0D - IS-IS-CD Allgemeine Nachrichten

The following messages are stored in message class 0D: IS-IS-CD Allgemeine Nachrichten.
It is part of development package ISCDFUN in software component FS-CD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-CD: Collections/Disbursements Functionality".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Insurance object &1 &2 does not exist
001Insurance object &1 already exists
002Enter a contract account number
003Insurance object &1 invoiced using contract account &3 from &2
004Contract account &1 already exists
005Contract account &1 does not exist
006&1: Field &2 is incorrect
007Selection type &1 entered twice - change your entry
008Enter a valid path or change the indicator
009No items exist for document number &1
010System locking error
011You can no longer use reconciliation key &1
012Reconciliation key &1 blocked by &2
013Enter a reconciliation key
014Enter an invoicing frequency for the invoicing type
015Contract account &1 can include just one insurance object (acct cat. &2)
016Specify one account holder only
017Enter only one account holder
018Enter an invoicing base date for the invoicing frequency
019Enter a collection base date for the collections frequency
020&1 &2 &3 &4
021&1 is not a valid date - change your entry
022&1 is not a valid parameter - change your entry
023The DATEI or DFORM parameters are missing to change the log record
024Assign a contract account to insurance object &1
025The DATEI parameter for reading the log record is missing
026Posting data transfer cannot create a log entry
027Enter a payment frequency for the incoming payment method
028Enter a payment frequency for the outgoing payment method
029Control table &1 is blank, no further processing possible
030Information for number range object &1 could not be queried
031Number assignment from number range object &1 not possible
032Enter specifications for paymt method &1
033Function module VVKK_TRIGGER_READ_MASS_INIT was called incorrectly
034No automatic payment for contract acct category &1 and item cat. &2
035Function module for insurance object type &1 not available in client &2
036Undefined exception (others) when calling a module
037Contract acct &1 and insurance object &2 do not match
038Payment lock set for account &1 prevents processing
039The system cannot clear this document automatically
040Enter a disbursement base date and the disbursement frequency together
041Enter the collection frequency and base date together
042Securities account cannot be the contract acct to be maintained
043Deposit account does not exist
044Enter the contract acct and insurance object number
045Reference contract number &1 does not exist
046&1 user(s) not permitted for the insurance application
047You cannot set an allocation rule to sorting without a sort variant
048Enter a company code
049Company code &1 is not provided
050No bank account defined for company code &1
051Account holder relationship is not uniquely defined
052The open item has no contract acct category
053Specify a posting reason for the G/L item
054Enter a JOB identification.
055&1: Payment lot &2 was updated
056&1: Returns lot &2 was updated
057Item category &1 is not defined
058Insurance object could not be created
059No items were selected
060No data was selected for archiving
061&1: Insurance object type and number entered incorrectly or nonexistent
062Enter an insurance object
063Enter an alternative evaluation group
064Enter a supplementary evaluation group
065The alternative evaluation group must be blank
066The supplementary evaluation group must be blank
067The archive key entered is not known (&1)
068Specify ACODE 03.
069> Posting data transfer - &1
070Insurance object must be blank
071Select only one entry
072Entry &1 is not available; make a valid entry
073Account holder for contract account &1 is not defined (uniquely).
074Select at least one entry
075Specify the clearing account, or mark for variable clearing
076No clearing variant set up for account &
077Clearing without an contract is not possible in this case
078&1: Only 99 lots per day possible
079Select just one line
080&1: Error in processing.
081Account holder for acct/partner relationship is not defined (uniquely)
082No item category defined for document type &1
083Table &1 is blank
084Acct determination for area V010 with &1/&2&3/&4 not successful
085Acct determination for area V020 with &1/&2/&3/&4 not successful
086Acct determination for area &1 not successful
087Business partner has multiple accounts and account is not specified
088&1: Entry &2 not found in table TKKVBLERM
089&1: &2 clarification cases.
