>3 - Massenkontokorrent: Zentrale Funktionen

The following messages are stored in message class >3: Massenkontokorrent: Zentrale Funktionen.
It is part of development package FKKB in software component FI-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Contract A/R & A/P: Central Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**** 000 - 100 reserved for transactions for account ********************
001Contract account &1 does not exist - change your entry
002Contract account &1 for business partner &2 does not exist
003Error inserting table &1 for account &2
004Error updating table &1 for account &2
005Data was saved
006Error inserting table FKKVKP into contract account &1, BusPart &2
007Error updating table FKKVKP for contract account &1, BusPart &2
008Items exist for partner &1 (contract account &2)
009Data not saved since it already exists
010Number range &1 (object &2) is in a critical area
011Caution: Number range &1 (object &2) has reached upper limit
012Contract account category &1 not defined; change the entry
013Contract account & changed
014Contract account &1 already exists
015Specify a number from number range interval (&1, &2)
016Business partner &1 not available; change your entry
017No parameters transferred! &1 &2 &3 &4
018Bank details ID for business partner &2 not available
019Not a fully qualified key: &1 &2 &3 &4
020Choose an application area
021Select a contract account type for collective billing
022Contract account partner & is payer/payee for partner &
023Read error database view &1
024No further business partners available for this contract account
025Neither contract account nor business partner available.
026Specify altern. contract account for collective bill in application &1
027Contract account &1 created
028Business partner &1 already assigned to contract account &2
029Contract acct & transferred to update
030Contract account not available; change your entry
031Contract account &1 already blocked by user &2
032System error while blocking contract acct &1
033Enter a valid business partner
034Enter a valid company code
035Enter a valid clearing account for partner &1
036You are already processing contract account &1
037No contract account exists for business partner &1
038Error during number assignment (number range &1, object &2)
039No further addresses for business partner &1 exist
040No bank data for business partner &1 exists
041Place your cursor on a business partner
042Assign a valid address to business partner &1
043Enter an incoming payment method in bank details
044Enter an outgoing payment method in bank details
045Tolerance group &1 not defined; correct your entry
046Enter a valid business partner for contract account &1
047Specify bank details for incoming payment method &1
048Specify bank details for outgoing payment method &1
049Enter a contract account name
050Contract account &1 was not previously blocked
051No contract accounts exist for business partner &1
052Reference &1 from contract account type &2
053Contract account of application SPACE not permitted
054Value &1 cannot be entered for &2
055Specify a valid business partner relationship
056Select a business partner for contract account &1
057Error in number range determination for number range object &1
058Creation date & is not correct
059You have no authorization for &1 &2 &3
060Enter a valid reason for processing block.
061You cannot maintain category &1 contract accounts online
062Co. code gp &1 clearing account is not same as co. code gp of acct &2
063Processing block details incomplete
064Incorrect number range defined in Customizing: Number range not external
065Company code &1 does not require a jurisdiction code
066Jurisdiction code &1 is not correct for company code &2
067Company code &1 requires a jurisdiction code
068External jurisdiction code determination requires business part. address
069Error &1 during jurisdiction code determination by external system
070Error determining jurisdiction code activity
071Select a jurisdiction code from the list
072External system cannot determine a jurisdiction code for the address
073Company code must be entered to determine jurisdiction codes
074Partner &1 has several contract accounts; specify one contract account
075Contract account &1 for business partner &2 does not exist
076You may assign only one business partner to contract account &1
077No internal address no. exists for external address no. &1 (partner &2)
078Error when reading business partner data (table: &1)
079The processing lock can only be deleted
080Business partner &1 for lock data could not be found
081Invalid value &1 in lock data transfer to account &2
082No credit card data found for business partner &1
083Specify a credit card ID for incoming payment method &1
084Error in transferring the old locks to the new lock logic for account &1
085Error occurred between account &1 and &2 when deleting the locked data
086Error in transf. the old locks to the new lock logic for doc. item &1
087Error occurred between document &1 and &2 when deleting the lock data
088No contract accounts exist for partner &1
089Invalid number interval for contract account number, number &1
090Number range interval &1 is flagged as external
091Number range interval &1 is flagged as "internal"
092Clearing account cannot be the same as the contract account
093Partner &2 is not account holder of contract account &1
094There are no different correspondence recipients
095Error during update of database table: Differ. correspondence recipients
096Enter at least one alternative correspondence recipient
097There must be at least one alternative correspondence recipient
098Enter a correspondence type
099Enter a real or abstract recipient
100**** 100-200 reserved for FI-CA item/bulk interest calculation **********
101Error in reading table &1 with interest key &2
102Interest calculation for future periods is not permitted, change the date
103No interest items to be posted
104Choose items
105No items exist
106Interest document &1 successfully posted
107No items correspond to the selection criteria
108Interest cannot be currently calculated for business partner
109Specify debit or credit interest and choose a function
110No interest was posted
111No. of appropriate items found for interest calc. : &1
112No items found for which interest can be calculated
113The interest period for an item was not properly defined
114No interest information exists for item &1 &2 &3
115No interest will be calculated on item due to interest lock
116No interest will be calculated on the item; no interest key exists
117No interest will be calculated on item; due date not reached
118Interest on this item cannot be calculated due to the int. calc. frequen.
