/WMD/XF_IV - xSuite Invoice

The development package /WMD/XF_IV contains objects for "xSuite Invoice".
It is a top-level development package.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /WMD/XF_IV

/WMD/WF_XF_XB5_DxSuite screen mode customizing (Defaults)
/WMD/WF_XF_XB6xSuite LO tolerance customizing (Company Code dependent)
/WMD/WF_XF_XB6_DxSuite LO tolerance customizing (Defaults)
/WMD/WF_XF_XB6_SxSuite LO tolerance customizing
/WMD/XF_ACC_TPLxSuite Accounting block templates
/WMD/XF_AP_BUDATBUDAT Change Control Table AP
/WMD/XF_AP_C01xSuite AP company code depending setup
/WMD/XF_AP_CHGDKCustomizing doctype change
/WMD/XF_AP_CHGDTCustomizing record types for doctype change
/WMD/XF_AP_DOKARxSuite IV doctype customizing
/WMD/XF_AP_FCATAGrid layouts for accounting block
/WMD/XF_AP_FCATHGrid layouts for accounting header
/WMD/XF_AP_FCATIGrid layouts for item / release subscreen
/WMD/XF_AP_FCATUCommon Grid layouts (log and user selection)
/WMD/XF_AP_FCATZAssign layouts to tasks
/WMD/XF_IV_FCASHInvoice Forecast History Data
/WMD/XF_IV_FCASTInvoice Forecast
/WMD/XF_IV_FTEXTTemporary full texts
/WMD/XF_IV_STATxSuite Invoice Statistics
/WMD/XF_IV_STATIxSuite Invoice Statistics
/WMD/XF_IV_TBARZxSuite Invoice / PS: Assign toolbars to tasks
/WMD/XF_LO_BUDATBUDAT Change Control Table LO
/WMD/XF_LO_C01xSuite LO company code depending setup
/WMD/XF_RD_STATxSuite RC status table
/WMD/XF_STH_APxSuite Runtime: Application Header
/WMD/XF_STH_LOxSuite Runtime: Application Header
/WMD/XF_STH_XIxSuite Runtime: Application Header (XI)
/WMD/XF_XI_BUDATBUDAT Change Control Table XI
/WMD/XF_XI_C01xSuite XI company code depending setup
/WMD/XF_XI_FCATZXI items: Assign layouts to tasks
/WMD/XF_XI_TBARZAssign toolbars to tasks
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