/SDF/STPI_DDIC - DDIC for /SDF/STPI Development

The development package /SDF/STPI_DDIC contains objects for "DDIC for /SDF/STPI Development".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SDF/MAIN. It belongs to software component SV-SMG-SDD.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SDF/STPI_DDIC

/SDF/ACT_TRACKMass Activation Tracking Table
/SDF/ACT_TRACK_HMass Activation Tracking Table - Header and Control Info
/SDF/BDLSERVICEContract types
/SDF/CMOJOBSBDL: Planned Jobs to be analyzed
/SDF/CMO_CWBNTHECMO Service: Header Table for Notes in Customer Systems
/SDF/CMO_ERR_LOGCMO Service: Error log
/SDF/CMO_IACJSCRCMO Service: INDX File for MIME Objects (Language-Indep
/SDF/CMO_MSG_LOGCMO service : Log History
/SDF/CMO_NSPACECMO Service: Namespace exception list
/SDF/CMO_O2APPLCMO Service: O2: BSP Applications
/SDF/CMO_OBJ_DEVCMO Service: Selected E071 entries from DEV system
/SDF/CMO_OBJ_PRDCMO Service: Selected E071 entries from PRD system
/SDF/CMO_OBJ_QASCMO Service: Selected E071 entries from QAS system
/SDF/CMO_RELEASECMO Service: System Release table
/SDF/CMO_SYS12_ADifferent versions of objects in systems 1 and 2 (DEV-PRD)
/SDF/CMO_SYS12_BDifferent versions of objects in systems 1 and 2 (QAS-PRD)
/SDF/CMO_SYS1_AObjects only in system 1 (DEV)
/SDF/CMO_SYS1_BObjects only in system 1 (QAS)
/SDF/CMO_SYS2_AObjects only in system 2 (PRD)
/SDF/CMO_SYS2_BObjects only in system 2 (PRD)
/SDF/CMO_SYSCOMPCMO Service: Directory of Repository Objects
/SDF/CMO_TR1_ATransports with inconsistant objects in system 1 (DEV)
/SDF/CMO_TR1_BTransports with inconsistant objects in system 1 (QAS)
/SDF/CMO_TR2_ATransports with inconsistant objects in system 2 (PRD)
/SDF/CMO_TR2_BTransports with inconsistant objects in system 2 (PRD)
/SDF/CMO_T_0CMO Service: Initial values for CMO session
/SDF/CMO_T_05CMO Service: System History
/SDF/CMO_T_11CMO Service: System Change Option for Software Components
/SDF/CMO_T_12CMO Service: System change option log
/SDF/CMO_T_13ACMO Service: Transport commands in PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_13BCMO Service: Unconditional modes during import
/SDF/CMO_T_13CCMO Service: Usage of U-Modes in PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_18CMO Service: Table of different source systems
/SDF/CMO_T_19CMO Service: Requests directly created in production
/SDF/CMO_T_19ACMO Service: Requests directly created in production
/SDF/CMO_T_21CMO Service: Transport errors
/SDF/CMO_T_21ACMO Service: Transport Error Resolution Time
/SDF/CMO_T_21BCMO Service: Message Classes
/SDF/CMO_T_21CCMO Service: Most Frequent Transport Errors
/SDF/CMO_T_21DCMO Service: Transport Errors with resolution time
/SDF/CMO_T_22CMO Service: Transports in PRD System
/SDF/CMO_T_23CMO Service: Transported objects in PRD System
/SDF/CMO_T_25SAP Notes list for DEV
/SDF/CMO_T_26SAP Notes list for QAS
/SDF/CMO_T_27SAP Notes list for PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_28CMO Service: Time spent in Quality Assurance System
/SDF/CMO_T_28UCMO Service: outdated transports
/SDF/CMO_T_36ACMO Service: Release of DEV and QAS
/SDF/CMO_T_36BCMO Service: Patches in DEV
/SDF/CMO_T_36CCMO Service: Addons in DEV
/SDF/CMO_T_36DCMO Service: Components in DEV
/SDF/CMO_T_36ECMO Service: Component patches in DEV
/SDF/CMO_T_36FCMO Service: Component patches in DEV
/SDF/CMO_T_36GCMO Service: Addons in QAS
/SDF/CMO_T_36HCMO Service: Components in QAS
/SDF/CMO_T_36ICMO Service: Component patches in QAS
/SDF/CMO_T_40CMO Service: Modified objects
/SDF/CMO_T_401CMO Service: Table of Interface table I_MOD_REP
/SDF/CMO_T_401BCMO Service: Table of Interface table I_MOD_REP
