/PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT - Accounting document

The development package /PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT contains objects for "Accounting document".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /PRA/. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-PRA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT

/PRA/ACCT_CNTRLPRA Accounting Entry Table
/PRA/ACCT_COAPRA company Chart of account
/PRA/ACCT_CYCPRA Company Accounting Periods
/PRA/ACCT_DOCAccounting document (All account types)
/PRA/ACCT_MDOCAccount document(JE) details for a Manual
/PRA/ACCT_RJDOCAccount document(JE) details for a Reject
/PRA/ACC_ANLYSTemporary table for storing analysis report
/PRA/ACC_DOC_CHKPayment Processing - Temp. Check Accounting Document Link
/PRA/ACC_DOC_HDRRevenue Accounting Document Header
/PRA/ACC_DOC_TYAccount Document - Document Types
/PRA/ACC_DOC_TYTAccount document - Document types
/PRA/ACC_MDOC_HDRevenue Accounting Document Header
/PRA/ACC_VARIANTTemp Table for storing user and GUID for analysis report
/PRA/ACTCTG_ACRAccount Category Attributes
/PRA/ACTLOCK_CMPRevenue Accounting Post Block Maintainance
/PRA/ACTLOCK_EXPRevenue Accounting Post Lock : Exception Maintainance
/PRA/ACT_EXPUNLKException unlocking for Revenue Accounting Document Post
/PRA/ACT_LOCK_STRAD Acount lock status
/PRA/DED_DOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Other deducts)
/PRA/DED_MDOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Other deducts)
/PRA/DED_RJDOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Other deducts)
/PRA/LINE_REJCDReject Code temp table
/PRA/MKT_ALYDOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Mkt/Tax/Reim)
/PRA/MKT_DOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Mkt/Tax/Reim)
/PRA/MKT_MDOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Mkt/Tax/Reim)
/PRA/MKT_RJDOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Mkt/Tax/Reim)
/PRA/PP_CHK_DOCPayment Processing - Check Documents
/PRA/QUE_AD_LINKTable to store BGRFC Queue monitor JE Batches
/PRA/QUE_AR_SUMDatabase to store Accounts Receivable Balance sumarized data
/PRA/QUE_TP_SUMTaxes Payable Balance
/PRA/TAX_DOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Mkt/Tax/Reim)
/PRA/TAX_MDOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Mkt/Tax/Reim)
/PRA/TAX_RJDOCAccounting doc - Adjustment records (Mkt/Tax/Reim)
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