/SCMTMS/FO_TC_CMN - Common objects of TCM

The development package /SCMTMS/FO_TC_CMN contains objects for "Common objects of TCM".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SCMTMS/TRANSP_CHARGE_MGMT. It belongs to software component TM-MD-CM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SCMTMS/FO_TC_CMN

/SCMTMS/C_AGRCustomizing table for agreement header
/SCMTMS/C_AGRBPAgreement template Business Partner
/SCMTMS/C_AGRCOMCommodity code for Agreement item
/SCMTMS/C_AGRITMAgreement template Items
/SCMTMS/C_AGRITTAgreement text table
/SCMTMS/C_AGRORGAgreement template Organization
/SCMTMS/C_AGRPARAgreement precondition-partner
/SCMTMS/C_AGRPREAgreement Item Preconditions
/SCMTMS/C_AGRTLAgreement Precondition Tradelane
/SCMTMS/C_AGRTXTAgreement text table
/SCMTMS/C_AICONDAgreement Item Pre condition
/SCMTMS/C_AISASGAgreement Item and service assignment
/SCMTMS/C_AITYPAgreement Item Type
/SCMTMS/C_AITYPTAgreement Item Type Code Text
/SCMTMS/C_ASN_DTAssign Date Type to Calculation Base
/SCMTMS/C_ATIASGAgreement Type and Item assignment
/SCMTMS/C_AWCONRAward Confirmation Reason
/SCMTMS/C_AWCONTAward Confirmation Reason Text
/SCMTMS/C_CALMCLCalculation Method - Class Customizing
/SCMTMS/C_CALMCTCalculation Method Class Texts
/SCMTMS/C_CALRULRate Template Calculation Rule
/SCMTMS/C_CAPRCalculation Profile
/SCMTMS/C_CAPR_TText table for calculation profile
/SCMTMS/C_CBASETCM: Calculation Base
/SCMTMS/C_CBASETTCM: Calculation Base
/SCMTMS/C_CDIMCapacity Dimension
/SCMTMS/C_CHGCLSMOT specific Charge Classification
/SCMTMS/C_CHGCLTText table for MOT specific Charge Classification
/SCMTMS/C_CHGDUEMOT specific charges due party definition
/SCMTMS/C_CHRGETTax classification for a charge type per country
/SCMTMS/C_CTRY_TTax applicable at charge type for Countries
/SCMTMS/C_EVTASGEvent Rule definition
/SCMTMS/C_EVTPRTEvent Profile: Text Table
/SCMTMS/C_EXLFLDto maintain editability of excel data
/SCMTMS/C_EXLFLTDefine Editable Fields in Excel Definition
/SCMTMS/C_FACONDMaintains the Agreements and the Conditions
/SCMTMS/C_FADEFreight Agreement Deactivation Reason Code
/SCMTMS/C_FADE_TFreight Agreement Deactivation Reason Text
/SCMTMS/C_FAGMAPMapping table for excel and quotation
/SCMTMS/C_FAMPRFAgreement Mapping Profile
/SCMTMS/C_FAMPRTAgreement mapping profile description
/SCMTMS/C_FASETOrg Unit settings for Charge Management
/SCMTMS/C_FASETPGeneral Settings for Charge Calculation (Profile ID)
/SCMTMS/C_FASETTText table for charges profile
/SCMTMS/C_FATYPEFreigt Agreement Type
/SCMTMS/C_FATY_TFreight Agreement Type Code Text
/SCMTMS/C_FRTCLAMOT specific freight classification
/SCMTMS/C_FRTCLTText Table for MOT specific freight classifications
/SCMTMS/C_FRTERMMOT specific Freight Terms
/SCMTMS/C_FRTRMTText table for MOT specific Freight Terms
/SCMTMS/C_FTTCETAssign Freight Term to Charge Type
/SCMTMS/C_IATATCText Table for IATA Charge Code
/SCMTMS/C_IATA_CCustomising IATA Charge Code
/SCMTMS/C_INTCETAssign Incoterm to Charge Type
/SCMTMS/C_LOC_CACustomizing table for location calendar
/SCMTMS/C_OP_STAOptimizer Strategies
/SCMTMS/C_OP_STROptimizer Strategies
/SCMTMS/C_OP_STTOptimizer Strategies
/SCMTMS/C_ORG_DBOrganization data of rate template
/SCMTMS/C_PAYDEFMOT specific Payer Definition
/SCMTMS/C_PAYINCharge Calculation - Payment Arrangement Code
/SCMTMS/C_PAYINTCharge Calculation - Payment Arrangement Code (Text Tab.)
/SCMTMS/C_R157_TFreight Agreement - Determination supported by BAdI or FDT
/SCMTMS/C_R158_TTariff - Determination supported by BAdI or FDT (Text Tab.)