119Int. already calculated for item; no further int. calculation possible
120Interest already calculated on item up to clearing, no further int calc
121Error in loan calculation
122Items not subject to interest selected for interest calculation
123Interest calculation rules not maintained for item with interest key &1
124Time-dependent conditions in table T056I for key &1 are missing.
125There is no reference interest rate for interest key &1
126Debit and credit interest calculation cannot take place simultaneously
127Offsetting items for interest items could not be generated.
128No interest information found for &1 and &2
129Error in interest history INSERT for doc &.
130Maintain the additional parameters necessary for interest activity
131Error during interest supplement INSERT for doc &1.
132Empty interest supplement transferred
133Specify a business partner or a contract account
134There is no interest supplement for item number &2 of document &1
135Empty interest history transferred.
136Error when updating interest history
137No interest information exists for document &
138Statistical key & is not permitted for posting interest.
139No items were included for interest calculation.
140Interest calculated without error for selected items
141Interest calculation was not successful for every item
142Unable to find a valid contract account for business partner &1
143Int.calculation on credit items must be posted to G/L
144Interest document &1 posted with interest amount &2
145Source document &1 &2 &3 &4 bears interest
146Interest being calculated
147No interest posting
148Statistical interest posting
149General ledger-relevant interest posting
150Interest determination successful
151No items transferred for interest calculation
152No interest can be posted
153Interest determination is not complete
154Error occurred in interest determination
155No business partner can be determined for contract account &.
156Interest determination incomplete; interest document &1 posted
157Define a valid interest key
158Interest key &1 not defined; enter a different key
159Document &1 is not a interest document
160Min./max. amount for currency &1 and company code &2 not maintained.
161Although item is due, transfer dates have not yet expired
162Although item is due, tolerance days have not yet expired
163Interest document &1 does not exist
164Error reading items belonging to interest document &1
165Int.doc. &1 posted to different partners; no reprint possible
166No interest posting because open credit item exists with doc number &1
167Interest posting not permitted because due date is in past
168Interest amount &1
169Choose at least one line item for the interest calculation check
170Interest lock available on line items &1 &2 &3 &4
171No interest key found for line items &1 &2 &3 &4
172Due date not yet reached on line items &1 &2 &3 &4
173Transfer days have not yet passed for line items &1 &2 &3 &4
174Line items &1 &2 &3 &4 still within the tolerance days
175Interest already calculated on items &1 &2 &3 &4
176Int. not calculated on line items &1 &2 &3 &4 due to int.calcul.frequency
177Interest already calculated on items &1 &2 &3 &4 up to clearing
178Account has open credit items
179Contract account &1 is locked for interest posting
180Interest document &1 posted and interest notification created
181Interest document &1 posted; printing of interest notification terminated
182Int.document &1 posted despite incomplete int.calc. Int.notific. created
183Int.doc. &1 posted despite incomplete int.calc., but printing terminated
184Reprinting of interest notification for doc &1 terminated
185Interest notification for document &1 reprinted
186Maintain additional parameters required for cash security depos. activity
187Interest notification for document &1 printed
188Error in printing interest notification for document &1
189No document type determined for mass activity &1
190Interest analysis started for partner &1
191Correspondence for letters on interest document &1 created
192Interest analysis started for contract account &1
193No installment plan number transferred for interest posting
194Wrong install. plan cat.: Only 'I' inst. plan and 'L' loan plan valid
195Items within the tolerance days have been cleared.
196Items &1 &2 &3 &4 cleared within tolerance days
197Choose either items that are "Cleared only" or "Open only".
198Store a valid deactivation reason
199Deactivation reason &1 not supported - change your entry
200 *** 200-300 reserved for FI-CA dunning ***
201Specify a business partner or a contract account
202No dunning history for business partner &1
203Run date and run ID must be entered
204Parameters deleted
205Processing cancelled
206Parameters saved
207Parameters not found for dunning run &1 &2
208Item &1 has not been dunned; no dunning history available
209Function module does not exist for event &1
210Dunning proposal/activity run started in debugging mode
211No application ID found
212Dunning printout started with the application ID &1
213Dunning procedure: &1 dunning level: &2 is not maintained
214Parameter error: FKK_GET_TFK047
215Dunning run &1 &2 is being processed by user &3
216No dunning parameters defined yet
217Dunning run already exists; you cannot create as a reference
218Log for dunning run of &1, identification &2
219Dunning run canceled
220&1 dunning notice(s) created
221Dunning history does not exist for contract account &1
222Charges for schema: &1; type: &2 could not be determined.
