/SMB/CHECK_FRAMEWORK - Consistency checks

The development package /SMB/CHECK_FRAMEWORK contains objects for "Consistency checks".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /SMB/. It belongs to software component SV-CLD-FRM-APP.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SMB/CHECK_FRAMEWORK

/SMB/ACT_GRP_MAPScope Item and Activation Group Mapping Table
/SMB/ACT_GRP_MSTActivation Group Master Table
/SMB/BB_EXCEPMaintain Global BB exceptions with countries
/SMB/BB_MASTERBuilding Block Master Table
/SMB/BLKLIST_WLBlacklist table for whitelist check client 0
/SMB/CCF_BB_MAPBB Mapping Table
/SMB/CCF_CAT_CHKCCF checks for each cateory
/SMB/CCF_CTGRYConsistency Check Framework Check Categories
/SMB/CCF_DLTable to Store Distribution List Names - Automation SSCUI
/SMB/CCF_EMAILTable to store email IDs - trigger SObj definition
/SMB/CCF_EXT_PRGConsistency Check Framework Extended Check
/SMB/CCF_INT_CHKException Table for Conversion routines in Int/Ext Fmt Chk
/SMB/CCF_MSGSTRMessage structure for check id's
/SMB/CCF_PERSISTCCF save persisted entries
/SMB/CCF_SI_MAPSI Mapping Table
/SMB/CCF_SUBCATCheck subcatategory
/SMB/CHANGE_CHKCheck Table for Changes to Installation Data (Ref Check)
/SMB/CHECK_WLWhitelisting table
/SMB/CHK4FRWDatabase for Checks
/SMB/CHK_GP_ITEMGroupItems combine checks with groups
/SMB/CHK_GROUPA database with check groups
/SMB/CRIT_FLAGMaintain criteria flags fro solution compare check
/SMB/D_CCF_VARMaster data table for variants
/SMB/D_CCF_VAR_DTransaction table for variants
/SMB/D_PROVIDERDatabase for Provider
/SMB/FS_ISSUESIssues in configuration definition and content
/SMB/FS_LOGLog Messages
/SMB/FS_OBJECTSObject registry mapping UIDs to structured IDs
/SMB/FS_REFERENGeneric references between objects
/SMB/FS_STATEGeneric object state (flags)
/SMB/NEW_SOLDATAStore solution data used for Soluton Compare for base sol
/SMB/SC_RESULT_HHeader table for solution compare result
/SMB/SC_RES_I_1Persistence table for solution data
/SMB/SC_RES_I_2Second item table for solution compare result:variant detail
/SMB/SC_RES_I_3third item table for solution compare result:2nd sol details
/SMB/SI_MASTERScope Item Master Table
/SMB/SOL_DATAStore solution data used for Soluton Compare for base sol
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