090Selection type for field &1 is not defined
091Sel. type &1 not permitted as add. specification for sel. type &2
092Distribute payment to contract accounts or insurance object for partner
093Selection type &1 not defined
094Partner is not account holder
095Selection type &1 not necessary
096Distribute payment to insurance objects for the contract account
097Other ins. obj. may be used in calculating coll. accts w. coll. view
098Selection type &1 only permitted as add. specification for payment
099Selection type &1 only permitted as specification for payment
100Invoicing number not found
101Selection type not found
102No field referenced
103Active dunning procedures will be closed
104Contract &1
105Business partner: &1 Contract account: &2
106Account &1 with single view groups &2 and &3
1072 relationships in 1 group: Acct &1 BP &2 and acct &3 BP &4
108Posting data does not match direct payer
109No contract-related dunning history exists for &1 &2
110Posting are &1 not maintained
111Deposit account &1: No currency maintained
112Specify the first selection type
113No entry found for &1 &2 &3 &4 in table DIMAIOBPAR
114Clearing restriction &3 is mandatory in contract account &1 &2
115Enter a partial amount greater than zero
116The total partial amount may not exceed the payment amount
117User &1 is processing this payment run
118Job parameters &1 &2 &3 already blocked by another payment run
119Expense/revenue account not found, key: &1 / &2 / &3 / &4
120&1: No. of records &2
121&1: Totals &2
122&1: Residual total &2
123&1: Balance totals &2
124Partner &1, contract &2: Still no balance interest calculation
126Function module for event &1 is not defined
127A partial amount less than zero is not permitted
128Payment frequency &1 is not defined
129Enter an insurance object
130No insurance object reference exists for the contract account
131Business partner &1 does not exist
132Address &1 for business partner &2 does not exist
133Bank &1 for business partner &2 does not exist
134Information procedure &1 is not defined
135Function &1 for information procedure &2 executed incorrectly
136Invoicing for account &1 was terminated
137The document total does not match the summary record
138File was completely processed
139Identification for restart is &1
140User &1 is using posting data transfer ID &2
141System error: Restart identification &1 cannot be generated
142**** RESTART, identification is &1 ****
143Name of application server &1 is invalid
144Enter a valid start date and a valid start time
145Enter a valid run identification
146Run identification &1 is invalid
147&1: Document type &2 &3 not permitted in batch
148Enter the name of the file to be processed
149The system cannot display possible entries here
150Error opening file &1
151Error when reading from file &1
152Error writing to file &1
153Error closing file &1
154Invoicing period not valid: &1 to &2
155Error &1 when creating batch job &2
156Error &1 during SUBMIT VIA JOB of report program &2
157Error &1 when scheduling batch job &2
158&1 scheduled as batch job &2
159&1 documents transferred
160DOS file &1 transferred as UNIX file &2
161&1 &2 &3 &4
162File &1 opened for reading
163Function module &1
164Sorting of dunning notices started/ended: &1
165Next dunning date set to: &1
166&1 documents incorrect
167Start the program with a different function key
168Error when deleting contents of table &1
169&1 records deleted from table &2
170Error when calculating effective interest rate
171Error &1 when starting batch job &2
172&1 started as batch job &2
173Error in debit entry simulation
174Job is running on application server &1
175*** Interval &1 &2 &3
176*** Interval &1 &2 &3 finished successfully
177*** Interval &1 &2 &3 finished successfully
178Error in business transaction no.=&1, doc no.=&2
179No note to clerk key exists.
180Table &1 could not be read
181Acct &1 invoiced periodically; trigger was deleted
182Activity & not found in table TKKVAKTIV (Customizing)
183Invoicing type &1 and acct category &2 are not defined
184Sel. type not defined for acct category &1 and acct view &2 in acct &3
185No contract dunning procedure found for contract &
186No items due for dunning found for contract &
187No document type with receivable type found for interest or charges
188Control character ":" missing in parameter control
189Credit memo amount: partner &2 account &3 contract &4
190Function not possible
191Print request saved for business partner &1, insurance object &2
192Enter an invoicing base date for account &1
193Insurance-related due date cannot be determined
194Enter an invoicing base date
195Contract account &1 cannot be posted to without an account holder
196Change mode has been switched on
197Enter one selection type only
198Data record type &1 mandates the following data records: &2 &3 &4
199&1: Input file: &2
200&1: INIT run incorrect for transfer data
201&1: Correct errors in document &2
202&1: &2: &3 not found in table &4
203&1: &2: Date &3 in &4 has incorrect format
204No insurance object determined for account &1 and partner &2
205&1: &2: Amount in &3 has incorrect format
206&1: &2: Coinsurance shares not permitted
207&1: &2: Number &3 (&4) in transfer document is not serial
208&1: &2: Partial key &3 in &4 is incorrect
209&1: &2: Total must be zero for this document type
210&1: &2: Value &3 is not defined for &4
211&1: &2: Field &3 must be blank
212&1: &2: Required field &3 is blank
213&1: &2: Field &3 is invalid
214Correspondence V038 Created
215&1: &2: Total amount &3 not equal to total amounts in item &4
216&1: &2: Document for client &3 not processed in system client &4
217Locks on contract level without partner reference are not supported
218&1: &2: Insurance obj. type and no. must be blank in transfer pstg doc.