223| Contract account &1 contains dunning lock &3 for partner &2
224| Contract account &1 contains incoming payment method &2
225| Document &1 contains dunning lock &2
226| &1 dunning group(s) created
227| Days in arrears for dun level &1 in dun proc &2 have not been reached
228| Frequency for dunning level &1 in dun proc &2 has not been reached
229| Dunning level has not increased for any items
230| Last dunning level has been reached (dunning procedure &, partner &)
231End of dunning selection on &1, identification &2
232| Contract account &1 for business partner &2 is blocked until &3
233| Dunning run & & contains a dunning proposal without a print date
234| No dunning procedure for contract account &1 for business partner &2
235| Payment deferred for one or more items
236Dunning activity &1 not available
237No dunning activities available for dunning procedure &1, dunning lvl &2
238Processing not possible because parameters have an old version
241Trial printout log '&1' '&2'
242Log of dunning printout '&1' '&2'
243| Document &1 contains a payment method
244| Dunning level &1 must not be carried out by the dunning run
246End of test printout: '&1' '&2'
247End of dun. notice printout: '&1' '&2'
248Job no. &1, job group &2, reconciliation key &3.
249No due open items were found
250ZP330: AT NEW FKKMAKO; FU '&1'
251Business partner &1, contract account &2, dun. procedure &3
252Dunning notice already printed, dunning level can no longer be changed
253Change to dunn.level possible only using contract-based dunning history
254| Dunning notice created with dunning procedure &1 dunning level &2
256Partner dunning level &1, dunning balance in dunning currency &2 &3
257| Balance of this dunning group is less than zero
258| Min./max.amt. of first dunning level in dunning proced. &1 not reached
259| No min./max.amount in dunning procedure &1 dunning level &2 currency &3
260Period for which payments are considered is too large
261Payment medium ID &1 in company code &2 country/region &3 does not exist
262Dunning procedure &1 contains no data for calender ID
263No dunning levels exist for dunning procedure &1
264No dunning cancellation activities exist for dunn.proc.&1 dunn.level &2
265Charge &1: &2 &3
266Dunning charge: &1 &2
267Dunning notice &1 &2 for bus. partner &3 contract acct &4 was reversed
268Application &1: Error in posting area &2
269Dunning procedure &1 &2 &3 &4 already ended
270Calculate interest, event 0370, function module &1
271Dunning interest &1 &2
272No explanations available for dunning activities
273No authorization to change dunning history
274Note to accounting clerk successfully sent on: &1
275Note to accounting clerk could not be sent on: &1
276You have entered too many recipients
277Document was not delivered to a recipient
278No authorization to send
279An unexpected error has occurred
280No authorization to display dunning history
281No dunning group and dunning lines exist for dunning run &1 &2
282Items in dunning notice for business partner &1 contract account &2
283Settlement lock &1 created; activity key &2
284No suitable entry found for trigger in contract-related dunning history
285Current dunning procedure &1 &2 completed; dunn. proc. &3 dunn.level &4
286Open receivables exist for current dunning procedure &1 &2
287Sample function module for dunning end activity executed
288Settlement lock for contract &1 deleted; activity key: &2
289Error occurred at end of dunning procedure &1 &2
290Contract account & could not be blocked.
291Business partner &1 could not be blocked
292Start of activity run for ending current dunning procedure
293Block error occurred when blocking dunning header table FKKMAKO
294No entry in posting area &1 for company code &2
295General posting block &2 is entered in contract account &1
296The system canceled the dunning run due to an error that occurred
297Function module &1 for activity &2 is not active
298Error when calling function module FKK_GET_TFK047L, activity &1
299No function module available with activity &1
300Reversal carried out successfully
301Specify a valid reference
302Internal error: Function &1 in &2 not permitted
303&1 &2 were reversed
304No changes were made
305&1 &2 already exists
306&1 &2 deleted
307Record &2 not found in table &1
308Internal error: Unexpected exception &2 in calling up function module &1
309Entered data is incomplete or incorrect
310&1 &2 already cancelled
311Charge doc(s) &1 &2 &3 posted
312No text description stored for charges scheme &1
313Charges scheme &1 contains no charge types
314No text description stored for charge category &1
315No charge documents could be posted (partner &1, accounts &2)
316No entry in posting area &1 (application &2&)
317Release payment
318Payment not released
319Document was neither released nor refused, saving is not possible
320Error occurred in function module &1
321Event &1 does not exist in table &2
322Acc to table &2, event &1 may not be overlaid with customer entries
323At least one function module for payment workflow is already entered
324Reversal not possible; there is a later dunning notice not reversed
325Dunning run is already reversed
326Deletion not possible, dunning run carried out, planned or active
327Dunning run &1 &2 already exists and is not a mass activity
328Parameters &1 &2 are used for a dunning activity run
329Not possible to reverse dunning for business partner &3
330Entries suppressed due to missing authorization
331Text for dunning activity &1 in language &2 could not be read
332Incorrect currency key in correspondence &1
333Function module ZJF0_SAMPLE_0340
334Function modules entered successfully
335Function modules removed successfully
336Function modules are already entered
337Function modules are not yet entered
338Function modules already entered
339Specify a unique business partner
340Calculation of charges incorrect
341Execution of dunning was terminated
