/SCA/TSDMA - TSDM application data

The development package /SCA/TSDMA contains objects for "TSDM application data".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SCA/TSDM. It belongs to software component SCM-BAS-TSM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SCA/TSDMA

/SCA/FCSTKVMID1Key figures of time series data area VMID1
/SCA/FCSTKVMIW1Key figures of time series data area VMIW1
/SCA/FCSTSVMID1Status values of time series data area VMID1
/SCA/FCSTSVMIW1Status values of time series data area VMIW1
/SCA/TISAINVM1Internal status of time series data area INVM1
/SCA/TISARPL01Internal status of time series data area RPL01
/SCA/TISASNI01Internal status of time series data area SNI01
/SCA/TISASNI02Internal status of time series data area SNI02
/SCA/TKTAINVM1Key figure history for time series data INVM1
/SCA/TKTARPL01Key figure history for time series data RPL01
/SCA/TKTASNI01Key figure history for time series data SNI01
/SCA/TKTASNI02Key figure history for time series data SNI02
/SCA/TSKAINVM1Key figures of time series data area INVM1
/SCA/TSKARPL01Key figures of time series data area RPL01
/SCA/TSKASNI01Key figures of time series data area SNI01
/SCA/TSKASNI02Key figures of time series data area SNI02
/SCA/TSNAINVM1Notes for times series data area INVM1
/SCA/TSNARPL01Notes for times series data area RPL01
/SCA/TSNASNI01Notes for times series data area SNI01
/SCA/TSNASNI02Notes for times series data area SNI02
/SCA/TSSAINVM1Status values of time series data area INVM1
/SCA/TSSARPL01Status values of time series data area RPL01
/SCA/TSSASNI01Status values of time series data area SNI01
/SCA/TSSASNI02Status values of time series data area SNI02
/SCA/TSTAINVM1Status history for time series data area INVM1
/SCA/TSTARPL01Status history for time series data area RPL01
/SCA/TSTASNI01Status history for time series data area SNI01
/SCA/TSTASNI02Status history for time series data area SNI02
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