0S - Nachrichten f�r den SQL-Trace
The following messages are stored in message class 0S: Nachrichten f�r den SQL-Trace.
It is part of development package SQLT in software component BC-TWB-TST-P-PA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Trace for SQL, Enqueue, RFC, Memory".
It is part of development package SQLT in software component BC-TWB-TST-P-PA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Trace for SQL, Enqueue, RFC, Memory".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Block & does not contain a block header record |
001 | Internal error during trace in block & offset & record type & |
002 | Incorrect entry of date & |
003 | Incorrect entry of time & |
004 | SQL trace evaluation terminated |
005 | SQL trace record block no. & link no. & not correct |
006 | Internal error - function & described incorrectly |
007 | Internal error - field length definition & is too short |
008 | Internal error - incorrect description of SQL statement & |
009 | No trace records found -> Info |
010 | Unknown error when evaluating SQL trace & |
011 | Internal error - trace list incorrectly described & |
012 | Internal error - incorrect field name & in trace list description |
013 | Internal error; incorrect variable name in row & column & |
014 | No trace records exist for the selection criteria |
015 | No more information exists for the statement |
016 | No identical selects found |
017 | Unable to display an explain plan for this SQL statement |
018 | Variable truncated - length restricted to & bytes -> long text |
019 | Function cannot be used for this statement |
020 | Heading & not defined in SQL trace list |
021 | Error when calling the detailed trace list |
022 | Internal error - no value limitation possible for parameter & |
023 | Enter the SQL trace period again |
024 | Problem during output of logged variable values |
025 | Internal error - incorrect parameter sy-pfkey : & sy-ucomm & |
026 | Internal error - trace record pair error block & link no. & |
027 | Internal error - record of trace pair missing block & link no. & |
028 | Unable to display ABAP program & |
029 | Trace record cannot be read & & |
030 | Internal error replacing variables |
031 | Statement buffer too small |
032 | Incorrect SQL statement |
033 | Error received from Explain SQL |
034 | Explain SQL not available for & |
035 | SQL trace list editing terminated after & errors |
036 | No explain plan can be displayed for & |
037 | End record missing for last SQL trace record in list |
038 | Insufficient storage space for replacing statement variables |
039 | ABAP source cannot be displayed for this statement |
040 | Function "Replace variables" not possible for this statement |
041 | Function not possible - incorrect cursor position |
042 | Function not possible - incorrect cursor position |
043 | Cannot determine work process types |
044 | Internal error reading enqueue trace record (RC = &) |
045 | Internal error (no enqueue trace record passed) |
046 | Internal error - field is not numerical |
047 | Internal error - incorrect enqueue trace record |
048 | Error reading text fields for structure/table & |
049 | Error & reading lock object & |
050 | Unable to display an explain for this operation & |
051 | Function not possible - incorrect cursor position |
052 | An error occurred when changing the option -> long text |
053 | The comparison value specified for the duration is not numerical |
054 | Function not possible - incorrect cursor position |
055 | No statement ID exists for this statement |
056 | You have not selected a trace to switch on |
057 | You have not selected a trace to switch on |
058 | No trace is switched on |
059 | SQL trace is not switched on |
060 | Note: Working version of the & trace |
061 | An end record without a beginning record in the enqueue trace |
062 | You have not selected a trace to analyze |
063 | Enqueue trace is not activated |
064 | RFC trace is not switched on |
065 | Table buffer trace is not switched on |
066 | An error occurred while determining the server list |
067 | Internal error (no RFC trace record passed) |
068 | & trace currently processing. Do not switch on |
069 | Internal error - Incorrect RFC trace record |
070 | No ABAP Dictionary information exists for the RFC record |
071 | No explain plan can be displayed for an enqueue trace record |
072 | No explain plan can be displayed for an RFC trace record |
073 | Note that the trace records for the trace file were overwritten |
074 | Switch off the trace or use another function -> Long text |
075 | Check profile parameter rstr/max_diskspace |
076 | Call point is unknown for this statement |
077 | Trace evaluation was terminated |
078 | You do not have authorization to switch on the trace |
079 | You do not have authorization to display the trace |
080 | You cannot display the ABAP call here |
081 | Function not possible - incorrect cursor position |
082 | & is a database procedure |
083 | The SAP work process number & is not current |
084 | Check profile parameter & |
085 | Object name is space - check cursor position |
086 | Internal error - table buffer trace record incorrect |
087 | This function is not possible for table buffer trace records |
088 | Cannot display source code - no program name in trace record |
089 | No identical statements exist |
090 | Internal error: "Statement summary trace list" incorrectly described |
091 | Enter an SQL statement |
092 | & is not a description of an enqueue object -> Long text |
093 | Error during table buffer trace - Key length '&' |
094 | Negative duration occurred; check the system clock |
095 | You have not selected the start of the block |
096 | Table & is unknown |
097 | Conversion error during the detailed display of the table buffer trace |
098 | Internal error during the detailed display of the table buffer trace |
099 | Error while downloading the statement summary data |
100 | Performance trace was already switched on for all users at & |
101 | Performance trace was already switched on for & at & |
102 | Message output deactivated due to errors that have occurred |
103 | Undefined error during detailed display of table buffer trace |
104 | Error activating the performance trace |
105 | Error switching on trace DBUSER |
106 | The performance trace was activated by user & |
107 | Error deactivating the performance trace |
108 | SQL Trace switched off |
109 | Enqueue Trace switched off |
110 | RFC Trace switched off |
111 | Deactivating table buffer trace |
112 | Unknown error while deactivating the performance trace |
113 | Could not open performance trace file |
114 | No trace records found |
115 | Internal error during analysis of trace file |
116 | Analysis of the performance trace was terminated |
