Track most recent activation version for CI BC set
/FLDQ/AD_ACTBCSTTrack the most recent activation version per BC set
/FLDQ/AD_AODSMAPMap AOF package versions to valid DS versions
/FLDQ/AD_ASGN_XTAssignment Level Exit Configuration
/FLDQ/AD_AUT_FNCAuthorization Validation Function mappings
/FLDQ/AD_CFGPRMSMaintain Operating parameters
/FLDQ/AD_CFG_RVWMaintain Address Reviewer Settings
/FLDQ/AD_CHKSTATTable to temporarily hold the check status values
/FLDQ/AD_DIRDATADQ server directory region data
/FLDQ/AD_DT_REGRegions difference table
/FLDQ/AD_ERRCHKTable identifying error codes to be processed
/FLDQ/AD_ERRCUSTCustomer defined error messages
/FLDQ/AD_ERRLOCKTable to store errors during locking AD_MTCCODE records
/FLDQ/AD_ERRLOGTable to Log technical errors
/FLDQ/AD_ERRMAPTable to store error codes
/FLDQ/AD_ERRQTRTable to store address errors generated during RSADRQU2
/FLDQ/AD_EXCLERRErrors that should be ignored on per country basis
/FLDQ/AD_INI_ERRRecord records which encounter an error in RSADRINI
/FLDQ/AD_INI_IDXCopy of Shadow Table /fldq/ad_mtc_sh
/FLDQ/AD_LOCDSCLocation Codes for RFC calls
/FLDQ/AD_MKTGDUPMarketing Attributes For Use During Duplicate Check
/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODEFirstLogic Match Code Index Table
/FLDQ/AD_MTC_SHFirstLogic Shadow table for /FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE
/FLDQ/AD_MTC_SH2FirstLogic Shadow table for /FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE
/FLDQ/AD_POBMAPTable to map fields on occurence on PO Box error
/FLDQ/AD_PUPDATEMatchcode Records pending to be updated
/FLDQ/AD_QTRRV2DQM quarterly adjustment proposed changes review table
/FLDQ/AD_QTR_OBJMap of objects to transaction for Quarterly Error report
/FLDQ/AD_QTR_STGDQM QU2 batch reviewer staging table
/FLDQ/AD_RE_MAPTable that controls remapping of cleanse output
/FLDQ/AD_RVW_CUSCustomer Defined labels for address review fields.
/FLDQ/AD_RVW_LBLLabels for address review fields
/FLDQ/AD_SCR_DUPMaintain fields for duplicate hit list display
/FLDQ/AD_SCR_RVWMaintain fields for address reviewer
/FLDQ/AD_SCR_SUGMaintain fields and order for address suggestion lists
/FLDQ/AD_SRCHFLDFields used in extended fuzzy search
/FLDQ/AD_STOPrsadrini table to stop index pool if error happen
/FLDQ/AD_SUGFLDFields for rendering Suggestion List Dialog
/FLDQ/AD_SUGLBLField labels for the column headings in ALV
/FLDQ/AD_SUGLISTPossible Suggestion Lists
/FLDQ/AD_SUGTEXTSuggestion List Text Definitions
/FLDQ/AD_SUPPCCKActivate SAP postcode check before validation
/FLDQ/AD_SUPPROCMaintain exception table of transaction codes
/FLDQ/AD_VAL_CNTList of supported countries
/FLDQ/CD_MTCRSLTMatch Results table to store results from RSADRINIBM program
/FLDQ/CHK_STATUSCheck DS service status
/FLDQ/DCEXSTDCTYStandardization exclude name processing based on country
/FLDQ/DC_ENABLEDIdentify components to standardize
/FLDQ/DC_NAMEData Cleanse Name data table
/FLDQ/DC_NAMEOUTData Cleanse Name data table
/FLDQ/DC_NAM_IDXDQM Name/Firm cleanse review table - updated for SP08
/FLDQ/DC_NAM_STBStaging table for batch DQM name firm cleanse - Build
/FLDQ/DC_NAM_STCStaging table for batch DQM name cleanse - Commit All Rev
/FLDQ/DC_RVW_CUSCustomer defined labels for data cleanse review fields
/FLDQ/DC_RVW_LBLLabels for data cleanse review fields
/FLDQ/DC_SCR_RVWMaintain fields for name standardization reviewer
/FLDQ/DQ_DIRDATADQ server directory region data
/FLDQ/DQ_DT_REGRegions difference table
/FLDQ/DQ_ENCHECKCheck table for possible engine values in /fldq/dq_engines
/FLDQ/DQ_ENGINESDQ Engine Assignments
/FLDQ/DQ_OPCheck table containing possible DQ operations
/FLDQ/DQ_REGIONSMapping of T005 to DQ region codes
/FLDQ/E_CHK_STATCheck DS service status
/FLDQ/GAC_AL_SCGAC status codes associated with address line corrections
/FLDQ/GAC_LL_SCGAC status codes associated with any last line corrections
/FLDQ/GAC_SL_SCGAC status codes associated with secondary line corrections
/FLDQ/HNAPROCCHKCheck Table to DQ Process
/FLDQ/HNA_CFG_CNDQM on Hana Configuration Countries
/FLDQ/HNA_CFG_OPDQM on Hana Configuration Option
/FLDQ/HNA_CN_OPTDQM on Hana Country Specific Configuration
/FLDQ/HNA_CONFIGHana Country Specific PV Configuration Top Table
/FLDQ/HNA_PV_PVLPossible Vlaues for PV on Hana Country Specific Settings
/FLDQ/HNA_PV_VALPossible Vlaues for PV on Hana Country Specific Settings
/FLDQ/IDX_STATEStrack state of rsadrini options per index pool
/FLDQ/INT_STATEStrack state of rsadrini options
/FLDQ/PACKET_NUMQuarterly update list of packet numbers to process
/FLDQ/QU2_PARAMSQU2 processing options
/FLDQ/RSADRINIrsadrini table to stop index pool if error happen
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