/SDF/CMO_T_40BCMO Service: Modified objects for analysis period
/SDF/CMO_T_41CMO Service: Modified SAP standard objects
/SDF/CMO_T_42CMO Service: Customer objects
/SDF/CMO_T_420CMO Service: Number of Customer Objects by Object Type
/SDF/CMO_T_42ACMO Service: Most frequently changed objects
/SDF/CMO_T_42BCMO Service: Customer objects for analysis period
/SDF/CMO_T_42DCustomer Objects in Analysis Period
/SDF/CMO_T_430CCMC Service: Enhancement
/SDF/CMO_T_43AEnhancements in the Analysis Period
/SDF/CMO_T_44CCMC Service: Summary of Referenced SAP Objects
/SDF/CMO_T_44ACCMC Service: Customer objects which used SAP Objects
/SDF/CMO_T_44BCCMC Service: Referenced SAP Objects
/SDF/CMO_T_44CCCMC Service: Summary of Referenced SAP Objects (Top 3 pkg)
/SDF/CMO_T_44DCCMC Service: Customer obj. which used SAP obj. (Top 3 pkg)
/SDF/CMO_T_44ECCMC Service: Referenced SAP obj. (Top 3 pkg)
/SDF/CMO_T_46ACMO Service: Requests in Development but not in Production
/SDF/CMO_T_46BCMO Service: Requests in QAS but not in PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_46PCMO Service: Requests in QAS and not in PRD buffer
/SDF/CMO_T_46QCMO Service: Requests in DEV and not in QAS buffer
/SDF/CMO_T_47CMO Service: Requests in Production but not in Development
/SDF/CMO_T_48CMO Service: Transport Sequence Violations b/w DEV and PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_48ACMO Service: Overtaked objects between DEV and PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_48BCMO Service: Overtaked objects between DEV and PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_49CMO Service: Transport Sequence Violations b/w QAS and PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_49ACMO Service: Overtaked objects between QAS and PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_50CMO Service: Age of open transport requests in DEV Buffer
/SDF/CMO_T_50ACMO Service: Age of open transport requests in DEV
/SDF/CMO_T_50BCMO Service: Biggest transports in DEV
/SDF/CMO_T_50CCMO Service: Biggest transports in PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_51CMO Service: Age of open transport requests in QAS Buffer
/SDF/CMO_T_52CMO Service: Age of open transport requests in PRD Buffer
/SDF/CMO_T_53CMO Service: Clients of DEV system
/SDF/CMO_T_54CMO Service: Clients of QAS system
/SDF/CMO_T_55CMO Service: Different objects in DEV and PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_56CMO Service: Different objects in QAS and PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_57CMO Service: Requests with inconsistant objects in DEV
/SDF/CMO_T_58CMO Service: Requests with inconsistant objects in PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_59CMO Service: Requests with inconsistant objects in QAS
/SDF/CMO_T_60CMO Service: Requests with inconsistant objects in PRD
/SDF/CMO_T_61CMO Service: U-Log analyses results
/SDF/CMO_T_62ACCMC Service: Categories of transactions and reports
/SDF/CMO_T_62BCCMC Service: Period
/SDF/CMO_T_62CCCMC Service: Application component
/SDF/CMO_T_62DCCMC Service: Transactions and reports
/SDF/CMO_T_63ACMO Service: Activated Business Set
/SDF/CMO_T_63BCMO Service: Activated Business Function in Busi. Func. Set
/SDF/CMO_T_63CCMO Service: Activated Enterprise Extension
/SDF/CMO_T_63DCMO Service: Activated Enterprise Business Function
/SDF/CMO_T_63ECMO Service: Busi. Func. with Inconsistent Activation State
/SDF/CMO_T_64ACCMC Service: CDMC checks clearing analysis - syntax check
/SDF/CMO_T_64BCCMC Service: CDMC checks clearing analysis - Inactive obj.
/SDF/CMO_T_64CCCMC Service: CDMC checks clearing analysis - Duplicate dom.
