25 - DDS: document distribution (DMS)

The following messages are stored in message class 25: DDS: document distribution (DMS).
It is part of development package CVDI in software component CA-DMS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DMS - Document Distribution".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Recipient list & has been successfully created
001Select a valid line
002REcipient already exists
003Document & & & & already exists
004Document & & & & does not exist
005There is no active version for document & & & on date &
006You have not entered a document
007You have not entered a recipient
008REcipient list & is locked by &
009System locking error
010An updating error has occurred
011Update error: table & function & return code &
012An internal number assignment error has occurred (&)
013Enter at least one document and one recipient
014Enter a description for the recipient list
015Enter a recipient list
016No order-specific data has been maintained for recipient list &
017No texts have been maintained for recipient list &
018No recipients exist in recipient list &
019REcipient list & is not available
020Select a valid line
021Recipient list & has been successfully changed
022No recipient list exists for document & & & &
023Choose either a document or a recipient
024Enter a document
025There is no data available for the distribution
026DDOC log with number & has been created
027Document distribution order status has been set to &
028Error in function: & (exception no. &: &. &)
029Document distribution order has not been started
030Document distribution order was not executed
031Distribution order was terminated or it was not completed successfully
032Document distribution order completed successfully
033Bundle was sent on & at &
034Document distribution order status has been set to &
035Document has the status "Released"
036********************** E N D OF L O G ***********************************
037Document has status "Not released"
038Partial order has been added to bundle &
039User exit: & being started
040You have not entered a document or a recipient
041Distribution order could not be started (internal error)
042Number of recipient list & is not an external number
043REcipient list & already exists
044Special characters & and & not allowed
045No recipient list exists for document & & & &
046Recipients cannot be displayed (internal error)
047Recipient exists in more than one recipient list
048Recipient & does not exist
049There is no recipient list for & with the given context
050This function has not been implemented yet
051Documents cannot be displayed (internal error)
052You do not have the authorization to display recipient lists
053You do not have the authorization to change recipient lists
054You do not have the authorization to create recipient lists
055Initial order & has been successfully created
056Initial order & could not be created
057Package output has been checked
058There is no recipient list with context & for the document
059Partial order has been included in distribution order &
060Context & is invalid
061Error occurred whilst determining new distribution order ID
062You have not entered a partial order
063Partial order has been extended by distribution order ID &
064Partial order is being checked
065Reason for the distribution has not been entered correctly
066Error whilst application log was being written
067Error when distribution order was created
068Error when distribution order was being checked
069Error when bundling distribution order
070Recipient & is not contained in any recipient list
071Choose a recipient
072Select a distribution list or an organizational unit
073At least one recipient already exists in the recipient list
074Recipient cannot be exploded further
075There is no entry in the action log
076Partial order <&> is not available
077Error whilst determining new distribution order package ID
078Error whilst determining new partial order ID
079Partial order <&> has not been allocated to a distribution order package
080Partial order has been successfully checked
081You have not entered a distribution order package ID
082Distribution order package ID <&> is not available
083Error occurred on output of distribution order package
084Distribution order package is not allocated to a partial order
085No recipient has been copied
086Distribution initiation type has not been copied
087Undefinable error in Workflow
088No Workflow has been started for the partial order <&>
089No Workflow has been started for the distribution order package <&>
090No partial orders are allocated to distribution order <&>
091Error occurred when package was being sent
092Package output must be checked
093REcipient must confirm receipt of package
094Distribution order package has been successfully processed
095Error occurred whilst distribution order package was being generated
096Distribution order package has been successfully generated
097Receipt of package has been confirmed
098Error occurred when changing partial order &
099You cannot set status &
100There is no SAPoffice mail for the chosen package
101Select a distribution order package
102You cannot enter a distribution type for this recipient
103Document does not exist or the key is incorrect
104No authorization to distribute documents of type &.
105File & could not be copied to the application server
106Error occurred whilst writing to the database DRZOF
107Error occurred whilst checking out original
108File & cannot be accessed
109Error when determining access path for local file
110You have not entered a partial order
111Error when determining file name on application computer
112No distribution order ID has been entered
113Error occurred when saving initial order <&>
114Error occurred when distribution order was being initiated
115Distribution type & has not been defined
116There is no entry in table TCZGL
117Only partial orders with the status ER, IG, WO, and WR are allowed.
118Distribution order parameters being determined from Customizing tables
119You have not entered a distribution point
120FTP error: &
121Please only choose partial orders in a distibution order or package.
