0T - WBO Konfigurationseditor / SE06

The following messages are stored in message class 0T: WBO Konfigurationseditor / SE06.
It is part of development package STMA_CTWAY in software component BC-CTS-TMS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TMS: Transport Route Editor".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* configuration editor
001Transport layer &1 does not start with "S"
002Transport layer &1 has an invalid name
003Internal error converting configuration in &1
004Choose another name; &1 already exists
005Choose another system name, &1 is invalid
006Delivery not possible since &1 is not a consolidation system
007Error occurred writing configuration in &1
008Internal error when executing command in &1, repeat if necessary
009Configuration editor display may not be correct
010&1 &2 &3 &4
011Delivery of &1 to &2 produces a delivery cycle
012Function cannot be executed in display mode
013Cannot delete system SAP
014Source and target of the transport route are the same
015Transport routes from or to SAP cannot be edited
016Delivery specified already exists
017Specify a transport layer
018Action cannot be performed on this object
019Transport route from &1 with transport layer &2 to &3 already exists
020Cannot delete object (&1)
021Deliveries from &1 to &2 deleted
022Consolidation(s) deleted with transport layer(s)
023Cannot create systems
024Error when reading configuration from system &1
025Enter system name
026No authorization to change a configuration (&1)
027Configuration version &2 loaded from system &1
028System &1 unknown, specify another system
029Configuration distributed correctly to &1 system(s)
030Use Transport Management System for system configuration
031Configuration saved
032System &1 deleted
033Configuration was distributed and activated
034Internal error when locally activating configuration (rc=&1)
035System &1 still exists in the TMS configuration and was not deleted
036Configuration editor switched to change mode
037Configuration editor switched to display mode
038Consolidation(s) deleted
039System &1 does not exist
040Configuration was activated in system &1
041System &2 has no transport route with the transport layer &1
042Transport layer &1 does not exist
043Transport layer &1 is not allowed for system &2
044&1 does not exist as a system in the current transport domain
045System was removed from TMS system group
046System was redefined as controller
047Delivery with source system &1 and source client &2 not allowed
048Configuration version &1 not found in system &2
049New systems are transferred
050Do not use deliveries without consolidation (source &1)
051System &1 may not supply itself
052Consolidation system &1 cannot be the same as the integration system
053Saved configuration contains errors, see log
054Delivery from &1 to &2:
055System attributes of &1:
056Consolidation from &1 to &3 using transport layer &2:
057System &1 was not found in directory of known systems
058Transport layer &1 was not found in directory of layers
059System name was not specified
060No errors found during check
061No systems found with obsolete configuration
062&1 requests and tasks from other systems closed
063Requests and tasks do not conflict with the configuration
064Error in configuration of &, no cross-system test
065Transport layer &1 has a transport route with integration &2
066Active transport routes were added by the controller and activated
067Configuration not defined
068No authorization for processing after installation
069Processing after installation completed, configure TMS
070Transport layer &1 still being used
071Transport layer &1 deleted
072Error in configuration; choose "Check"
073System name &1 is identical to source system of database copy
074System name &1 is not known as source system of a database copy
075No registration of database copies found
076Activate transport profile parameter "multileveldelivery" in &1
077Call to read transport profile terminated in &1
078Source system 'SAP' not allowed for database copy
079Transport layer 'SAP' cannot be deleted
080Write error in database when setting single system configuration
081Transport route(s) deleted
082Systems created in TMS
083Transport layer &1 created
084&1 unknown systems, &2 connections and &3 target groups deleted
085Error when reading client table in system &1
086&1 system(s) deleted that were unknown in TMS
087Editing is locked by user '&1'
088Target group must begin and end with '/'
089Target group &1 unknown
090Test of group &1 not possible, since connection to &2 failed
091Specify a transport target name
092Client '&2' not found in the system &1
093Transport target &1.&2 already exists
094Target group &1 already exists, choose another name
095Client &1 already has a standard transport layer
096Enter a short description
097&1 not found in target group directory
098Target group &1 unknown
099Cannot deliver &2 to target group &1
100*** Messages for testing tasks and requests