342Dunning activity not defined for dunning level &2 in dunning proced. &1
343Amount limit not defined for every dunning level
344Inconsistent specification of amt limits (dunn. proced. &1, dunn. lvl &2)
345| Dunning procedure could not be determined
346| No dunnable items in dunning group
347Business partner &1 has negative items and will not be dunned
348Select less than 100 entries for reversal
349Select a dunning notice that can be reversed
350Calculated interest total &1 &3 is less than minimum amount of &2 &3
351Dunning notices reversed for selected business partner/contract accounts
352Interest key for subitems is not unique
353You have no authorization for posting interest without receivable
354Always use statistic indicator G to post for this action
355| No restricted dunning lock reason found
356Dunning grouping is not suitable for business partner &1 contract acct &2
357Dunning procedure not suitable for business partner &1 contract acct &2
358Dunning group
359Dunning proposal run &1 &2 does not exist
360Dunning proposal run &1 &2 not yet completed
361Dunning proposal run &1 &2 still running
362Dunning proposal &1 &2 is empty or does not exist
363| Days in arrears for dun level &1 in dun proc &2 have not been reached
364| Frequency for dunning level &1 in dun proc &2 has not been reached
365| A deferral date is entered in the correspondence
366| Dunning lock &2 is entered for the correspondence due on &1
367No correspondence dunning procedure defined in master data &1 &2 &3
368| Incoming payment method &1 is available for &2 &3 &4
369| Correspondence status does not permit dunning
370Clearing lock &1 created; activity key &2
371Dunning activity &1 has function module &2 with incorrect interface
372Dunning lock &2 already exists in contract account &1
373Dunning lock &2 entered in contract account &1
374Enter business partner &1 in telephone list
375Number range &1 is designated as external or does not exist
376Number range &1 is designated as internal or does not exist
377Incorrect number range defined in Customizing: Number range not internal
378Application area or contract account category must not be empty
379Select entries with unique dunning procedure
380Select entries with a unique value for the next dunning level
381Select only one entry for this function
382Reversal not possible; later unreversed dunning notice exists
383All selected entries have already been reversed
384Enter an existing dunning level
385Select a line
386Item will not be dunned after check in event 0365
387Both arrears and reminder days defined (dun. level &2/dun. proc.&1)
388No counters defined for mass activity type &1
389Invalid counter &1 or counter not configured
390Incorrect reminder days defined (dunning level &2/dunning procedure &1)
391Posting date must be within last &1 days
392No open receivables selected in event 1832
393Write-off notification printed for business partner &1
394&2 correspondence(s) saved for business partner &1
395Error writing correspondence for business partner &1
396Company code &1 for account &3 cannot be modified; it is used elsewhere
397No function configured (see long text)
398Case &1 created
399Enter a value in the field "Standard Company Code of Contract Account"
400Write-off of document &1 not possible; write-off amount missing in file
401Error when creating charges object
402No charge cat. &1 available in posting area &2 for application &3
403No document type entered for charge category &2 in posting area &1
404No main transaction or subtransaction available for charge type &2
405You do not have authorization to create a reconciliation key.
406No charges amount can be determined for charges category &1
407Specify the name of the payment lot file
408Specify the name of the credit card lot file
409Credit card lot header is incorrect
410**** 410-430 reserved for dunning run/activity run mass activity ****
411| No dunning notice as dunning group has no dunning-causing receivable
412| Rule not defined for additional receivable &1 in oper.co. code &2
413Dunning header has no leading contract account
414Error creating or changing collection case
415Creation of collection case prepared for business partner &1
416Item &1 is already in internal collection
417Error reading collection case
418Items from internal collection are not dunned
419Item &1 will not be dunned, since dunning procedure &2 is not selected
420New dunning level cannot be set since dunning was reversed
421New dunning level cannot be set; item has been cleared
422New dunning level cannot be set
423Dunning run &1 &2 blocked by a user
424Release withdrawn
425Receivable &1 was recalled
426Receivable &1 was recalled and resubmitted to a collections agency
427Specify a business partner and contract account
428Number of payments (&1) does not equal control total (&2)
429Calculated payment total & not equal to & transferred total
430Calculated write-off total & not equal to & transferred total
431File empty
432First data record has record type &1; 1 is expected (header record)
433Processing terminated
434Error in file; data record category &1 unknown (line &2)
435&1 is an invalid date
436Transaction category &1 is incorrect
437The selection category for field &1 is not defined in Customizing
438Currency & is invalid
439Total payment amounts from &1 > Specified amount from &2
440Document &1 (collection item &2) not submitted to extl collection agency
441Document &1 (collection item &2) not updated in table DFKKOP
442Specify selection criteria for payment lot
443No authorization for activity &1 and authorization group &2
444You can only recall submitted items
445No Items Recalled
446No charges posted; use event 5068
447Submitted receivables were recalled
448Change to status 'initial' not possible
449Undo only possible with status Released, Recalled, or Reversed
450Cannot change to status 'Receivable Recalled'
451&1 of &2 marked collection items are not released.