/SCMTMS/C_R184_TDefine Rules for Freight Agrmnt Determination - Standalone
/SCMTMS/C_R185_TDefine Rules for Tariff Determination - Standalone
/SCMTMS/C_RATERate Templates
/SCMTMS/C_RATETRate definition text
/SCMTMS/C_RCBASERelated Calculation Bases
/SCMTMS/C_RDRULTDescriptions for Rounding Rules
/SCMTMS/C_RESBSTResolution base Description
/SCMTMS/C_RES_BSResolution base
/SCMTMS/C_RES_HRResolution base Hiearchy
/SCMTMS/C_RFQFreight Agreement RFQ Master Template
/SCMTMS/C_RFQCOMFreight Agreement RFQ Master Template ( Commodity codes )
/SCMTMS/C_RFQITMFreight Agreement RFQ Master Template (Items)
/SCMTMS/C_RFQITTFreight Agreement RFQ Master Template (Items)
/SCMTMS/C_RFQRSNReason Codes for RFQ status
/SCMTMS/C_RFQTSTRFQ Type and Optimizer Strategy Assignment
/SCMTMS/C_RFQTXTFreight Agreement RFQ Master Template
/SCMTMS/C_RFQTYPRequest For Quotation Type
/SCMTMS/C_RL101SDefine a set of Preconditions for TCCS-Item applicability
/SCMTMS/C_RNDPR1Rounding Profiles: Reference to Rounding Rules
/SCMTMS/C_RNDPR2Rounding Profiles: Value Range Applicability
/SCMTMS/C_RNDPRFRounding Profiles
/SCMTMS/C_RNDPRTDescriptions for Rounding Profiles
/SCMTMS/C_RNDRULAssign Rounding Rule to Document Currency
/SCMTMS/C_RPCURRAssign Rounding Profiles to Document Currencies
/SCMTMS/C_RTSCALRate template scale reference
/SCMTMS/C_RT_CALCalculation Rule of Rate Template
/SCMTMS/C_RT_VALDB table for validity of rate table
/SCMTMS/C_RU096TCharge Calculation - Resolution Restriction Rule (Text Tab.)
/SCMTMS/C_RU099TCharge Calculation - Rate Table Determination Rule (Text Tab
/SCMTMS/C_RU101TCharge Calculation - Precondition if TCCS-Item is applicable
/SCMTMS/C_RU113TCharge Calculation - Rule for Grouping Resolution Base
/SCMTMS/C_RU154TRule for Calc. through Formula and Rate
/SCMTMS/C_RU161TCharge Calculation - Rule for Exclusion logic (Text Table)
/SCMTMS/C_RUL096Charge Calculation - Resolution Restriction Rule
/SCMTMS/C_RUL099Charge Calculation - Rate Table Determination Rule
/SCMTMS/C_RUL101Precondition Rule for Calc sheet & Calc sheet item
/SCMTMS/C_RUL113Charge Calculation - Rule for Grouping Resolution Base
/SCMTMS/C_RUL154Rule f. Calc. through Formula and Rate
/SCMTMS/C_RUL157Agreement - Determination supported by BAdI or FDT
/SCMTMS/C_RUL158Calc Sheet - Determination supported by BAdI or FDT
/SCMTMS/C_RUL161Charge Calculation - Rule for Exclusion logic
/SCMTMS/C_RUL184Define Rules for Agreement Determination - Standalone
/SCMTMS/C_RUL185Define Rules for Calc Sheet Determination - Standalone
/SCMTMS/C_SCALEScale Configuration
/SCMTMS/C_SCALETScale definition - Text table
/SCMTMS/C_SCBASEScale Bases Definition
/SCMTMS/C_SCBASTDescriptions for Scale Bases
/SCMTMS/C_SCTASGservice Type and charge type assignment
/SCMTMS/C_SLC_SMTransportation Service Level Codes per Mode of Transport
/SCMTMS/C_SRVCETCCS item precondition service db
/SCMTMS/C_ST_CDSStrategy : Conditions Codes
/SCMTMS/C_TCCATCharge Calculation - Charge Category Codes
/SCMTMS/C_TCCATTCharge Calculation - Charge Category Code (Text Tab.)
/SCMTMS/C_TCCLSCharge Calculation - Charge Sub-Category Code
/SCMTMS/C_TCCLSTCharge Calculation - Charge Sub-Category Code (Text Tab.)
/SCMTMS/C_TCETCharge Calculation - Charge Element Type
/SCMTMS/C_TCETTCharge Element Type - Text Table
/SCMTMS/C_TCMAPTCM: Adjustment profile for calculation
/SCMTMS/C_TCMAPTTCM: Adjustment profile for calculation
/SCMTMS/C_TCM_MDContract Management Master Data Settings
/SCMTMS/C_TC_ITTTCCS template item
/SCMTMS/C_TC_PRTTCCS item partner
/SCMTMS/C_TS_CRLCalculation Rule for TCCS Items
/SCMTMS/C_ULDRTULD Type - ULD Rate Types mapping table
/SCMTMS/C_ULDRTTText table for ULD Rate Types
/SCMTMS/D_BPUSAGBusiness Partner Usage in S/4 HANA
/SCMTMS/D_GCRRTGeneral Cargo Rates
/SCMTMS/D_ITMMAPScale item mapping 4 rates XPRA (data deleted after upgrade)
/SCMTMS/D_SCRRTSpecific Commodity Rates
/SCMTMS/I_CALMMTCalculation Method - Mode of Transport
/SCMTMS/I_CALMTXCalculation Method Type Texts
/SCMTMS/I_FRTERMFreight terms for Transportation mode
/SCMTMS/I_MOTAGTAgreeement Precondition Texts
/SCMTMS/I_MOT_AGAgreement Precondition based on Usage and Mode of transport
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