/SCWM/DLV_MD_CONF - Delivery Master Data and Customizing

The development package /SCWM/DLV_MD_CONF contains objects for "Delivery Master Data and Customizing".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SCWM/MAIN. It belongs to software component SCM-EWM-DLP.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SCWM/DLV_MD_CONF

/SCWM/DLVDTPRCDeliv: Determination Procedure for PPF Action Configuration
/SCWM/DLVDTPRCSTDlv: Det. Proc. for PPF Action Starting Conf.
/SCWM/DLVFORMDETForm Determination for Printing of Delivery Note
/SCWM/PRDETINPrinter Determination Inbound Delivery (Unloading List)
/SCWM/PRDETOUTPrinter Determination Outbound Delivery
/SCWM/SDLDTPRCAccess Seq. Determination Procedure for PPF Action Config.
/SCWM/SDLVFRMDETAccess Sequence Form Determination Delivery Note
/SCWM/SPRDETINAccess Seq. Printer Determ. Inb. Delivery (Unloading Instr.)
/SCWM/SPRDETOUTAccess Sequence Printer Determination Outbound Delivery
/SCWM/TCPDELAYDelay in Completing Inbound Deliveries
/SCWM/TDLDETTYPEDocument Type for Warehouse Request Creation
/SCWM/TDLVBATCHBatch Management and SLED Check
/SCWM/TDLVPACRELRelevance of Deliveries for auto. packaging item creation
/SCWM/TDLVPARActivation of Parallel Processing
/SCWM/TDLVPPGICGoods Issue for Consumption Posting Delivery
/SCWM/TDLVPPGIETable for Control the Auto GI Possibility for Prod. Sup.
/SCWM/TDLVRGSCTLScheduling Within Route Determination
/SCWM/TDLVRGSDATDates/Times for Turanaround Points
/SCWM/TDLVROUTEControl Route Determination/Validation
/SCWM/TMAPROUTEMap Routes / Route Schedule from ERP System to EWM
/SCWM/TPH_CPROFProcess Profile
/SCWM/TPH_CPROFTProcess Management and Control Delivery (Text Table)
/SCWM/TPH_SPROFProcess Profile Delivery (System Settings)
/SCWM/TPH_SPROFTProcess Mgmt and Ctrl Delivery System Settings (Text Table)
/SCWM/TPI_CPROFProcess Profile Item
/SCWM/TPI_CPROFTProcess Management and Control Delivery Item (Text Table)
/SCWM/TPI_SPROFProcess Profile Delivery Item (System Profile)
/SCWM/TPI_SPROFTProcess Mgmt and Ctrl Deliv Item Syst. Settings (Text Table)
/SCWM/TPR_MAPMapping Business Partner Role Type to Code for Partner Role
/SCWM/TPSMGRProduct Groups for Existence Check Packaging Specification
/SCWM/TPTYPDETDetermination of Warehouse Process Type
/SCWM/TRETRSNReturns Reason
/SCWM/TRETRSNTReturns Reason Description
/SCWM/TSETDSHSet Shipping Readiness Automatically for Outbound Dlv Orders
/SCWM/TTRANSPLTransportation Planning Type
/SCWM/TTRANSPRELEWM Execution Without Transport Planning
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