/SAPCE/FKUA - FI-CA localization Ukraine

The development package /SAPCE/FKUA contains objects for "FI-CA localization Ukraine".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SAPCE/FK. It belongs to software component FI-LOC-CA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SAPCE/FKUA

/SAPCE/FKUAHERKFDocument origins for localisation Ukraine
/SAPCE/FKUA_CONFRelation between Tax Invoice and XML File Name
/SAPCE/FKUA_MDDPMaterial data for Tax Invoices DP - localization Ukraine
/SAPCE/FKUA_RCOCReasons of Correction(user defined)
/SAPCE/FKUA_RCOTReasons of Correction(user defined) - texts
/SAPCE/FKUA_TAXTax Codes and Columns for Tax Invoices localization Ukraine
/SAPCE/FKUA_TAXBTexts Bill of good for Tax Invoices - localization Ukraine
/SAPCE/FKUA_TAXTTexts Bill of good for Tax Invoices - localization Ukraine
/SAPCE/FKUA_TAXUTexts Bill of good for Tax Invoices - time dependent
/SAPCE/FKUA_TCLRTax Report data for cash method - localization Ukraine
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXACCustomizing of Address of Print Form TI/CTI
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXAJDocument Type: Adjustment Flag of Tax Invoices
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXAKAddress Formating Types
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXATDescription of Address Formating Types
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXDFDocument Type: Document Form of Tax Invoices
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXDPAssigment of Tax Codes Down Payment Lines - Invoice Lines
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXDTDocument Type: Type of Tax Invoices
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXKOHeader of Tax Invoice - localisation Ukraine
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXOPItem of Tax Invoice - localization Ukraine
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXR6Connection between DFKKREP06 and Tax Invoices
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXRCTax Codes with Specific Attributes
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXSQAssigment of sequential numbers to (corr.) tax i. numbers
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXTPG/L Accounts with exception by transfer posting
/SAPCE/FKUA_TXUNUnits of not countable services - localization Ukraine
/SAPCE/FKUA_UT_CUA - Unit.tax-customizing for selection of Revenue Accounts
/SAPCE/FKUA_VTRARegisters of issued invoices - Branch - localization Ukraine
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