1BKKBAPI - Nachrichten f�r KontoBAPI

The following messages are stored in message class 1BKKBAPI: Nachrichten f�r KontoBAPI.
It is part of development package FKBP_FINSERV in software component IS-B-BCA-AM-IT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bank Customer Accounts: Payment Item".
Message Nr
Message Text
001The lower limit of posting date &1 is higher than the upper limit &2
002Invalid payment item status &1
003No data found
004&1 accounts are not delivered due to authority issues
005Internal error: Unexpected exception from function &1
006Required entry field &1 not maintained
007Account open date &1 is not valid
008Activity &1 for object &2 is not maintained
009Initial Importparameters in &1
010No mapping rule found for BAPI &1
011No mapping rule found for parameter &1 of BAPI &2 found
012BADI &1 could not be instantiated: &2
013Error on opening instance of object type &1. External reference &2 &3
014&1 must be called at least with one of the parameters &2 &3
015For activity creation a product must be passed
016ISO-Code &1 of field &2 could not be processed
017Notes deleted
018Mistake in the GUID-determination of the Business Partner
019Implementation class does not exist for BAdI &1;contact technical support
020Single-use BAdI &1 has multiple implementation classes; contact tech supp
021Context not specified for BADI &1; contact technical support
022Invalid reference variable used for single-use BAdI &1; contact tech supp
100BAPI call has been processed successfully
101BAPI call failed
102Product &1 cannot be displayed
103No product specified
104Product &1 is not assigned to bank area &2
105Field modifications of standing order could not be displayed
107Prefix the condition id with '##'
150Account &1: attribute &2 allowed
151Account &1 cannot not be closed in status inactive
152Reference account has wrong type for account closure
153An internal or external account number must be passed
154Bank country/region &1 does not correspond with bank area &2
155Bank key &1 does not correspond with bank area &2
156IBAN &1 does not correspond with bank area &2 and account number &3
157Reference account for account closure already exists
158Reference account is not valid
159No reference account specified for account closure
160No valid reference account specified for account closure
161Account closure simulation failed
162Limit calculation of reference account failed
163Error on limit check of reference account
164Account balancing failed
165Reference account is not active
166Opening date of reference account is larger than the account closure date
167Account balancing posting has failed
168No customizing for account closure posting found
169No medium and payment method found for process &1
170Error on finding posting date of bank area &1
171No offsetting transaction type for transaction type &1
172Error occured when deleting standing orders for account &1/&2
200No valid condition type found
201Invalid indicator for level and interval calculation passed
202Invalid interest calculation method &1 passed
203Invalid condition category &1
204Invalid condition group
205Invalid value for pro rata temporis calculation
206Invalid time period for conditions
207The passed value (&1) for shift working days is not valid
208Bank area of account and individual condition not equal
209Internal account number of individual condition is invalid
210Wrong change indicator value.
211No update structure &2 for structure &1
212An individual condition exists already for header data
213Internal Error &1 occured during generating direct input data
214Note Open on &1 &2 &3 failed
215Note Deletion of &1 &2 &3 failed
216Inconsistent Input Parameter &1 (&2)
217The forward order for account &1/&2 could not be created
218Message protocol could not be opened
219The forward order &1/&2 could not be changed
220The forward order &1/&2 could not be deleted.
221Forward order &1/&2 not found
222No Forward order of account &1/&2 found
223Incorrect update indicator &1
224Bank area &1, account &2: Balance notification could not be created
225Incorrect input entry for - &1
226Bank area &2, Acct &1: Reference account ignored
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