/SAPAPO/CRES - Resources

The development package /SAPAPO/CRES contains objects for "Resources".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SCMB/CRES. It belongs to software component SCM-BAS-MD-RE.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SAPAPO/CRES

/SAPAPO/BREAKMOTText Table for Break Definitions
/SAPAPO/C_CD_RESCustomizing Change Documents Resource
/SAPAPO/EDITQUANCapacity Profile: Resource Bucket Capacity
/SAPAPO/EDITTIMECapacity Profile: Resource Time Capacity
/SAPAPO/MDRMODMaterialDependent Rates
/SAPAPO/MDRMODTText Table for Material-Dependent Rates
/SAPAPO/QUANMODQuantity Capacity/Rate
/SAPAPO/QUANMODTText Table for Quantity/Rate Definitions
/SAPAPO/RATEMODTText Table for Rate Definitions
/SAPAPO/RESCAPCapacity Profile: Resource Time Capacity
/SAPAPO/RESCOPPRProfile for Object to be Copied
/SAPAPO/RESDIMDimensions and Capacity of a Resource
/SAPAPO/RESDOWNResource Downtime
/SAPAPO/RESDOWNTResource Downtime
/SAPAPO/RESKEYReset Key for Resource to UID
/SAPAPO/RESLCTLength of Time Stream or Bucket Vector in LiveCache
/SAPAPO/RESPPBKTResource: Header Data PP Bucket Vektor
/SAPAPO/RESSELGGrouping Term for Resource Type
/SAPAPO/RESSELGEResource Types per Grouping Term
/SAPAPO/RESSELGTTexts for Grouping Term - Resource Type
/SAPAPO/RESSELPUser Settings - Resource
/SAPAPO/RESSIMAdministration of Simulations for Resources
/SAPAPO/RESSUBLResource Sublocation (R/3 Storage Location)
/SAPAPO/RESVERSVersions Resource Capacity
/SAPAPO/RESVERSTTexts Version Resource Capacity
/SAPAPO/RES_GRPResource Group
/SAPAPO/RES_GRPTResource Group Description
/SAPAPO/RES_HEADResource Header Data
/SAPAPO/RES_INTMResource Material-Dependent Rates - Deactivated
/SAPAPO/RES_INTQResource Capacity Intervals
/SAPAPO/RES_INTRResource Rates
/SAPAPO/RES_INTVResource Capacity Intervals
/SAPAPO/RES_PPOCResource related PP Optimizer Cost constaints
/SAPAPO/RES_TSWTSW Fields Resource Header
/SAPAPO/RES_TXTResources Short Text
/SAPAPO/RES_UNITUnits for Quantity Capacity Resources in liveCache
/SAPAPO/TIMEEFFTText Table for Shift Factors
/SAPAPO/TIMEINTShift definitions
/SAPAPO/TIMEINTTText Table for Shift Definitions
/SAPAPO/TIMEMODTText Table for Shift Sequences
/SAPAPO/TLO_ARCHTime Stream Component frm External System in Compressed Form
/SAPAPO/TLO_DATATime Stream Component frm External System in Compressed Form
/SAPAPO/TLO_HEADHeader Data of an External Time Stream
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