/SAPAPO/SRVFILL - Service Fill Monitor / Service Loss Analysis

The development package /SAPAPO/SRVFILL contains objects for "Service Fill Monitor / Service Loss Analysis".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SAPAPO/SPP_MAIN. It belongs to software component SCM-APO-SPP-SFA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SAPAPO/SRVFILL

/SAPAPO/LIMABNRMLimited Quantity Assignment: Abnormal Demand
/SAPAPO/LIMCHGPOLimited Quantity Assignment: Change of SA Release
/SAPAPO/LIMCHGRSLimited Quantity Assignment: Change of SA Release
/SAPAPO/LIMFIRMPPurchase Order in Limited Freeze Horizon
/SAPAPO/LIMFIRMRSA Release in Limited Freeze Horizon
/SAPAPO/LIMINBNDLimited Quantity Assignment: ASN (Inbound Monitor)
/SAPAPO/LIMINVLimited Quantity Assignment: Stock
/SAPAPO/LIMINVORLimited Quantity Assignment: Sales Order
/SAPAPO/LIMODUELimited Quantity SL Reason: Overdue Quantity
/SAPAPO/LIMRSNLimited Quantity Assignment Service Loss Reasons
/SAPAPO/LIMUTREVAnalyst Review Late
/SAPAPO/REMCANExclusion Reason of Order: Cancellation Reason Code
/SAPAPO/REMCANTText Table: Exclusion Reason of Order: Cancellation Rsn Code
/SAPAPO/REMPGRPExclusion Reason Prod. Group Category and Prod. Group Type
/SAPAPO/REMPGRPTText Table: Exclusion Reason Product Group Category and Type
/SAPAPO/REMPRODExclude Products
/SAPAPO/REMPRODTExclude Products
/SAPAPO/REMREJClosing Reason of Order: Rejection Reason Code
/SAPAPO/REMREJTText Table: Exclusion Reason of Order: Rejection Rsn Code
/SAPAPO/REMSALESales Lock Exclusion Reason
/SAPAPO/REMSALETText Table: Sales Lock Exclusion Reason
/SAPAPO/REMTPOPExclude TPOP Sales Orders
/SAPAPO/REMTPOPTText Table: Exclude TPOP Sales Orders
/SAPAPO/RSNTOSTSPLR: Mapping of Loss Reason - Delivery Status
/SAPAPO/SRVFATPCATP Categories for Stock History
/SAPAPO/SRVFCATPSelect ATP Categories for the Service Fill Monitor
/SAPAPO/SRVFCSCCIF SL DOC Inbound Change Indicator
/SAPAPO/SRVFCSFGlobal Settings for Service Fill Algorithm
/SAPAPO/SRVFCSLCIF SL DOC Inbound Schedule Line Level
/SAPAPO/SRVFDEFGlobal Parameters for Demand Exceeds Forecast
/SAPAPO/SRVFLODOverdue Loss Reason Processing Order
/SAPAPO/SRVFPGRPProduct Group Type for Service Fill Monitor
/SAPAPO/SRVFREPLReplenishment Indicator for Service Loss Reason
/SAPAPO/SRVFREVSettings for "No Analyst Review" SL Reason
/SAPAPO/SRVFSCRChange indicator
/SAPAPO/SRVFSLSService Loss Analysis Location - Time Selection
/SAPAPO/SRVHISTHService History Stock Header
/SAPAPO/SRVHISTSService History Stock Header
/SAPAPO/SRVLASTGlobal Settings of Service Loss Analysis
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