452No change made to submission status
453&1 of &2 receivable(s) was/were not released to a collection agency
454All &1 items released for submission to a collection agency
455Submission status &1 does not permit resubmission of receivable &2
456Business partner item &1 / &2 / &3 / &4 not available
457Number of receivables is not equal to number of collection items
458No new key assignment possible for tax code &1 in country/region &2
459You do not have authorization to write off open items
460You do not have authorization to display open items
461Receivable &1 not ready to be changed to submission status &2
462Tax codes &1 and &2 refer to different percentages
463Company code &1 is not defined for country/region &2
464Tax code &1 in company code &2 for country/region &3 is incomplete
465Specify the company code or country/region
466There is no contract account for business partner &1
467The general selections are either insufficient or performance too slow
468Initial value is not valid
469There is no exchange indicator for tax code &1
470You are not authorized to release items for submission to collection
471There is no descriptive text for dunning level category &1.
472There is no descriptive text for dunning procedure &1
473Data record &1 could not be added
474You are not authorized to display write-off history
475Write-off history was updated
476Credit rating updated for business partner &1
477You are not authorized to change the write-off history
478Write-off history successfully changed
479No write-off history exists for business partner &1
480No write-off history exists for contract account &1
481Dunning procedure &1 does not exist
482There is no descriptive text for submission status &1
483There is no receivable for submission to collection agency
484No entries available in table &1
485Write off history is locked by user &1
486System error during locking of write off history
487Clearing reason &1 is inconsistent, clearing reason &2 is consistent
488&1 of &1 item(s) allowed for submission release (criterion: &3)
489Specify currency before you enter amount
490No receivable for submission release to collection agency
491You can only submit receivables to a collection agency
492Receivable &1 was already released for submission to collection agency &2
493Collection agency &1 does not exist
494Receivable &1 was sold and cannot be submitted
495Submission status &1 for receivable &2/&3 is invalid
496No authorization to display receivables submitted to collection agencies
497&1 of &2 collection item(s) blocked
498Collection item &1 / &2 is blocked by user &3
499Business partner &1 is blocked by user &2
500Business partner &1 is locked due to mass processing
501Check amount selections; currency has changed
502There is no data record with issue status &1
503Select an identification without '
504No collections agency could be determined
505Receivable from document &1 is already in internal collection
506Select an item for this function
507There is no data record with key &1 / &2 / &3
508Specify values for selection
509Data from file &1 was saved successfully (&2)
510The system was unable to locate receivable items using the details given
511No data record found with doc. number &1 in submission table DFKKCOLL
512Specify document number for selection
513Error occurred while calling function module &1
514No data record found with collections item number &1 in submission table
515File &1 saved
516You cannot change the status to "Released for submission"
517Data has been changed
518No changes; saving is not necessary
519Specify the name of the file
520No authorization to write file &1
521Error occurred in database table &1 when data was being saved
522Collection item &1/&2 not specified; no collection agency assigned
523Business partner item &1/&2/&3 was submitted with collections item no. &4
524Business partner &1 does not exist
525Contract account &1 does not exist
526There is no data for your selection
527An error occurred when posting the write-off document (BP &1)
528Document interval for business partner &1 not completely included
529No authorization to change receivables submitted to collection agencies
530No authorization to create a file for submission to a collection agency
531Write-off document for business partner &1 not posted
532Currency translation of &1 to &2 contains errors
533Document &1 posted
534Write-off document &1 successfully simulated for business partner &2
535&1 &2 &3 &4
536Select valid collection items
537No general ledger account stored for writing off
538Business partner &1 in company code &2 is locked
539Only statistical open items not able to be written off exist
540Document &1 ready for posting
541&1 of &2 item(s) can be written off (criterion: &3)
542No descriptive text for tolerance group &1
543There is no descriptive text for execution variant &1
544&1 file(s) successfully saved
545Parameters with ID &1 cannot be imported
546Posting parameter &1 set to default value &2, as not specified
547Error when writing collection item number &1 in receivable &2
548Error when releasing receivables for submission to collection agencies
549Submission status of receivable &1 updated
550Specify the name of the check lot file
551Alt./add. recipient: Both direct input and correction
552Correspondence recipient entry cannot be found
553Changes cannot be made to correspondence partners in Direct Input
554Partner &1 for account &3 already locked by user &2
555Date &1 invalid: Contract account &2 already maintained with date &3
556Contract account &1 not yet created for &2
557You are not authorized to create account with authorization type &1
558You are not authorized to change account with authorization type &1
559You are not authorized to display account with authorization type &1
560Incorrect check digit determination for contract account numbers
561Legal address for account &1 and partner &2 already has an alt. JDC
562Contract account category &1 not supported for external number assignment
563Specify a credit card ID for outgoing payment method &1
564No internal bank details exist for external bank details &1 (partner: &2)