/SDF/CMO_T_64DCCMC Service: CDMC checks clearing analysis - Empty tables
/SDF/CMO_T_BI_1CMO Service: BI Object Changeability
/SDF/CMO_T_BI_2CMO Service: Number of BI Objects
/SDF/CMO_T_BI_3CMO Service: BI parameters check
/SDF/CMO_T_DBCMO serviee: Database growth
/SDF/CMO_T_DBACKTEA self-service: Development Backlog
/SDF/CMO_T_KPICMO Service: Systeme Performance Indicators & SUGEN KPI
/SDF/CMO_T_PARAMCMO Service : Period for /sdf/cmo_tea_coll report
/SDF/CMO_T_PBACKTEA self-service: Production Backlog
/SDF/DB6ALRTCFGDB2 UDB: Alert Configuration Data
/SDF/DB6PMCDDB2 Universal Database: Configuration Database
/SDF/DB6PMCNDB6: Configuration Nodes (Partitions)
/SDF/DB6PMHT_HDDB6: summary record of table & index space statistics
/SDF/DB6PMHXPDB6: detail record of tablespace & DB space statistics
/SDF/DB6PMPROTDB6: Protocol Table for DBA Actions
/SDF/DBMSGORATable for messages from DB system check
/SDF/DGP_RESL_DBTable to store Sequence check in /sdf/cmo_tr_check report
/SDF/ENV_RESL_DBTable to store Cross refer check in /sdf/cmo_tr_check report
/SDF/FLD_INFOFields Information
/SDF/GRP_INFOGroup info
/SDF/HIST_RUN_DBon Histroy data storage of CMO_TR_CH
/SDF/IMP_RESL_DBTable to store Import time check in /sdf/cmo_tr_check report
/SDF/LC_DBCONDescription of database connections for liveCache
/SDF/LDBADynamic nodes in LDBs
/SDF/LTABEXITSTechnical data for object types (translation)
/SDF/MAIN_HOURSMain business hours for a full week
/SDF/MSS_CUSTSQL Server Monitors in ST-PI Addon - Customizing
/SDF/O2PAGDIRCMO Service: Oxygen: Page Directory
/SDF/OI_CRITOBJCritical Objects for Online Import
/SDF/OI_CRITOBJSCritical Objects for Online Import (SAP delivered content)
/SDF/OI_LOGLog table for Online Import Check
/SDF/OI_REPSTATProgram execution counts per hour of week
/SDF/OI_REPSTATSProgram execution counts (average per hour)
/SDF/OI_RESL_DBTable to store OI check in /sdf/cmo_tr_check
/SDF/OI_RESULT_2OI Result level 2
/SDF/OI_TABSTATTable access and change operations per hour of week
/SDF/OI_TABSTATSTable access and change operations (average per hour)
/SDF/PAT03Patch Directory
/SDF/PERIODICJOBPlanned Periodic Jobs to be analyzed
/SDF/RBE_CONTROLThe controlling data of an analysis run in SDA
/SDF/RBE_CS3SQL Check Steps for SDA Analysis
/SDF/RBE_CS3_AAttributes for SQL Check Steps in SDA Analysis
/SDF/RBE_CS3_ERRSQL Check Step Errors in SDA Analysis
/SDF/RBE_CS3_FTable fields of SQL Check Step in SDA Analysis
/SDF/RBE_CS3_JTable Joins of SQL Check Step in SDA Analysis
/SDF/RBE_CS3_REFThe match of table field against result
/SDF/RBE_CS3_RESSQL Check Step Result for SDA Analysis
/SDF/RBE_CS3_SSQL Check Step Select Options in SDA Analysis
/SDF/RBE_CTRL_AControl Data Set2
/SDF/RBE_JOBJobs for SQL Check Step Execution in SDA Analysis
/SDF/RBE_SYSTMapping of logical component sequence to client
/SDF/SCV_RESL_DBTable to store soft compon check in /sdf/cmo_tr_check repor
/SDF/SDBADDetail Table for DBA Logs
/SDF/SDBAHHeader Table for dba Log
/SDF/SERVSTRUCContract types
/SDF/STGLTRANTransparent table for STGL tests
/SDF/SWCM_AVERSDR/3 Add-On Product (DEV) Update Information
/SDF/SWCM_AVERSPR/3 Add-On Product (PRD) Update Information
/SDF/SWCM_AVERSQR/3 Add-On Product (QAS) Update Information
/SDF/SWCM_CVERSDRelease status of software components (CVERS) for DEV
/SDF/SWCM_CVERSPRelease status of software components (CVERS) for PRD
/SDF/SWCM_CVERSQRelease status of software components (CVERS) for QAS
/SDF/SWCM_C_REFReferenc Table for CVERS Entries for DEV, QAS and PRD
/SDF/SWCM_PAT03DOCS Package Directory for DEV
/SDF/SWCM_PAT03POCS Package Directory for PRD
/SDF/SWCM_PAT03QOCS Package Directory for QAS
/SDF/SWCM_T000_PClients of PRD
/SDF/SWCM_TR_DOMTMS Transport Domains
/SDF/TAB_INFOTable information
/SDF/TEA_CHK_TRTEA for Project: Checked transport list
/SDF/TEA_TLOCKPTEA for Project: Project Lock Table for Objects
/SDF/TEA_TLOCKPCTEA for Project: Project Lock Table for Table Key
/SDF/UST12Copy of table UST12 (used in Security Optimization Services)
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