/SCF/UIMDL - UI model and page data controller

The development package /SCF/UIMDL contains objects for "UI model and page data controller".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SCA/STRUCTURE. It belongs to software component SCM-ICH-UIF.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SCF/UIMDL

/SCF/APPDATAASSApplication data-component assignment
/SCF/APPDATADEFApplication data class definition
/SCF/APPDATADEFTApplication data class definition
/SCF/APPDEFFrontend application definition
/SCF/APPVIEWApplication view
/SCF/ASPECTASSAspect to component assignment
/SCF/BADIAPPABSBADI filter values for application class
/SCF/BADIAPPABSTBADI filter values for application class
/SCF/CATMAPCategories configuration
/SCF/CATMAPTSeries configuration text table
/SCF/CC_CHANGEBPSelected BP and POWL refresh mode for BP switching
/SCF/CHARTChart configuration
/SCF/CLSAPPApplication class table
/SCF/CLSAPPDATAApplication data class definition
/SCF/CMPTTYPGUI component type
/SCF/CONF_EVENTSRegister for change confirmation Pop-Up events
/SCF/CONTBNDGField content binding
/SCF/DEFAULTSCRNDefault Screen for User or Partner
/SCF/EVCMPTCross component event relationship
/SCF/FIELDPRMDefines mapping of field ids & param ids
/SCF/FIELDPRMTDefines mapping of field ids & param ids
/SCF/FORMBOXScreen Definition for UI model
/SCF/FRMFIELDSForm Configuration Table
/SCF/FRMFIELDSTForm configuration table
/SCF/FRMLYTForm configuration table
/SCF/FRMPROPForm configuration table
/SCF/FRMWKMODESFramework modes
/SCF/FROBJCNTXFrontend object context
/SCF/FROBJDEFFrontend object description
/SCF/FROBJHIERFrontend object hierachy
/SCF/LINKSETASSCLinkset Customer Assignment
/SCF/LINKSETASSNLinkset Assignment
/SCF/LOGON_SHMCross-Transaction Application Buffers for Selection
/SCF/MODE_SET_SWEdit/Display mode setting maintenance
/SCF/NAMEBNDGFieldname binding
/SCF/NAVCLSSNavigation tree class deinition
/SCF/RFCRFC settings table
/SCF/SCRCLSSScreen specialized classes
/SCF/SCRDEFScreen Definition for UI model
/SCF/SCRDEFTLanguage dependent GUI titles
/SCF/SCRLYTScreen Definition for UI model
/SCF/SCRLYTTLanguage dependent GUI titles
/SCF/SELBOXSelection box column definition
/SCF/SELBOXLYTSelbox configuration table
/SCF/SELBOXPRMSelbox configuration table
/SCF/SELBOXPRMTSelbox configuration table
/SCF/SELRNG_SHMCross-Transaction Application Buffers for Selection
/SCF/SERIESMAPSeries configuration
/SCF/SERIESMAPTSeries configuration text table
/SCF/SPECCLASSSpecialized class definition
/SCF/TABTabe to configure tab settings
/SCF/TABTLanguage dependant text table for tab
/SCF/TAFIELDSText area Fields
/SCF/TAFIELDSTText area Fields
/SCF/TAREAPROPText area properties
/SCF/TBVSTCOLLYTLayout for tableview
/SCF/TBVSTDDatabase table to configure tableview
/SCF/TBVSTDCOLdatabase table to configure tableview column
/SCF/TBVSTDCOLTlanguage dependant tableview column
/SCF/TBVSTDTdatabase table to configure tableview
/SCF/TBVTSdatabase table to configure tableview
/SCF/TBVTSCOLdatabase table to configure tableview column
/SCF/TBVTSROWRow configuration
/SCF/TBVTSROWLYTRow layout for tableview
/SCF/TBVTSROWTLanguage dependant table for row config
/SCF/TBVTSTlanguage dependant texts for tableview
/SCF/TEXTAREAText Area Configuration
/SCF/TLBRtable to store toolbar configuration
/SCF/TLBRPROPToolbar properties depending on mode
/SCF/TLBRTLanguage dependent button texts
/SCF/TLBR_FILTERFilter table for toolbar activity check
/SCF/UAPPDEFFrontend application definition
/SCF/UCHARTChart configuration
/SCF/UFRMFIELDSForm Configuration Table
/SCF/UFRMFIELDSTForm configuration table
/SCF/UFRMLYTForm configuration table
/SCF/UFRMPROPForm configuration table
/SCF/UIF_CFGGeneral UI-Framework Configuration
/SCF/UIF_SET_GETGeneral UI-Framework Configuration: Set/Get Exclusion Table
/SCF/USCRDEFScreen Definition for UI model
/SCF/USCRDEFTLanguage dependent GUI titles
/SCF/USCRLYTScreen Definition for UI model
/SCF/USCRLYTTLanguage dependent GUI titles
/SCF/USELBOXLYTSelbox configuration table
/SCF/USELBOXPRMSelbox configuration table
/SCF/USELBOXPRMTSelbox configuration table
/SCF/UTABTabe to configure tab settings
/SCF/UTABTLanguage dependant text table for tab
/SCF/UTBVSTCOLYTLayout for tableview
/SCF/UTBVSTDDatabase table to configure tableview
/SCF/UTBVSTDCOLdatabase table to configure tableview column
/SCF/UTBVSTDCOLTlanguage dependant tableview column
/SCF/UTBVSTDTdatabase table to configure tableview
/SCF/UTBVTSdatabase table to configure tableview
/SCF/UTBVTSCOLdatabase table to configure tableview column
/SCF/UTBVTSROWRow configuration
/SCF/UTBVTSROWLTRow layout for tableview
/SCF/UTBVTSROWTLanguage dependant table for row config
/SCF/UTBVTSTlanguage dependant texts for tableview
/SCF/UTLBRtable to store toolbar configuration
/SCF/UTLBRPROPToolbar properties depending on mode
/SCF/UTLBRTLanguage dependent button texts
/SCF/XTAdvanced toolbar
/SCF/XTBPROPAdvanced Toolbar button properties depending on mode
/SCF/XTBTNAdvanced Toolbar Group
/SCF/XTBTNTAdvanced Toolbar language dependent button texts
/SCF/XTFLDAdvanced Toolbar Field
/SCF/XTFLDTAdvanced Toolbar language dependent field texts
/SCF/XTFPROPAdvanced Toolbar field properties depending on mode
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