/IWFND/MED_PER_DEV_LANGU - SAP GW Framework - Metadata - Persistency: Dev. Translation

The development package /IWFND/MED_PER_DEV_LANGU contains objects for "SAP GW Framework - Metadata - Persistency: Dev. Translation".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /IWFND/MED_PERSISTENCY. It belongs to software component OPU-FND-CS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /IWFND/MED_PER_DEV_LANGU

/IWFND/C_MED_EXMtable to map external id to local service
/IWFND/I_MED_ADFAnnotation definition
/IWFND/I_MED_ADMAnnotation Definition Mapping Types
/IWFND/I_MED_AENannotated entities characteristic
/IWFND/I_MED_ALKannotated entity language keys
/IWFND/I_MED_ANSannotation namespaces
/IWFND/I_MED_APCAnnotation Parent/Child relationship
/IWFND/I_MED_AVSoptional annotation valueset
/IWFND/I_MED_CDKLanguage-Independent Table for Codelist
/IWFND/I_MED_CTCGeneric Cluster Caching for Meta Data (Language-Dependent)
/IWFND/I_MED_EMMExternal Model Interface - Mapping to identifier
/IWFND/I_MED_EPCtable to manage internal relationships such as parent-child
/IWFND/I_MED_ESMExternal Service Interface - Mapping to identifier
/IWFND/I_MED_INHobject model inheritance table
/IWFND/I_MED_MEXmaps an external identifier to the mapping
/IWFND/I_MED_MHDmapping header table
/IWFND/I_MED_MINModel Information
/IWFND/I_MED_MPRmapping of model properties
/IWFND/I_MED_NODnode entity table for meta model
/IWFND/I_MED_OHDMeta Model Header - Containing management information
/IWFND/I_MED_OPoperation entity for meta model
/IWFND/I_MED_PRPproperty entity for meta model
/IWFND/I_MED_REFreference entity for meta model
/IWFND/I_MED_SINService Information
/IWFND/I_MED_SRGService Group for GSDO
/IWFND/I_MED_SRHService Group Header
/IWFND/I_MED_SRKService Key Words / Tags
/IWFND/I_MED_SRSGeneral Service Groups
/IWFND/I_MED_TGSemantic Tags for entities
/IWFND/I_MED_TXKLanguage-Independent Table for entity texts
/IWFND/I_MED_TXRTable for Text references
/IWFND/I_MED_VAAVocabulary Annotation File Description
/IWFND/I_MED_VAHVocabulary Annotation File Header
/IWFND/I_MED_VATVocabulary Annotation File Descriptions
/IWFND/I_MED_VEHversionable entity headtable for meta model
/IWFND/I_RMI_MTFModel Entity Transformation Assignment
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