122Error when event 'ReSend' was created
123Distribution has been restarted
124Status "BD" (bundled) could not be set
125Status 'IW' (being processed) could not be set
126Only partial orders with status AS, MA, ER, WO, or WR are allowed
127There are no partial orders with the status 'AS'
128Only partial orders with the status AS, MA, and ER are allowed
129Status 'IG' has been set
130Distribution order has been started
131Distribution order package & has been resent
132Distribution order & has been restarted
133Status 'PC' could not be set
134Error when Workflow was created (process erroneous partial orders)
135You have not selected a recipient
136Error when partial order was being written to the database (DRZOC)
137Error occurred when determining the initial order ID
138Error occurred when the document to be distributed was being generated
139No original application files have been made available
140Error occurred when the global directory was being determined
141Error reading file &
142Package has been transferred to the communication interface for distribtn
143Data Provider originals are not currently supported
144Original & is not available (please choose another original)
145REcipient does not support distribution type &
146Select one document only
147Select one recipient only
148Error occurred when calling method 'SetNextSender' (Sy-Subrc = &)
149Error when calling method 'AddCopyOfRecipient' (Sy-Subrc = &)
150Error: & & & &
151Choose only one partial order
152You have not selected a line
153All event type linkages have been activated
154'Create distribution order' method has been called
155'Check distribution order' method has been called
156"Bundle distribution order" method has been called
157Error occurred when the distribution order status was being saved
158'Generate distribution order package' method has been called
159'Send distribution order package' method has been called
160You are not allowed to use personal distribution lists
161Error occurred in list processing (ALV)
162You can only choose partial orders with the status 'WR'
163You can only choose partial orders with the status 'WO'
164You do not have the authorization to confirm output
165You do not have the authorization to confirm receipt
166You do not have the authorization to display the distribution log
167You do not have the authorization for the 'Ignore' function
168You do not have the authorization to start the distribution manually
169You do not have the authorization to restart the distribution
170You do not have the authorization to delete recipient list
171Error occurred when reading data for recipient list &
172Recipient list was created by & (you cannot delete it)
173Error occurred whilst deleting recipient list &
174REcipient list & has been successfully deleted
175Sent to an internal address
176Sent to an external address
177Function module & has been determined for the generation
178No recipient could be determined
179'Find recipient' has been terminated
180An error occurred whilst the cover sheet was being generated
181An error occurred whilst the confirmation of receipt was being generated
182User & has set the status to 'Receipt confirmed'
183User & has checked output
184An error has occurred in a USER exit
185An error has occurred when the distribution order was being created
186Error occurred whilst checking partial order
187Please enter file name
188File & is of length 0
189Please choose a distribution type
190You do not have the authorization to display the generated mail
191Distribution point & & does not exist
192No distribution type has been defined for communication type &
193Error occurred whilst transferring parameters to URL (parameter: &)
194Error occurred whilst determining the URL for access to ITS server
195This combination of parameters is not allowed
196You do not have the authorization to access the original
197Distribution order was created by user &
198Original file & is of length 0
199Error occurred whilst determining storage location of original
200No plotter has been defined for the recipient
201No printer has been defined for the recipient
202Recipient type & is not supported
203Access was disallowed in a customer-specific check
204You must name an output device for distribution type &
205No originals available for document &/&/&/&
206Error whilst sending via communication interface (error number: &)
207Event & triggered by communication interface (& & &)
208Standard recipient list &3 already exists for the document &1 &2
209Recipient list & is already being edited by &
210There is no standard recipient list for document &/&/&/&
211Document is currently being edited in another recipient list
212Distribution point & does not support communication type &.
213Only choose partial orders with the status 'MA' or 'AS'.
214Will be sent to recipient's postal address
215Enter a document number
216Choose only partial orders that belong to an initial order
217Choose only partial orders that belong to a distribution order
218The recipient has either not received the documents, or only with errors
219An error occurred during package output
220Enter a document type
221No initial order could be determined
222& distribution orders have been started
223You can only choose partial orders in a package
224Only partial orders with status ER, IG, WO, WR and OK are allowed
225The partial order has been restarted. Initial order & has been created.
226Distribution point & & does not support communication type &
227No plotter has been defined for recipient &
228No plotter has been defined for distribution point & &
229Output is on plotter &
230You must enter the communication type for the distribution point
231Distribution type & is already default for communication type &
232No authorization to start the distribution for document & & & &.
233Document parts and versions suggested by system. Please check!
234Package is being sent to & with communication type &
235Not yet sent to recipient
236Choose a partial order
237You must enter a distribution type before you can choose a medium
238Entry & does not exist
239The original is not accessible online
240The original is managed by an external DMS
241Logical system for the client & is not defined
242Orginizational unit/distribution list <&> contains no recipients
243Several orginizational units/distibution lists contain no recipients
244No entries found for this selection
245No original with the application &1 maintained for the document
246The reutrn date & is not in the future
247No additional data is maintained for the inital order
248Enter a recipient first.
249The printer you entered & can not be used for plotting
250No distribution type is defined/active for plotting
251& files deleted
252One file was deleted
253No files deleted
254You have no authorization to delete temporary files
255Enter a plotter
256Plotter job & queued
257No plotter is defined
258Document & & & & is marked for deletion
259No authorization for accessing document types & when using ITS
260Package receipt cannot be confirmed
261At least one characteristic for the context (add. data) is not maintained
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