565Contract account category &1 not supported for internal number assignment
566&1 jurisdiction codes were transferred to partner addresses
567Report stopped: JDC transfer already executed on &1 by user &2
568No JDC transfer from account to address has yet taken place for client &1
569Enter a valid fiscal tax category
570Enter a valid region
571Enter a valid clearing category
572Contract account &1 already created in this direct input record
573&1 is collective invoice acct category but collective invoices not active
574Account flagged for archiving: Archiving run in progress
575Account flagged for archiving: No deletion run for archiving yet
576Enter restriction date for exemption number, and vice versa
577Address selection only possible if you specify &1
578Only possible to create contract accounts for current date
579Account holder relationship is not uniquely defined
580Payment run in progress - no changes possible - changes have been reset
581Company code &1 and company code &2 have different local currencies
582Specify at least one tax exemption number
583There must be at least one tax exemption number
584Tax exemption already exists for tax code, condition type, and date
585Enter a valid tax on sales and purchases code
586Enter a valid tax procedure
587Error during conversion of specified GUID &1 into internal format
588Account &1 (partner &2) is paid via account &3 (partner &4)
589Company code group &2 for collective bill account different to &1
590Contract account &1 has different company code to collective bill account
591All subitems selected for document &1 item number &2
592No authorization for reading collection agency file
593Check clearing account does not exist
594Document &1 locked for clearing: lock reason '&2'
595Contract account &1 locked in company code &2
596Write-off document not posted for contract account &1
597Write-off document &1 successfully simulated for contract account &2
598Select only one item for this processing
599Invalid selection of original items for installment plan
600A document type has not been defined in Customizing for &
601Business partner &1 not found, correct your entry
602Contract account &1 not found, correct your entry
603No business area available in installment plan
604Error selecting original receivables
605Start date is before system date
606Cannot select an open item
607The application could not be found
608Installment plan &1 does not exist
609Enter start date for the installment plan
610No additional interest accrues
611Select open items for &1
612Error creating repeat document
613&1 posted under number &2
614Sum total & is not equal to the original receivables
615Only items for a business partner/contract account allowed for each &
616&1 &2 created
617Enter retention period in weeks
618The installment amount for installment &1 = 0
619Document &1 not found, please correct your entry
620Contract account &2 for business partner &1 is not available
621& & does not exist
622Document &1 is not a(n) &2
623&1 &2 changed
624Due date &1 already exists in &2
625Due date &1 of installment must be in the future
626For an installment amount of & &, the no. of installments is 0.
627Invalid selection or no items selected
628Enter installment interval and installment interval category
629If no. of inst. = &1 and rounding amnt = &2, the install. amount is 0 &3
630Number of installments must exceed 0
631Rounding amount must be greater than 0
632Installment amount must be greater than 0
633Due date &1 has been defined several times in &2
634Error when accessing table TFK000C
635Indicator for installment plans in table TKK000C is missing
636You did not make any changes to &1
637Error when accessing function module &
638No document found for transferred selection criteria
639Error when reading document header for &1 &2
640Error reading sample records for document &
641You cannot change the full amount of items already partially paid
642Original receivables for installment plan & not found
643The correspondence printout for &1 &2 was terminated
644Installment plan &1 has been saved and the correspondence print ended
645Installment plan has been saved; correspondence print has been terminated
646Currency not specified, rounding amount cannot be transferred
647Internal error occurred when creating installment plan
648Internal error occurred when changing installment plan no. &
649Interest amount changed due to a change to amount or due date
650Repayment plan category &1 not designated for currency &2
651Text not maintained for refund plan &1 in language &2 in TFK060A
652Add the required details
653You can only create loans for positive amounts
654Loan processing for application &1 not permitted
655&1 is cleared/deactivated; only display mode possible
656Clearing lock already set by &1; only display mode possible
657Enter at least one selection criterion
658Error made when determining interest doc. type for loans (posting area &)
659Enter either the install. amt or the no. of installments
660Internal error accessing installment plan source receivables
661Due date &1: Installment amnt must always be greater than interest amnt
662You have not entered a document type for the charge document
663You cannot delete an installment to which interest applies
664Internal error when calling function module &
665&1 posted under number &2, charge document &3
666&1 posted under number &2, interest document &3
667&1 posted under number &2, charge document &3 and interest document &4
668An installment amount of &1 &4 results &2 number of installments
669Installment plan &1 saved and print order created
670Total of original receivables <> total of installment receivables
671&1 &2 does not have an interest schedule
672Error occurred when reading interest schedule
673&1 cannot be reversed automatically
674Error accessing interest document &
675There must be at least one installment in an installment plan
676The amount of installmt no.& cannot be changed to be less than paymt amt
677The due date of a partially paid installment cannot be changed
678The rounding amount defined in Customizing is used
679At least one installment does not comply with the rounding rules