219&1: &2: Table &3 blank or does not exist
220&1: &2: At least two line items (&3) are required for this document type
221&1: &2: No line items are permitted for this document type
222&1: &2: &3 Items exist, but &4 predefined in document header
223&1: &2: Always use cost center and profit center together
224&1: &2: Payment frequency &3 is not defined
225&1: &2: &3 does not match &4
226&1: &2: No recurring document exists for this finalize document
227&1: &2: Negative amount nor permitted for premium payment
228&1: &2: Cancellation documents not permitted online
229&1: &2: Document type &3 not permitted online
230&1: &2: Due date &3 not equal to invoicing lower limit &4
231&1: &2: Target/actual commission not permitted
232&1: &2: Posting reason &3 not permitted for yearly payment
233You cannot maintain category &1 contract accounts online
234Contract account category &1 not defined
235Complete the account reference with a 3-character short name
236&1: Returns lot &2 could not be updated
237&1: Payment lot &2 could not be updated
238Open item clearing already completed
239Invoicing type &1 not designated for account category &2
240&1: No trigger entries to be processed
241&1: New insurance object &2 / &3 not added
242No data available for an expiry note for &1 &2 &3
243&1: Number of read triggers &2
244&1: Number of processed triggers &2
245&1: Number of deleted triggers &2
246No invoicing history exists for invoice number &1
247Selection indicator &1 is not defined
248Enter the first three letters of the last name
249Batch job run terminated
250Error when writing table &1
252> Dunning run date: &1
253> Business partner: &1
254> Contract : &1
255> Account : &1
256> Dunning procedure: &1 &2
257> Dunning level : &1
259> Dunning items : &1
260> Due date : &1
261| Amount____________: &1 &2
263| Dunning balance_________: &1 &2
264> Down payment balance : &1 &2
266|Dunning charges______: &1 &2 &3 &4
267| Interest____________: &1 &2 &3
269| Further items in dunning notice:
270| &1 &2 &3 &4
272Enter an insurance object number
273No dunning notices or dunning proposals exist for contract &1
274No due date deadline used for account &1
275Currently, only user &1 may start triggered open item clearing
276No authorization for triggered open item clearing
277Header information for a dunning grouping
278Table &1 does not exist
279&1 dunning groups formed after dunning groups were renumbered
280Invoicing already completed: Bus. trans. &1 / Document no. &2
281New dunning level &1 for &2 set for dunning procedure &3 in contract &4
282Execution date of new dunning level must be in the future
283Document &1 is older than the dunned document in contract
284No. of finished dunning procedures: &1
285No dunning activities exist
286No dunning history exists for insurance object
287Contract account not changed due to error &1
288Enter item category for the open item
289Assign a clearing account to insurance object &1
290Dunning grouping not defined for company code &1 and product group &2
291Dunning group &1 contains different first premium dunning procedures
292Dunning group restricted to items in the pre-dunning level
293Tolerance group &1 not defined for account &2 and partner &3
294Securities account not permitted for this payment method
295Call to cancel dunning procedure for contract acct &1 failed
296Only numbers and blank characters valid in customer data field (&1)
297Item category for document type &1 and event &2 is not defined
298No authorization for dunning history
299No authorization to change dunning history
300Number of processed entries &1
301No recurring documents for ACODE = &1 (&2)
302Contract account &1 does not exist
303Insurance object &1 &2 does not exist
304Required field error in the input structure
305Account &1 with partner &2 is not yet available
306Contract number parameter missing
307Check digit in customer data field is incorrect
308Parameter missing: Business transaction number
309Contract account category &3 is not defined
310Account number assignment is in a critical area
311No more account numbers exist
312Reference business case number parameter is missing
313Valid-to parameter is missing
314Transfer document &1 with business transaction number &2 already posted
315Use transaction VY21 for error analysis
316Business partner parameter not transferred
317No accounts found for business partner &1
318Statistics key &1 not permissible here!
