2B - TMS Batchservice

The following messages are stored in message class 2B: TMS Batchservice.
It is part of development package STMA_BC in software component BC-CTS-TMS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TMS: Background Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Job &1 does not meet TMS naming conventions
002Job control data not found
003Job &1 &2 does not have a job log
004Job &1 &2 does not exist in system
005Request comes from another domain
006TMS not configured, background commands cannot be executed
007TMS locked
009Could not generate new TMS background process number
010&1 &2 &3 &4
011Could not create &1 with background control
012Could not create any steps for &1
013Release of &1 in system &3 failed with return code &2
014No authorization for releasing &1 for background processing
015Could not store control data for &1
016Job &1 scheduled and released successfully
017Release of job &1 terminated
018Could not read job data for &1
019Could not change job &1
020Authorization for &1 to change jobs missing
021Authorization for &1 to test job status missing
022Could not test job status for &1
023Authorization for &1 to delete jobs missing
024Could not delete job &1
025Could not read job &1
026Could not read job log for &1
027No TMS jobs found in system &1
028Job list updated
029No job control data found
030No log for job &1 &2 found
031Job &1 &2 does not exist
032Status &3 of job &1 &2 does not allow you to cancel the release
033Status &3 of job &1 &2 does not allow you to release the job
034Error &1 when entering scheduling data
035Cannot delete job &1 &2 with status &3
036Could not cancel job &1 &2. Terminated with error &3
037Place the cursor on a job line
038Status of job &1 &2 does not allow you to cancel it
039Job &1 &2 deleted with its job control data
040Job &1 &2 deleted without its job control data
041Status of job &1 &2 is correct
042Status of job &1 &2 corrected
043No TMS data found for job number &1
044Transport routes inconsistent
047Enter a repetition interval
048Position the cursor on a job line
049Choose one job only
050Enter only numbers or '*' when selecting job number
051System &1 unknown in TMS
052End of job list or last selected job reached
053Start of job list or last selected job reached
054Select end of block
055&1 jobs with job control data and &2 jobs without control data deleted
056No scheduled jobs found
100Could not execute command &1
101Command &1 ended with a warning
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