/ISDFPS/MM - SDP BW Enhancements in Materials Management

The development package /ISDFPS/MM contains objects for "SDP BW Enhancements in Materials Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package EA-DFPS. It belongs to software component IS-DFS-MM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /ISDFPS/MM

/ISDFPS/ADVCODE2Advice Code with Document Type
/ISDFPS/ADVCODTAdvice Code - Text Table
/ISDFPS/CADVCODEAdvice Code - Table Obsolete - Do Not Use Anymore
/ISDFPS/CADVCODTAdvice Code - Text Table
/ISDFPS/CATP_RBCustomizing: Include Unrestricted Batches in ATP
/ISDFPS/CHUTEXCLHU Docs Not Relevant to Tracking for Distribution Monitor
/ISDFPS/CHVW_EExternal Batch Where-Used List
/ISDFPS/CLOGLEVLogistics Level
/ISDFPS/CLOGLEVRReturns-Relevant Sequences of Logistics Levels
/ISDFPS/CLOGLEVTDescription of Logistics Level
/ISDFPS/CLOSSCustomizing Loss Management
/ISDFPS/CMATP_DQAdjust Requested Quantity for New PReqs
/ISDFPS/CMCCODETCondition Code - Text Table
/ISDFPS/CNSNGeneral Settings: NATO Stock Number
/ISDFPS/CNSN_GCDefinition: NSN Group/Class
/ISDFPS/CNSN_GCTDescription of NSN Group/Class
/ISDFPS/CRBAPRIOPriority Control for PM Order
/ISDFPS/CREBSARTOrder Types Relevant for Return Delivery
/ISDFPS/CRETDELTReturn Delivery Code Description
/ISDFPS/CSTACODTStatus Code - Text Table
/ISDFPS/CUSTACCTText Table: User-Specific Jumps
/ISDFPS/DLGPLAAssignment of Dummy Bins to Combination of Plant & SLoc
/ISDFPS/EQUIAZALoading Object: Dependent on Cooperation
/ISDFPS/EQUITRPAssignment: Storage Bin --> Equipment (Loading Object)
/ISDFPS/FRC_IDX1Index for Changes to Force Assignments
/ISDFPS/HR_INDEXIndex for Changes to HR Infotypes
/ISDFPS/LAGPTTexts for Storage Bins
/ISDFPS/LES_INFDLES Information: Change of Force Elements
/ISDFPS/LOLEVAHDLogistical Levels in the Env. AHD That Are to Be Evaluated
/ISDFPS/LOSSMANLoss Management
/ISDFPS/LOSS_CUSCustomizing Loss Management
/ISDFPS/MCCBWARTCustomizing Table: Condition Code-Relevant Movement Types
/ISDFPS/MMRLT161Customizing: Purchasing Doc Types for Rtn Delivery Process
/ISDFPS/MPX_IDXPlot Material Changes in MPO / MPA
/ISDFPS/NSN_IDNATO Stock Number: Master Data
/ISDFPS/NSN_IDTNATO Stock Number: Description
/ISDFPS/OPENPOS2Open MM Documents Intended for Collective Processing
/ISDFPS/ORG_UM_LCross-Plant Reorganizations - Storage Locations
/ISDFPS/ORG_UM_WCross-Plant Reorganizations
/ISDFPS/PGRURGRequirement Urgency Groups (Obsolete --> New Table: PGRURG)
/ISDFPS/PGRURGTReqmtUrgency Grps - Txt Tab. (Obs. --> New Tab.: PGRURGTX_T)
/ISDFPS/PLATLGBEWM Additional Attributes for Storage Section
/ISDFPS/PLATLGNRWM Additional Attributes for Warehouse Number
/ISDFPS/PLATLGPLWM Additional Attributes for Storage Bin
/ISDFPS/PLATLGTPWM Additional Attributes for Storage Type
/ISDFPS/PORGOrganizational Priorities
/ISDFPS/PORGTOrganizational Priorities - Text Table
/ISDFPS/PREQRequirement Priorities (Obsolete --> New Table: PREQ)
/ISDFPS/PREQTReqmt Priorities - Txt Table (Obs. --> new Table: PREQTX_T)
/ISDFPS/PREQT_NRequirement Priorities - Text Table
/ISDFPS/PREQ_NRequirement Priorities
/ISDFPS/PRILOCPrioritization of StorLocs (Obsolete --> New Table: PRILOC)
/ISDFPS/PRPLCNTLSubsequent Processing for Prioritized Materials Planning
/ISDFPS/PURGRequirement Urgencies (Obsolete --> New Table: PURG)
/ISDFPS/PURGPMAssgmt of PM Priors to Reqmt Urgencies (Obs.--> New: PURGPM)
/ISDFPS/PURGSDAssgmt Bet. Reqmt and Deliv. Priors (Obs. --> New: PURGSD)
/ISDFPS/PURGTReqmt Urgencies - Text Tables (Obs. --> New Tab.: PURGTX_T)
/ISDFPS/REBWARTReturn Delivery-Relevant Movement Types
/ISDFPS/REO_PLANPlanned Transfer Postings for Reorganizations
/ISDFPS/REO_PSERPlanned Transfer Postings for Reorganizations (Serial Nos)
/ISDFPS/REO_SLOCStorage Location Mapping for Reorganizations
/ISDFPS/SERMATWMAssignment: Serial. Material -> Stor. Bin (Loading Object)
/ISDFPS/SLOCNAMSName Determination for Stock and Provision Storage Locations
/ISDFPS/T156SNMovement Types for Serialized Stock Transport Orders
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