/LTB/TR_MODEL - SAP LT Basis: Transformation Rule (Model)

The development package /LTB/TR_MODEL contains objects for "SAP LT Basis: Transformation Rule (Model)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /LTB/TR. It belongs to software component CA-LT.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /LTB/TR_MODEL

/LTB/TR_ATTR(Repository) Attributes of Transformation Rule
/LTB/TR_ATT_DEFGlobal central storage of Trule attributes
/LTB/TR_ATT_TEXTText table for global central Trule attributes repository
/LTB/TR_CHGLOGChange log table
/LTB/TR_CODETransformation Rule Code
/LTB/TR_CONN(Remote) Connections of Transformation Rules
/LTB/TR_CONSETTransformation Rule: Condition Set
/LTB/TR_DATA_BAKCluster table to backup variant data
/LTB/TR_DATA_TPMCluster table for transfermation rule variant data transport
/LTB/TR_DELTrule deletion registry table
/LTB/TR_DEPINDEXDependencies between transformation rules
/LTB/TR_DOWN_LOGDownload log
/LTB/TR_EXCPTNTransformation Rule: Exception Handling
/LTB/TR_FILEStore TRule related file
/LTB/TR_FIXVALUETransformation Rule: Fixed Value
/LTB/TR_HDRTransformation Rule: Header
/LTB/TR_HDRTTransformation Rule: Header Text
/LTB/TR_LOPHDRTransformation Rule: Logical Operator (Header)
/LTB/TR_LOPPOSTransformation Rule: Logical Operation (Position)
/LTB/TR_OWNEROwner of Transformation Rules
/LTB/TR_OWNER_TOwner of Transformation Rules (description)
/LTB/TR_PROPSTransformation Rule: Properties
/LTB/TR_RANGETransformation Rule: Range
/LTB/TR_REPO_PARTransformation Rules Repository Parameters
/LTB/TR_REPO_PROTransformation Rules Repository Property and Description
/LTB/TR_UP_LOGUpload log
/LTB/TR_USERUser assignment for TRules
/LTB/TR_USER_SETTRule User setting
/LTB/TR_VALMAPTransformation Rule: Value Mapping
/LTB/TR_VARTPLTransformation Rule: Template information
/LTB/TR_VERTransformation Rule: Version
/LTB/TR_VER_ACTTransformation Rule: Active version
/LTB/TR_VRNTTransformation Rule: Variants
/LTB/TR_WH_USEDWhere used environment
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