680You must specify a contract account or a business partner
681You cannot create an installment plan for these items
682The open items selected do not correspond to the quantity to be selected
683The installment plan cannot be posted/changed
684No installment plan history exists for &1 &2
685The item selected has no installment plan history
686Select items for the installment plan
687The installment plan history does not include document &1 (&2/&3/&4)
688No installment plans exist
689No business partner items with currency &1 exist for write-off
690Commenced printing installment plans for contract account &1
691Not possible to print payment forms for installment plans
692Commenced printing installment plans for business partner &1
693The total amount for an installment plan must be greater than 0
694No interest document posted for installment plan &1
695Installment plan &1 changed and interest document &2 posted
696Interest document &2 posted for installment plan &1
697Enter the installment interval
698No document type entered for the temporary charges document
699Specify document type for temporary interest document
700Reason for marking as doubtful &1 not maintained
701Document &1 does not exist for business partner &2
702Fill at least one field
703No receivable correction exists
704A DFKKZW lock entry already exists for document number &1
705A system error occurred when locking document number &1
706An error occurred when locking document number &1
707An error occurred when unlocking &1 &2 &3
708Select an item
709Error when posting; Rollback with document number &1
710Rate of doubtful items may not be larger than 100%
711&1 item(s) was/were changed
712Doc &1 not made available by FKK_S_EWBZWF_PROVIDE
713No corresponding DFKKOP document exists for document &1
714Error reading table &1 &2 &3 &4
715No changes were made
716Item(s) already reversed
717Item(s) already classed as doubtful
718Reversal reason &1 has not been maintained
719Selected items not yet corrected
720&1 summarized items are to be posted in the general ledger
721No selection entries exist
722Either choose mark as doubtful, or individual value adjustment
723Simulation for accounts &1, &2 was successful. Amount: &3 &4
724You did not select an allowed item for receivable correction
725Either enter the line layout, or a display variant
726Select only one item for processing
727&1 item(s) posted
728You have no authorization for company code &1
729You are not authorized to make transfer postings of receivable valuations
730Multiple data records exist in &1 &2 &3
731You do not have the authorization to display the returns history
732The percentage for value adjustments may not be greater than 100%
733No transferred posted totals are available
734Posting date may not come before date of transfer posting run
735Document &1 does not exist for contract account &2
736No history exists for the items you selected
737No Recievables Adjustment for Document &, Item & Exists
738GUID is already assigned to contract account &1
739&1 of &2 item(s) permitted for revenue distribution (criteria: &3)
740No receivable exists for revenue distribution
741Assignment to cash desk and/or branch is missing
742Cash desk closing active; postings cannot be transferred
743No standard settings for role &1 in application &2
744Collective bill &1 will not be written off
745Clearing document &1 posted for business partner &2
746Clearing document &1 posted for contract account &2
747Error posting write-off document (CA &1)
748Error in interface for function module &1
749No documents found for these selection criteria
750The time between installments must not be more than 99 days
751Loan line items due prior to the start date for interest calculation &2
752The interest amount is larger than the loan installment amount
753A loan repayment plan must include at least one due date
754The date from which the loan runs must not lie in the past
755Loan interest calculation not supported for interval type &1
756All loan items have to be posted to one company code
757Document & currently with & doubtful, & to be adjusted, tax &
758Document & with & doubtful, & adjusted, tax &
759Document &, new, with & doubtful, & adjusted, tax &
760Table TFK060A was converted with &1 entries in currency &2
761No tax numbers for business partner &1 available
762Tax category &2 for contract partner &1 not available
763&1 must start with "IB" in Argentina (BP &2)
764In field &1, value &3 is not permitted for Argentina (BP &2)
765&1 must be equal to IE in Brazil (business partner &2)
766&1 must be equal to CNPJ or CPF in Brazil (business partner &2)
767Account &1 used as collective bill account in account &2 (partner &3)
768Dependencies still exist to the contract account
769**** 770-800 reserved for FI-CA interest run *************************
770&1 business partner accounts processed
771&1 contract accounts were processed
772&1 interest documents were posted
773&1 items of correspondence were created
774Total interest of &1 &2 was posted
775Interest amount is only determined for items with uniform currency
776No interest has accrued
777Interest amounting to &2 &3 accrues for business partner &1
778Interest amounting to &2 &3 accrues for contract account &1
779You do not have authorization to post an interest document
780You do not have authorization to display the interest calculation
781No deletable interest history lines were found
782&1 interest history lines were deleted
783Deletion program for interest histories no longer required is started
784Amount of interest resulting from simulation: &1 &2
785Enter time period for interest calculation frequency
786Item was already cleared before due date
787Item &1 &2 &3 &4 was already cleared before its due date
788No interest accruing on contract account &1
789Account balance interest is calculated for the contract account
790Reason (&1) is different from reason (&2) for legal IndValueAdj. &3 &4 &5
791Select accounting and legal individual value adjustments together
792Item &1 &2 locked for interest calculation; locking reason &3
793No deactivation possible since installment contained in payment specific.