117 | Unknown error when summarizing tables |
118 | Error switching on Trace BUF |
119 | Error switching off Trace BUF |
120 | Error switching off Trace TST21 |
121 | Enter only one transaction name or one program name |
122 | Currently, transaction names can be at most four characters |
123 | Currently, program names can be at most eight characters |
124 | No filter is set - the performance trace is deactivated |
125 | An error occurred during implicit deactivation of the trace |
126 | The parameter STRACSUM_TAB was not specified |
127 | Incorrect time interval specified for displaying the trace |
128 | Close executed for the performance trace file |
129 | Performance trace file is not open |
130 | Not all call locations can be displayed |
131 | No call location can be displayed |
132 | Unknown error during Close for the performance trace file |
133 | & & & & |
134 | Error occurred when reading trace file |
135 | The evaluation of the Enqueue trace has not been planned yet |
136 | & is not an SAP R/3 process number |
137 | The analysis of the table buffer trace has not been planned yet |
138 | You have not selected a trace to analyze |
139 | You have selected multiple traces that cannot currently be evaluated |
140 | The SQL trace is already switched on for user & |
141 | The RFC trace is already switched on for user & |
142 | The Enqueue trace is already switched on for user & |
143 | The table buffer trace is already activated for user & |
144 | You have already switched on the SQL trace |
145 | You have already switched on the RFC trace |
146 | You have already switched on the Enqueue trace |
147 | You have already activated the table buffer trace |
148 | Display trace records up to occurrence of the error |
149 | The HTTP trace has already been activated for user & |
150 | No active version of DDIC object & exists |
151 | No active nametab exists for & |
152 | Error reading view description & |
153 | Error reading table description & |
154 | Error reading index description of DDIC object & |
155 | Error reading DDIC information for object & |
156 | Structure SQLTDDINFO has changed |
157 | Function not possible - incorrect cursor position |
158 | Object & is not defined in ABAP Dictionary |
159 | The HTTP trace has not been activated |
160 | Error while reading the performance trace file "&" |
161 | File end of performance trace file detected -> See long text |
162 | No trace records formatted before error occurred |
163 | Error when opening performance trace file "&" |
164 | You have already activated the HTTP trace |
165 | The HTTP trace has not been activated |
166 | There is no ABAP Dictionary information for an HTTP trace record |
167 | Cannot display an explain plan for an HTTP trace record |
168 | The requested aggregation level is unknown |
169 | Specify either trans IDs or EPP fields |
170 | No summarized table overview exists |
171 | No tables exist to be selected |
172 | Internal error: Incorrect field name list for table selection |
173 | Unassigned and commit lines cannot be selected |
174 | Internal error & while aggregating tables |
176 | A trace has already been activated for user & in ST01 |
180 | Performance trace saved in & |
181 | Error while deleting the saved performance trace file & |
182 | No saved performance trace files exist |
183 | Error while displaying the saved performance trace list |
184 | Saving the performance trace was terminated |
185 | Error "&" occurred while opening the trace file |
186 | The performance trace file could not be opened -> Long Text |
187 | The selection of a saved trace file name was terminated |
188 | An internal error occurred while deleting the saved trace file & |
189 | Operating system error while deleting the saved trace file & |
190 | You specified an incorrect file name & |
191 | Unknown error while deleting the saved trace file & |
192 | You did not select a saved trace file to analyze |
193 | Install add-on for downloading "statement summaries" |
200 | Error in Enqueue trace: Client & & Tcode & & |
201 | Error in table buffer trace: TCode & & |
202 | Internal Error during SQL string evaluation & & & & |
203 | Incorrect cursor position during sorting -> Long Text |
210 | The SQL statement is more than 64,000 characters long |
211 | Explain not possible, since SQL statement is more than 64,000 chars long |
212 | Error when displaying trace record -> variable number is not a number - & |
213 | Error when displaying trace record -> variable length is not a number - & |
220 | Select another layout directly on the trace list |
221 | Error during the function "set_table_for_first_display" - GRID ALV |
222 | Error during the method "my_control->free" |
223 | Error during the method "my_control->set_visible" |
250 | Backup of summarized table overview terminated |
251 | Internal "Compressed Table Overview" error list incorrect |
252 | Internal Error - incorrect parameter for input function module |
253 | Saved trace data is not overwritten |
254 | Enter all save parameters |
255 | Internal error: Cannot find text for selected hierarchy level |
256 | Select only one program / one transaction for one client |
257 | Internal error: Error while deleting saved trace |
258 | Saved trace data is not overwritten |
259 | Trace data saved under the ID & |
280 | Errors occurred when writing the performance trace -> long text |
281 | Errors occurred when writing the performance trace -> long text |
282 | Errors occurred when writing the performance trace -> long text |
283 | Errors occurred when writing the performance trace -> long text |
284 | Errors occurred when writing the performance trace -> long text |
285 | You set the number of trace records to be displayed to zero |
290 | Enter a correct trace period (start day) |
291 | Enter a correct trace period (end day) |
300 | Performance trace not currently working correctly |
320 | No explain possible for liveCache & |
321 | Cannot display DDIC for liveCache & |
322 | Explain is not possible for secondary connection & |
327 | Cannot retrieve the variant of the grid ALV |
328 | Error when generating the field catalog for the trace list |
329 | Error when refreshing the displayed data in the control |
330 | Error in generation of field catalog |
331 | Termination due to field catalog errors |
332 | Incorrect program name & when calling the SAP List Viewer |
333 | Time zones are not maintained - system time used for trace selection |
350 | Error when reading SAP List Viewer information |
400 | Integration of display of identified kernel error during trace |
430 | Error information from the SAP kernel could not be read |
451 | Kernel error during stack trace |
452 | No call hierarchy exists |
453 | Cannot display entire call hierarchy |