/SAPPO/CUSTOMIZING - Postprocessing Office - Customizing

The development package /SAPPO/CUSTOMIZING contains objects for "Postprocessing Office - Customizing".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SAPPO/MAIN. It belongs to software component CA-GTF-TS-PPO.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SAPPO/CUSTOMIZING

/SAPPO/A_BPROCActive Business Processes
/SAPPO/BOBJ_BPAssigning Methods to Object Type Based on Component/Process
/SAPPO/BOBJ_BP_TObject Type: Text
/SAPPO/CMP_ASGSoftware Component UI Attributes
/SAPPO/CO_POPUPSettings for Confirmation Dialog
/SAPPO/CRTRY_G_TRetry Group (Text)
/SAPPO/CSCRNHDRTAssignment of Screen Attributes (Text)
/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDRTab Pages in Order Area
/SAPPO/C_BPROCBusiness Process
/SAPPO/C_BPROC_TBusiness Processes (Text)
/SAPPO/C_CMPNTSoftware Component
/SAPPO/C_CMPNT_TSoftware Components (Text)
/SAPPO/FA_FIELDSFilter Attributes
/SAPPO/F_ASGAssign Functions to Methods
/SAPPO/LGSYSLogical Systems
/SAPPO/LGSYS_ASAssignment of Destinations
/SAPPO/OBJECT_TObject Type: Text
/SAPPO/OBJ_ASGAssign Properties to Object Types
/SAPPO/OBJ_BORAssignment of Methods to Object Types for each Component
/SAPPO/OBJ_BOR_TText for Assignment of Methods to Object Type per Component
/SAPPO/OBJ_REDIRObject Types: Rerouting to Other Components
/SAPPO/P_BPROCAssign Priority to Business Processes
/SAPPO/REACT_DLDialog Response if Authorization Is Missing
/SAPPO/SAP_CMPNTSAP Softward Components in the System Landscape
/SAPPO/SAP_CMP_TText: SAP Software Components
/SAPPO/SCRN_ASGTab Pages - Object Area
/SAPPO/SCRN_HDRSAP Tab Pages in Order Area
/SAPPO/SCRN_HD_TText: SAP Tab Page in Order Area
/SAPPO/SERR_CATSAP Error Categories
/SAPPO/SERR_CA_TText: SAP Error Categories
/SAPPO/SOBJ_BORTText: SAP Methods for each Component
/SAPPO/SRTRY_G_TText: SAP Retry Group
/SAPPO/SRV_GRPServer Group
/SAPPO/SSCRN_ASSAP Tab Pages in Object Area
/SAPPO/SVALIDOTObject Types Permitted by SAP
/SAPPO/S_BOBJBPTText of SAP Methods Based on Component/Process
/SAPPO/S_BOBJ_BPSAP Methods Based on Component/Process
/SAPPO/S_BPROCSAP Business Processes
/SAPPO/S_BPROC_TText: SAP Business Processes
/SAPPO/S_CMPNTSAP Software Components: UI Attributes
/SAPPO/S_CMPNT_TText: SAP Software Components
/SAPPO/S_OBJECTTText: SAP Object Types
/SAPPO/S_OBJ_BORSAP Methods for each Component
/SAPPO/USERUser(s) for Cross-System Tasks
/SAPPO/VALID_OTValid Object Types
/SAPPO/WLRANGEDefine Distribution Criteria for Worklist
/SAPPO/WLTText: Worklist
/SAPPO/WLUNITRoot Organizational Unit for Worklist
/SAPPO/WLUSERAssignment of User/Organizational Unit to Worklist
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