319Unexpected ELSE case: field &1 with value &2 (&3 &4)
320Currency & is invalid
321No dunning procedure found for the contract
322&2 error when changing/creating &1
323&1 error when creating business partner
324Contract account &1 locked by another application
325Contract account &1 cannot be read (enqueue system error)
326A contract account is being managed on an open item basis
327Insurance object already exists
328&1: &2: Field status variant for company code &3 not found
329&1: &2: Field status group for G/L account &3 is not defined
330&1: &2: Field status definition for add. acct assignment fields not found
331&1: &2: Data transfer document item does not contain a G/L account
332&1: &2: Different company codes in item &3 and header &4
333&1: &2: Business partner &3 not created as payment partner
334&1: &2: Address &4 does not found for business partner &3
335&1: &2: Bank details ID &4 do not exist for business partner &3
336&1: &2: Business partner is blank
337Enter a stop reason and a stop date together
338Error &1 when changing the insurance object
339&1: &2: Operational company code per item must be the same
340No open receivables found for account &1
341Invoicing type &1 for account &2, BP &3, not in selected area
342General error Sy-subrc = &1
343Doc &1 w/business trans. no. &2 already exists in the transfer data table
344Selection specification longer than permitted
345Trigger for account &1 was deleted
346The following items in account &1 were processed
347Document: &1 Amount: &2 Currency: &3
348Company code &1& for securities acct diff. from company code for acct &2&
349Invoice &1 not found
350Acct &1 for invoice &2 not found
351Partner &2 for account &1 does not exist.
352Contract &1 does not exist.
353No bank account defined for company code &1 and origin area &2
354No authorization to display returns history
356Before summarization:
357After summarization:
358----Dunning group &1 ----------------------------------
359Business partner &1 / Contract &2
360Contract &1 / Company code &2
361Dunning group index &1 / dunning procedure &2
362 No. of items: &1
363 Total groups: &1
364 Total items: &1
365&1: &2: Field status group &3 not defined in field status variant &4
366&1: &2: Field status def. for document type &3 is not maintained
367 Dunning grouping according to dunning procedure type &1
368Installment plan &1 deactivated
369Dunning procedure cannot be determined for & & & & (posting area V201)
370Receivable type not maintained for doc type &
371Dunning procedure &1 contains no dunning levels
372Error when calling function module FKK_GET_TFK047
373| Document &1 &2 &3 &4 contains acct dunning procedure
374Posting reason &1 does not exist
375Telephone collection table sent. Activity key &1
376Telephone collection status could not be determined: partner &1 acct &2
377Key fields: Dunning procedure &1, dun. level &2, currency &3, amount &4
378 (old) creditw: &1, marital status: &3, no address: &4
379Product group &1 does not exist
380Contract acct cat &1 does not exist
381Business type &1 does not exist
382Claim type &1 not available
383Risk type &1 does not exist
384Insurance type &1 does not exist
385Bank clearing account &1 does not exist
386Bank key &1 does not exist
387In-force business type &1 does not exist
388Underwriting type &1 does not exist
389Insurance functional area &1 does not exist
390Insurance operational area &1 does not exist
391In-force business group &1 does not exist
392 Contract:__________&1
393 Contract account:___&1
394 Company code:_____&1
395 Dunning procedure:____&1
396BP &1: No clearing account found for account/contract &2
397Action cancelled
398Dunning procedure cannot be determined for & & & & (posting area V202)
399Function (ACODE &1) is not defined
400****FI-SL Master Data Validation for Add. Acct Assignments *************
401Insurance type &1 &2 does not exist
402No valid insurance types exist in the area from &1 to &2
403Functional area &1 &2 does not exist
404No valid functional area exist in the area from &1 to &2
405Risk type &1 &2 does not exist
406No valid risk types exist in the area between &1 and &2
407Portfolio type &1 &2 does not exist
408No valid areas exist in the area between &1 and &2
409Underwriting type &1 &2 does not exist
410No valid underwriting types exist in the area between &1 and &2
411Organizational area &1 &2 does not exist
412No valid organizational areas exist in the area from &1 to &2
413Loss type &1 &2 does not exist
414No valid loss types exist in the area between &1 and &2
415Customer type &1 &2 does not exist
416No valid customer types exist in the area between &1 and &2
417Transaction type &1 &2 does not exist
418No valid transaction types exist in the area between &1 and &2
419No authorization for the invoicing history
420No authorization to display data transfer document data
421No authorization to create an insurance object in company code &1
422No authorization to create an insurance object
423No authorization to change an insurance object
424Contract account &1 must be managed on an open account basis
425Contract account &1 can only be assigned to one partner
426Contract account &1 can only contain one insurance object
427Deposit account &1 is managed in &2 - posting not possible in currency &3
428No balance interest calculation for document &1 item &2
429Enter both default values for field &
430Entry of second default value not permitted for field &
431| Receivable________: &1 &2
432Event V309: Dunning Procedure is not Terminated
433| Item &1 &2 is in broker collections
434The limit of 999 current dunning procedures reached for this contract
435An inverse posting &2 will be created for interest document &1
436Simulation: An inverse posting will be created for old interest doc. &1
437Interest docs cannot be reversed; an inverse posting will be created
438Origin &1 not supported
439Document type &1 not supported
440Correspondence created for expiry note
441Items for provider contract are not dunned
