/SCMB/TMS_RESOURCE - TMS specific content of TMS resources

The development package /SCMB/TMS_RESOURCE contains objects for "TMS specific content of TMS resources".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SCMB/CRES. It belongs to software component TM-MD-RES.

Child development packages of /SCMB/TMS_RESOURCE

Tables for development package /SCMB/TMS_RESOURCE

/SCMB/C_AEQPAEAttached Equipment Profile - Attached Equipment
/SCMB/C_AEQUPAttached Equipment Profile
/SCMB/C_AEQUPTAttached Equipment Profile Description
/SCMB/C_AIDTPAlternative Identifier Types
/SCMB/C_AIDTPTAlternative Identifier Type Descriptions
/SCMB/C_ATTEQAttached Equipment Types
/SCMB/C_ATTEQTAttached Equipment Type Descriptions
/SCMB/C_GRPTPCustomizing table for Grouping Attribute Types
/SCMB/C_GRPTPTCustomizing table for Grouping Attribute Types
/SCMB/C_GRVALCustomizing table for Grouping Attribute Types
/SCMB/C_GRVALTCustomizing table for Grouping Attribute Types
/SCMB/C_LDDPLoading Direction Profile
/SCMB/C_LDDPTLoading Direction Profile Dscription
/SCMB/C_PATTRNPatterns for Number Plate Numbers
/SCMB/C_PSREASCReason Codes for Resource Planning Block
/SCMB/C_PSREASCTDescription of Reason Codes for Resource Planning Block
/SCMB/C_QUALCustomizing table for Qualifications
/SCMB/C_QUALTCustomizing table for Qualification Descriptions
/SCMB/C_QUTPCustomizing table for Qualification Types
/SCMB/C_QUTPTCustomizing table for Qualification Type Descriptions
/SCMB/C_TMPTPTemplate Types for TMS Handling Resources
/SCMB/C_TMPTPTTemplate Types for TMS Handling Resources
/SCMB/C_VEHLPVehicle Loading Profile
/SCMB/C_VEHLPTVehicle Loading Profile Description
/SCMB/RESAGRCRResource Time Dependent Aggregated Capacity Requirements
/SCMB/RESDIMRQCapacity Requirements of a Resource
/SCMB/RESTMSCMBRCombination Resource Definition
/SCMB/RESTMSEQAttached Equipments of TMS resources
/SCMB/RESTMSGRGrouping Attributes of TMS resources
/SCMB/RESTMSHDAdditional header table for TMS Resources
/SCMB/RESTMSIDAlternative Identifications for TMS resources
/SCMB/RESTMSLOLoad Optimization for TMS Resource
/SCMB/RESTMSSECResource Sections
/SCMB/RESTMSSKQualification Values for TMS resources
/SCMB/RTMPLMTRMTR based Resource Templates (Vehicle Res)
/SCMB/RTMPLPMTPEqui.Group/Type-based Resource Templates (TU Res)
/SCMB/RTMPLTYPTemplate-Type-based Resource Templates (Handling Res)
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