/INCMD/APPLICATION - Interchangeability Masterdata Application

The development package /INCMD/APPLICATION contains objects for "Interchangeability Masterdata Application".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /INCMD/MAIN. It belongs to software component SCM-BAS-MD-INC.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /INCMD/APPLICATION

/INCMD/ADDINFOText table for Additional information
/INCMD/APPApplications that use INCMD
/INCMD/APPATRMAPApplication Attribute mapping
/INCMD/APPBCMAPMapping between Applications,Basic memtypes and cardinality
/INCMD/APPCNDMAPMapping between Application and fields for conditional repla
/INCMD/APPIMAPMapping between Application and ICType
/INCMD/APPRMAPMapping table for Application and Reptype(Internal)
/INCMD/APPTText Table for Applications
/INCMD/ICTYPBCMPAllowed bmemtypes, cardinalities for an ictype
/INCMD/ICTYPRTMPAllowed typeof relation for an ictype
/INCMD/LKUPLook up table for interchangeability
/INCMD/LKUPLNKLook up table for linking locations to IC groups
/INCMD/PNINCHApplication table for header node
/INCMD/PNINCVApplication table for view node
/INCMD/PRINCApplication table for relation
/INCMD/PRINCLLocation specific data Table
/INCMD/PVINCApplication table for Variant
/INCMD/TAPPLCUSTApplication level Customizing
/INCMD/TATTRMaintain Attribute Properties
/INCMD/TCUST1Application level customisation for INC
/INCMD/TFLCATMaintain Field catalog
/INCMD/TFLCATTText table for field catalog
/INCMD/TFLDETLField catalog detail
/INCMD/TGRAPH_PRGraphical Profile
/INCMD/TICNRNumber range customizing table for ICTYPE
/INCMD/TICRMAPAllowed replacement types for an INC group
/INCMD/TMEMTYPETText Table for memtypes
/INCMD/TPNTYPEInterchangeability Types for Different Node Types
/INCMD/TPRConsistency Profiles
/INCMD/TPRTText table for Consistency check profiles
/INCMD/TPVTYPEInterchangeability Types for Different Variant Types
/INCMD/TRCODEInterchangeability Reason Code
/INCMD/TRCODETInterchageability Reason Code Text
/INCMD/TREPTYPEReplacement Types
/INCMD/TREPTYPETReplacement Type Maintainenece
/INCMD/TVALList of Validations
/INCMD/TVALTValidations Text Table
/INCMD/TVGMConsistency Check Profile and group type - Mapping
/INCMD/TVPRConsistency profile validations - Mapping table
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