442| Contract &1 partner &2 has posting lock &3 - no payment
443| Contract &1 partner &2 has payment lock &3 - no payment
444| Credit on account &1 only sufficient for partial clearing, no payment
445| Only partial payment for &2 &3 despite sufficient coverage on acct &1
446| No payment despite sufficient coverage, clearing not successful
447No corr. type &1 was created for partner &2, account &3, contract &4
448Corr. type &1 was created for partner &2, account &3, contract &4
449| No credit on account &1, no payment takes place
450Run time not found for archiving object &1
451General runtime for billing documents not found
452Run time not found for archiving object &1
453Run time in Customizing is shorter than minimum run time (&1 days)
454Archiving key date (&1) must fall before end of runtime (&2)
455Enter a payment form number to display data from the archive
456Specify business partner, account, payment form or external number
457Posting to contracts in different subapplications is not allowed
460Current dunn. proc. &1 finished as it does not match dunn. proc. &2
461Dunning grouping takes place with the settings "&1" "&2"
462| Credit memo without contract reference: Document number &1
463Dunning procedure flagged for ending
464End of dunning procedure reset
465&1 is in a dunning procedure flagged for ending
466No account-related dunning history available for &1 &2
467Specify contract and partner or account and partner
468No bank details defined for incoming payment in ins. obj. &1 &2
469No bank details defined for outgoing payment in ins. obj. &1 &2
470No card ID defined for card payment in ins. obj. &1 &2
471The interval was terminated after an error occurred.
472&1 running dunning procedure(s) ended for &2 / &3 / &4
473Number of completed dunning procedures: &1
474Current dunning procedure &1 does not exist
475Insurance object &1 requires manual processing:
476Insurance object &1 processed according to "Clearing Oldest Debt"
477Clearing document &1 reset for insurance object &2
478No changes made for insurance object &1
479No documents available for processing for insurance object &1
480No gaps found for insurance object &1
481Document type not maintained in posting area V451
482Error in processing for event V135
483Automatic processing not possible for document &1, clearing document &2
484&2 item(s) to be reset for insurance object &1
490No documents available for business case number &1
491Transaction GSFNR is not permitted for application &1
492Posting lock exists
493Posting date &1 not permitted for company code &2
494Posting date &1 not possible (BUKRS &2) - possible date: &3
495Not possible to determine a potential posting date
500> Time stamp start: &1
501> Time stamp stop: &1
502> Process started in client &1
503> A total of &1 document(s) were posted
504> A total of &1 items for posting were selected
505> Posting data processing until date: &1
506> Posting run: Date &1, run ID &2
510Business partner &1, insurance object &2
511Insurance object &1
512You have to transfer one of the two selection criteria
513You can only transfer one of the selection criteria
520Net due date falls in a period for which interest was already calculated
530Error when exporting table &1 for posting area &2
531No data found for export from table &1 for posting area &2
532Error when updating table &1 for posting area &2
533No data found for import into table &1 for posting area &2
534Export/import successful
535Export/import contains errors
539Enter a valid posting area
540No changes were made
541Data in TFK033D deleted
542Data in TFK033D adjusted
543No entry available in control table TFK033C
544Select at least one criterion and at most eight
545Error when deleting data table TFK033D
546Error when updating control table TFK033C
547Error when updating TFK033E
548Error when deleting TFK033E
549Posting reason cannot be used together with transactions
550*** Messages for Collective Invoices ****
551Partner: &1 Account: &2: Too many entries (&3) for item selection
552Collective invoice account &1 or coll.invoice partner &2 is blank
553Account &1 partner &2 contract &3 invoiced collectively
554Collective invoice for account: &1: partner &2 being edited
555Coll. invoice for account: &1 partner: &2 already created under no.: &3
556Coll.invoice for account &1 partner &2 being edited somewhere else
557Enter account and business partner for collective invoicing
558Business partner &1 for collective invoicing does not exist
559Contract account &1 for collective invoicing does not exist
560Partner &2 does not exist in collective invoicing account &1
570*570 to 599 reserved for CD-CS integration***********
571Unable to store RFC destination in memory
572Error in RFC for module &1 in RFC target &2
573Inbound category &1 not known in target system &2; message refused
574Errors occurred in target system when processing document &1
575Application log created in target system with handle &1 Ext ID &2
576FKKOP structure does not contain field &1 - processing cancelled
577Paid message transfer to FS-CS started
578At least one FS-CD paid message was rejected by the target system
579&1 clearing messages found for transferring to FS-CS
600*** Messages for Debit Entry ***
601No parameters found for debit entry &1 &2
602Debit entry started in debugging mode
603Copy templates can only be deleted under parameter maintenance
604Debit entry data was deleted
605Posting run was reset
606User &1 is already processing this debit entry
607Posting was scheduled
608Parameters were not changed
609Parameters saved
610Processing cancelled
611Parameters deleted
613Debit entry &1 &2 was already completed
614Job was not scheduled with the transaction defined for it
618No company codes exist for the selection specified
619No document types exist for the selection specified
620No document categories exist for the selection specified
621No insurance object types exist for the selection specified.