101Type of &1 to '&2' with &3 object(s) is incorrect
102Target '&2' of &1 with &3 object(s) is incorrect
103Different target systems of &3 object(s) of request &1 to &2
104Objects in &1 require different task or request types
105Originals in &1 require different task types
106Incorrect type of task &1 regarding object originals
107Testing requests from system &1
108Post-CTS installation authorization missing in system &1
109There is a conflicting delivery with &1.&2 to &3
110Transport layer &1 already exists
111Transport routes not completely distributed
112Transport routes from &1 to &2 not allowed
113Client-specific transport routes not allowed from &1 to &2
114System &1 is locked or is not a real system
115Cannot delete system &1 due to transport routes
116Adjustment of transport routes from &1 adjusted
117Target group &1 unknown
118System &1 unknown
119&1 must have a delivery route from it to be a quality assurance system
120Adjustment of transport routes for the selected systems started
121Display was refreshed
122Changes only permitted in domain controller system
123Configuration is not completely distributed
124System &1 is not a target for modifiable requests
125No clients found in system &1
126QA client &2 in system &1 does not match transport settings
127QA system &1 does not match transport settings
128System &1 has transport routes, but no standard layer for it
129Results from transport route check
130Could not distribute transport routes to any system
131Transport routes could not be activated in any system
132System(s) &1 not found in system list
133Configuration activated with warnings in &1 systems
134Configuration of selected systems is up to date
135You are not editing the current version of the transport routes
136Import target from '&1' to '&2', client '&3', domain '&4' already exists
137Target client &1 must have three digits
138Target system '&1'/target domain '&2' unknown
139Transport source &1 must have three alphanumeric characters
140Target input missing for transport source &1
141Specify the source system for source client &1
142Add &1 to the work area first
143Internal error while saving configuration version &1
144Modification to non-existent object &1
145The name &1 is not allowed for the required object
146Target group &1 cannot be used for request targets (due to space)
150Processing after installation canceled
151You cannot make a mixture of client-specific and cross-client specs
152Client &1 is incorrect
153No authorization for resetting CTS
154Graphic Editor is not supported in Cloud Context
201There is a consolidation route with the source system &2
202There is already a delivery with the source &2.&3
203Release of system &1 is too old for the function
204Connections between target groups are not possible
205The syntax of the consolidation target &1 is incorrect
206Cannot make changes to the target system (&1)
207Target group &1 created
208Target group &1 has no target, it must have at least one
209Current configuration version not found in system &1
210&1 target groups deleted
211TMS configuration: Controller unknown
212Active configuration version &1 from &2 is same as the local version
213Target system &1 already exists in the target group
214Release of SAP system &1 is too low for the QA setting
220*** Messages from TRINT_TCE_CTC_REQUIRED
221Only client-specific targets can be used in target groups
222The source of the delivery route &1 -> &2 must be client-specific
223The source of the delivery route &1 -> &2, &3 must be client-specific
224The target of the delivery route &1, &2 -> &3 must be client-specific
225Invalid mixture of client-specific and cross-client transport routes
226Target group &1 does not exist, or is empty
227Configuration too complex: More than 1000 systems in a chain
301There is no transport route configuration
302There are no active transport route configurations in system &1
303Update the transport route configuration
304The transport route configuration was not activated in all systems
305The transport route configuration is not activated in the system
306Action was canceled
307Graphic no longer supported; use the hierarchical editor
320*DEPLOY TARGET handling
321Unknown deploy target "&1,&2" in cluster "&3"
322Unknown organizer target "&1,&2" in cluster "&3"
323Invalid deploy target (target group/domain "&1,&2" in cluster "&3"
400*** CTC check
401Configuration of SAP system &1 is inconsistent
402Activate CTC in the transport profile of &1
403Deactivate CTC in the transport profile of &1
404There is no transport route configuration in SAP system &1
405The transport route configuration is locked by user &1
410System-specific transport strategy is inconsistent
501No values can be displayed
502Enter the name of the system
503Error when distributing the TMS configuration; program termination
700**** New Interface ****
701Operation not allowed because editor lock is not set
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