794No payment form printed for due date &2 of installment plan &1
795Action terminated
796Selected data incomplete due to missing authorization
797No data selected due to missing authorization
798No cash security deposits available
799The cash security deposit interest amount must be greater than zero
800*** 800 -- 850 reserved for write-off and external collection agency ***
801No business partner items for writing off exist.
802Document &1 does not exist for contract account &2
803Document &1 for contract &2 does not exist
804No selection criteria could be derived from the entries
805File &1 already exists
806Specify checking level
807&1 open business partner items do not correspond to the checking rules
808Write-off currency is not specified.
809Currency &1 not supported
810There is no descriptive text for currency &1
811Contract &1 is not assigned to a business parnter or a contract account
812Business partner item &1 is written off without tax adjustment
813Document type &1 does not exist
814Clearing reason &1 does not exist
815Write-off reason &1 does not exist.
816No explanatory text exists for write-off reason &1
817No tax indicator is set in business partner item &1
818No business partner item exists for document &1
819Enter a document number
820Enter a reconciliation key
821Document &1 has no header data
822Document &1 does not exist for business partner &2
823Callback reason &2 not found in table &1
824No payment document type defined for collection agencies in pstg area &1
825Transfer parameter &1 of function module &2 is blank
826Account &1 does not exist for contract account &2
827Account &1 does not exist for business partner &2
828Sub-item &2/&3 of document &1 is not written off.
829Calculation type for taxes with write-off has not been specified.
830You do not have authorization for the function 'Select without rule'
831Calculation type for taxes &1 is not defined
832Document &1 has items for several business partners
833Business partner item &1 will not be written off due to tax differences
834Item &1 &2 &3 will not be submitted to collection agency
835Specify parameters for selection of dunning history
836No business partner items exist for document &1
837No item with collections item no. &1 exists in document &1
838No items found that meet selection criteria
839System error
840Document &1 does not exist
841No items exist with the status 'Released for submission'
842No external collections agency found for business partner &1
843File &1 could not be opened
844Error when inserting into database table &1
845Error when deleting database table &1
846Error when updating database table &1
847Error when changing database table &1
848Document &1 with collections item number &2 does not exist
849Error when changing collections item number in document &1 / &2 / &3 / &4
850**** 850-900 reserved for FI-CA automatic clearing ************
851Company codes in automatic clearing must have the same local currency
852Contract account &1 cleared with document number &2
853Error when converting open items into local currency
854Multiple modules or no modules exist for event 0110
855Error when determining origin for transaction FPMA
856Error in clearing module
857Items skipped due to conflicting lock: &1
858No application ID found
859No automatic clearing possible
860Error when locking interval &1
861Write-off reason &1 may not be used for this transaction
862Clearing of contract account &1 successfully simulated
863Only posting in original document currency permitted for active workflow
864No approval possible due to lock by &1
865No data exists for GUID &1 in table DFKKWRTOFF_WF
866No cost element may be created for general ledger account &1
867Enter a valid company code group
868No contract account exists for business partner &1 in company code &2
869The contract account number must not contain the characters '*' and ','
870Deactivation reason not available
871Contract account &1 does not exist; no tax exemption possible
872Installment plan category &1 is not defined; correct your entry
873No recipient entered
874& open payment lots closed and posted
875Cash desk &2 in branch &1 was closed successfully
876Cash desk &1 &2 has several closing balances with same payt cat. and crcy
877General selections are incorrect - correct the entries
878Cash payment in currency & not possible; post a deposit
879Cash payment in currency & not possible; cash balance not sufficient
880No contract account found for partner &1
881Specified business partner number &1 was not initialized
882Cash desk &2 in branch &1 was opened successfully
883Withdrawal amount &1 is not compatible with lots selected
884Withdrawal of negative amount &1 is not possible
885Check and postal order lot deactivated
886Select only lots or documents with same payment category
887You cannot reset clearing restrictions here
888Installment &1 cannot be changed
889Payment order exists for installment &1; deactivation not possible
890| Item is blocked for dunning; check reason: &1
891Clearing account &1 in company code &2 is not permitted for &3
892A suitable lot already exists
893Actual status entered is different to total of table values
894No lots/documents found
895Error displaying balance/closing overview
896Error saving closing data
897Select a valid line
898Cash desk &1 of branch &2 is blocked by user &3
899You are not authorized to open and close cash desks
900First select a valid cash desk by double-click
901Display of detail data for archived cash desk closings not possible
902Reprinting not possible for archived cash desk closing
903Address of business partner &1 contains no data for send type &3
904No write-off preselections exist for contract account &1
905Internal error: Unexpected EXCEPTION in method &1
906No individual charges and discounts exist
907| The correspondence will be dunned in Collections Management
908The fields for Collections Management were reset
909Error during update of database table for individual charges/discounts
910Dunning activity will never be executed - dunning level for inv. run only
911Business partner &1 for individual charges and discounts not found
912Charge/discount entry cannot be found
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