622No product groups exist for the selection specified.
623No contract relationship numbers exist for the selection specified.
624Job parameters for debit entry &1 &2 already exist.
625Interval &1 has more than &2 incorrect documents: display not possible.
626Error &1 when reading the job table
627No authorization for activity &1 (&2)for &3 &4
628Posting run cannot be started: posting data transfer running
629Data is currently being processed by another posting run
630Posting run not started due to system error &1
631No business area exists for the selection specified.
632Start posting data transfer again after posting run finishes.
633Posting transfer not started due to system error &1
634Contract balance unknown: error &1 &2 during determination
635Dunning procedure &1 already canceled on &2
636Dunning procedure &1 canceled on &2
637Dunning procedure &1 currently locked: cancel it later.
638Dunning procedure >&1< with dunning level >&2< is free of charge
639Charge category >&1< in charge schema >&2< not found
640No charges for &1 &2, charge schema >&3<, charge category >&4<
641Posting transfer cannot be started: RFC is active
642Posting run cannot be started: RFC is active
643RFC cannot be executed: posting data transfer is running
644RFC cannot be executed: posting run is running
645Document &1 &2 is being used by another RFC user
646RFC not started due to system error &1
647You cannot select document category &1 for debit entry
648Insurance object &1 is not invoiced using contract account &2
649No authorization for posting data transfer
650No authorization for document status change &1
651RFC cannot be executed: no authorizations for starting
652No authorization for company code &1
653No authorization for business area &1
654No authorization for product group &1
655No authorization for contract account category &1
656No authorization exists for authorization group &1
657No authorization for the action code selected
658Error during RFC posting data debit transfer: &1
659Document &2 posted for business transaction &1
660Document could not be set
661Acct balance unknown: error &1 &2 in determination
662Posting run & & blocked by another user
663The activity is locked by another user
664> Reconciliation key used in documents: FIKEY = &1
665Posting data transfer running; generation not possible
666Structure being generated by another user; generation not possible
667Header structure with name &1 already exists
668Item structure with name &1 already exists
669Customer structures may only exist in customer name range Z* or Y*
670Structure with name &1 already exists
671Structure &1 generated/changed successfully
672Structure &1 not generated/changed
673Requested object &2 locked by user &1
674&1: &2: Posting date falls outside settlement period
675No authorization to create structure &1
676No authorization to change structure &1
677&1: &2: Incorrect field status settings for G/L accounts
678No authorization to post document with amount &1 in currency &2
679Document not posted due to system error
680Document bus.transact.&1, doc no.&2 for reversal not found
681Document &1 cannot be reversed
682Document &1 reversed successfully with document &2
683Reversal documents were posted with reconciliation key &1
684Header structure name not maintained
685Item structure name not maintained in Customizing
686&1: &2: The valid-to date lies before the invoicing period
700* Messages for Dunning
701| Partner: &1 Contract account: &2 Insurance object: &3
702| Dunning level &1/&2 not executed; amount limit not reached
703| Dunning amount: &1 &2 Amount limit: &3 &4
704> Execution condition &1 for dun. proc. &2 dun. level &3 not fulfilled
705> Condition for dun activity &1 in dun proc &2 dun level &3 not fulfilled
706> Absolute condition &1 in dun printout for dun proc &2 and &3 not met
707> Function module is not defined for dunning activity &1
708> Contract acct &1 or contract &2 contains coll. or clearing payt method
709> Document &1 dunned in spite of payment lock
710| No dunning notice: Contract acct &1 contains credit memos w/o ins. obj.
