/SCMB/DM - Business Object Layer

The development package /SCMB/DM contains objects for "Business Object Layer".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SCA/STRUCTURE. It belongs to software component SCM-ICH.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SCMB/DM

/SCMB/BOLAPPCLBOL Determination for Application Classes
/SCMB/BOLCHKValidation Checks
/SCMB/BOLCHKCMPCRelationship - Validation Check and Validation Component
/SCMB/BOLCHKTValidation Check Descriptions
/SCMB/BOLPPFTable for PPF Objects
/SCMB/BOLPPF_ORDTable for PPF Objects from Orders
/SCMB/BOLVALCHKCValidation Checks
/SCMB/BOLVALPROCValidation profiles
/SCMB/BOL_CHKAssignment of Validation Checks to Processes
/SCMB/BOL_CHKCMPValidation Checks
/SCMB/BOL_CHKTValidation check table
/SCMB/BOL_INVMAPMapping of BOL Stock Type to LIME Stock Categories
/SCMB/BOL_PPFTable for PPF Objects
/SCMB/BOL_PPFPERPPF Proc. for Non-Document-Oriented Persistent BOL Objects
/SCMB/BOL_VALCHKValidation Checks
/SCMB/BOL_VALGRPTable for Validation group
/SCMB/BOL_VALPROValidation Profiles
/SCMB/DLVFLTVALValue Table for Filter Values of BAdI /SCMB/DELIVERY
/SCMB/DM_ORDREJTDescription of a Cancellation Reason Code
/SCMB/DM_ORD_REJCancellation Reason Code for an Order
/SCMB/DM_PO_PRIOPurchasing Document Priority
/SCMB/DM_PRCODEInbound Processing: Process codes
/SCMB/DM_PRNAMEInbound Processing for process code and process name
/SCMB/DM_PTGRCustomizing Table for Partial Goods Receipt
/SCMB/DM_SCONASNSupplier Confirmation: ASN Items Ready for Assignment
/SCMB/DM_SO_PRIOSales Document Priority
/SCMB/DM_TS_ADJCoded Reason for Adjustement for Time Series Values
/SCMB/DM_TS_ADJTCoded Reason for Adjustment for TS Values: Text Table
/SCMB/PO_TYPEPurchasing Document Type
/SCMB/PO_TYPETTexts for Purchasing Documents
/SCMB/RELLASTDLVLast Delivery Table for SA Releases
/SCMB/SCON_ACTRLSettings for Supplier Confirmations
/SCMB/SOURCEDEFSourcing scenario
/SCMB/SO_ITMTYPEItem Category of a Sales Document Type
/SCMB/SO_ITMTYPTTexts for Item Categories of Sales Documents
/SCMB/SO_TYPESales Document Type
/SCMB/SO_TYPETTexts for Sales Documents
/SCMB/TS_RESETReset Time Series for Inbound ProActNotifications
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