711No dunning notice: acct &1 partner &2: Credit memos for contract &3
712| Partner: &1 Account: &2 Contract: &3 Inkey: &4 (old)
713> Partner does not exist: role &1, determination type &2
714> Processing lock &2 entered in contract account &1
715| Contract acct &1/Insurance object &2: Processing lock set
716Business partner missing in dunning history
717Contract number missing in dunning history
718No dunning procedure for &1/&2/&3/&4
719Before summarization: (old)
720> Contract acct &1: No acct dunning procedure defined
721> Contract acct &1 contains items without acct reference
722> Error in RFC call for external partner determination
723> Role exists in external system but not yet replicated in SAP
724| Error when reading address data for requested role
725| Error when reading upper-level role address data
726> Dunning level not executed
727Select at least one dunning activity.
728Not all of the items selected could be transferred to installment plan
729The item selection is inconsistent or incomplete
730Dun.proc. &1 &2 &3 &4 completed by converting receivable to instalmt plan
731> Error in invoicing module; dunning activity &1 not executed
732> Error in euro translation
733Last dunning level of procedure reached - no further planning
734| Contract account &1 or contract &2 has deposit acct payment method
735| Doc. &1 dunned despite insufficient deposit coverage or coll. lock
736No dunning notice: Acct balance &1 cleared or still has credit
737No dunning notice: Contract balance &2 acct &1 cleared or has credit
738| Payment lock &2 entered in document &1
739| Posting lock &2 entered in document &1
740Cross-contract installment plans cannot be dunned
741| Check reason &2 entered in document &1
742| Document &1 has collection or clearing payment method
743| Contract &1 for broker &2 has dunning locks for dependent contracts
744| Document &1 dunned with incoming payment method &2
745Information Sent About Benefit-Free Period
746At least one relevant interest lock exists for contract account &1
747At least one relevant interest lock exists for insurance object &1
748&1 dunning groups receive the dunning level valid before item transfer
749Dunning history was updated in delta queue
750COMMIT set
751Program end - database changes made
752Business partner missing in the invoice
753Contract number missing in the invoice
754Error in routines for trigger handling
755Product group &1 has dunning procedure type &2
756Not possible to end due to later, incomplete dunning notice
757Document &1 has alternative broker contract &2
759Module is redundant, use &1
760No business partner exists for contract account &1
761No account holder exists for contract account &1 in client &2
762There are multiple account holders for contract account &1
763There are no business partners for contract account &1 in client &2
764You can only create one business partner for contract acct category &1
765You can only create one contract for contract account category &1
766Enter an account view
767Enter a clearing variant
768Enter account management
769| Dunning lock &3 entered in contract &1 for partner &2
770No insurance object assigned to legal relationship &1 &2 in client &3
771Errors occurred between &1 &2 and &3 &4 when deleting lock data
772UVG interest calculation (Switzerland) performed: Activity key &1
773XPRA can only run for add-on ID &1 when upgrading from Rel. &2 or earlier
774XPRA can only run for add-on ID &1 when upgrading from release &2
775Accts for acct bal. int. calc.: Multiple trans. to partner &1 not poss.
777Only enter numbers between -364 and 364 for the number of base days
778 No full interest period, interest det. w/o posting from &1 to &2
779******* Messages for Transferring Posting Data ************************
780Enter a contract
781Partner/account/contract &1/&2/&3 do not match
782Error when moving locks for &1
783Insurance object &1 could not be moved from &2 to &3
784Contract account &1 can only have one insurance object
785Change to contract account only possible using master data change
786No items could be transferred for broker contract &2
787Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
788Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
789Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
790Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
791Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
792Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
793Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
794Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
795Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
796Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
797Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
798Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3
799&2: Multiple partners exist for insurance object
800***********800- 850: Correspondence Log for FS-CD************************
801Correspondence 'Dunning' for GPART: & VKONT: & MAZAE: & created
802Invoice &1: Created for partner &2 account &3 contract &4
803Transfer doc &: No item in invoicing table: GPART: & VKONT: &
804Posting doc &: Item difference: VVKKFAPOS: & Open Items: &
805Correspondence creation: No items found for account: &1 partner: &2
806Invoicing amount &3 not in amount selection. Acct: &1 Partner: &2
807Transfer doc creation: No item in doc. Account: & Partner: &
808Transfer doc creation: Error in payt doc no. assignment. Acct: & Part: &
809'Pledgee notification' corresp. created for GPART: & VKONT: & MAZE: &
810Account &1 business partner &2 object &3: No invoicing type defined
811Acct &1 and BP &2: Invoicing type &3 could not be determined
812Execution date of interest run & earlier than last deposit interest & &
813 Need to recalculate interest for account & currency &
814Correspondence 'payment plan change' created for BP &1 VTREF &2
815 Account: & Currency: &. Old interest document & reversed by document &
816Balance interest calc. for acct & business partner &
817Double interest calculation stopped for account &
818Error when determining interest &1 &2: Error code &3
819No changes relevant to interest calc. for account &1 business partner &2
820Invoicing lock for insurance object &1 business partner &2
821Deposit account managed in &1. Posting not possible with currency &2
822Tax office certs for &1 &2 &3 are only sent annually (corr. variant: &4)
823No data for tax office certification for &1 &2 &3
824Correspondence for tax office certification created.
825Unknown error occurred when creating correspondence (obsolete)
826Tax office certification printed for &1 &2 &3
827Deposit acct &1 contains no currency
828Account &1 business partner &2: No contract account category defined
829Invoicing total not greater than zero - BP: &1 Acct: &2 Amount: &3
830Error during reversal
831No items found in interest calculation period
832Invoicing lock for contract account &1 business partner &2
833 Old interest document &1 was reversed by document &2
834Invoice was not created
835Document &1 added to clarification worklist for credit documents
836Document &1 in clarification worklist for credit documents re-released
837Interest calculation for business partner &1, contract &2, currency &3
838 Retroactive accounting of interest calculation is required
839 Clarification cases were deleted
840 Interest key &1 is invalid
841Correspondence 'payment plan posting' created for partner &1 contract &2
842 Interest lock from &1 to &2
843 Interest calculation on &1 from &2 to &3 (&4 interest days)
844 Interest rate: &1 %, interest calculation rule: &2
845 Balance: &2 &1, interest revenue: &2 &3, non-rounded balance: &2 &4
846 Line item &1 was posted, posting date: &2, document type: &3
847 Amount: &1, currency: &2, due date for net payment: &3
848 Main transaction: &1, subtransaction: &2
849 Simulation: Old interest document &1 reversed, interest history deleted
850*** 850-860 Contract Account Messages ***********************************
851Specifications for clearing need payment method for internal settlement
852Enter a payment method for collection frequency/base date
853Enter a payment method for disbursement frequency/base date
854Posting not possible today.
855Error when determining next due date
856Stop reason &1 is not in table TFK001S
857Input values do not match or exist: &1/&2/&3
858Check entry parameters
859Open items exist in &1 / &2 / &3 / &4
860Insurance object &1-&2 to be invoiced immediately with acct &3
861Payment method &1 converted to payment method &2
862&1 not maintained as a dunning variant
863Correspondence entry for invoicing number &1 was not found
864 Empty entry &1 &2 deleted from interest history
865 Line item &1 was simulated, posting date: &2, document type: &3
866Correspondence created for balance int. calc. acc. to insurance obj.
867No balance interest calculation took place between &1 and &2
868Interest not yet calculated on contract up to date of issue
869Correspondence for &1 &2 printed successfully
870 Unable to determine start of interest period
871 Interest period does not contain an interest period
872 Interest period from &1 to &2
873 Empty entry from &1 to &2 written in history, balance &4, rounded &3
874Coverage check incomplete for sec. accts after parallel proc. acc. to &1
875 Number of base days for interest calculation is invalid
876Interest amount for the account in this run: &1 &2
877Interest amount for the insurance object in this run: &1 &2
878Total interest amount for this interval: &1 &2
879First, reverse the last interest document &1 for this contract
880No insurance object categories are defined for bal. int. calc.
881The interest calculation end defined in the master data was reached
882Int. calc. already taken place up to int. calc. end date from master data
883 Interest calculation has already taken place up to &1
884"Payment plan information" correspondence created for GPART &1 VTREF &2
885Coinsurance report printed (&1 , &2)
886Total: Company code &1, G/L account &2, amount &3 &4
887The new due date for net payt is a period for which int. already calc.
888Account &1 contains deposit contracts; Enter an insurance object
889 Withholding tax: ID &1, base amount &2 &3, withholding tax &2 &4
890| Clrg only in amt of &2 &3 due to missing deposit coverage for acct &1
891Correction type &1 suppressed - already been created for partner &3 on &2
892Payment method &1 in company code &2 not supported for corr. type &3
895Automatic conversion of V200 to V201 (dunning) was terminated
896Program ended on &1 at &2.
897Program started in client &3 on &1 at &2.
898>>>>>>>>>> Error record no. &1: <<<<<<<<<<
899&1 JOB was terminated.
901Clarification worklist was filled successfully
902Mass activity executed: No entries were found
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