34N - Messages for AP Configuration Engine

The following messages are stored in message class 34N: Messages for AP Configuration Engine.
It is part of development package COM_CFG_API in software component AP-CFG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Product Configuration Interface".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Loading knowledge base "&1" (version "&2")
001Knowledge base "&1" (version "&2") loaded
100Instance "&1" must be specialized
101Instances missing for item number "&1" part "&2", minimum: "&3", selected
105Resources missing: "&1" for "&2" required, only "&3" offered
110Characteristic "&1" must have a value assigned
201DDB initialized for knowledge base "&1" (version "&2")
202All facts of DDB re-entered in PMS
203Internal error in function "&1"
204Fact :"&1" :inserted by "&2"
205Fact :"&1" :confirmed by "&2"
210Fact :"&1" :deleted
212For instance "&1"
219Instance :"&1" :created as root
220Instance :"&1" :created as part item "&2" in "&3"
221Instance :"&1" :created as non-part
222Instance :"&1" :deleted
223Non-part instance :"&1" :deleted
224Instance :"&1" :specialized to "&2"
225Instance :"&1" :specialization to "&2" deleted
229Conflict :"&1" :added
230Conflict :"&1" :deleted
234Pricing factor :"&2" :inserted for condition "&1" by "&3"
235Pricing factors for: instance "&1", characteristic "&2" :deleted
236Fact :"&1" :deletion simulated
237Instance :"&2" :found &1 matching subclass(es) for specialization
240Instance :"&1" with type "&2" :not loadable
241Characteristic :"&1" of instance "&2" :not loadable
242Value :"&1" of characteristic "&2" :not loadable
243Instance :"&1" as part item "&2" of "&3" :not loadable
300Table :&1 :record(s) found
301Table :&1 :no record found
310Function :&1 :result true
311Function :&1 :result false
330& deleted
400Internal error: "&1" "&2" "&3" "&4"
401"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4"
402Constraint net "&1" loaded number: "&2"
403Net with no. "&1" already loaded
404Monitoring rule net "&1" loaded number: "&2"
405Rule net "&1" (number:"&2") executed for event "&3"
411PMS-SPN entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :added
412PMS-SPN entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :re-used
413Fact :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4"
414Number of memories in PMS SPN: "&1" "&2" "&3" "&4"
420PMS-DNN code: "&1" "&2" "&3" "&4"
421PMS-DNN entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :activated
422PMS-DNN entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :added
423PMS-DNN condition for :"&1" "&2"
424Number of memories in PMS DNN: "&1" "&2" "&3" "&4"
425PMS constraint agenda entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :added
426PMS monitoring rule agenda entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :added
427PMS event rule agenda entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :added
428Number of constraint calls in loop: "&1" "&2" "&3" "&4"
429Number of monitoring rule calls in loop: "&1" "&2" "&3" "&4"
431PMS constraint agenda entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :deleted
432PMS monitoring rule agenda entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :deleted
433PMS monitoring rule agenda deletion entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :added
434PMS monitoring rule agenda deletion entry :"&1" "&2" "&3" "&4" :deleted
451Constraint :&1 :used
551Monitoring rule :&1 - &2 :used
552Event rule :&1 - &2 :used
561Monitoring rule :&1 - &2 :deleted
600&1: violated
601Value conflict for characteristic :"&1" (ID &2)
602Value assignment not allowed for characteristic :"&1" (ID &2)
603Value not in currently allowed values for characteristic :"&1" (ID &2)
604Value is excluded for characteristic :"&1" (ID &2)
605Type conflict
606Value simultaneously required and disallowed for characteristic "&1" (&2)
607Quantity conflict for BOM part "&1"
608Empty-value conflict for BOM part "&1"
610Constraint :"&1" (ID &2)
611Rule :"&1" (ID &2)
612Rule :"&1" (ID &2)
616Additional justification from user
619Material BOM (BOM)
620Combination of existing restrictions
621System aggregation
622Inference of empty allowed values
623Inference of one allowed value
624Inferred by system
633Excluded values for characteristic "&2" in "&1"
634Ready for input status of characteristic "&2" in "&1"
635Value "&3" for characteristic "&2" in "&1"
636Values for characteristic "&2" in "&1"
637Allowed values for characteristic "&2" in "&1"
638"Entry required for configuration" flag for characteristic "&2" in "&1"
639NIL P flag for chracteristic "&2" in "&1"
640"Invisible" flag for characteristic "&2" in "&1"
641All contributions to characteristic "&2" in "&1"
642All requirements for characteristic "&2" in "&1"
645Values for BOM part "&2" in "&1"
646Quantity for BOM part "&2" in "&1"
647Allowed values for quantity of BOM part "&2" in "&1"
650Type "&3" of "&1"
680Procedure :"&1" (ID &2)
681Selection condition :"&1" (ID &2)
682Precondition :"&1" (ID &2)
683Automatic specialization
685System default
686External system
687Dynamic proposal from dependency :"&1" (ID &2)
688Load function of configurator
751Precondition :&1 :fulfilled
752Selection condition :&1 :fulfilled
753Procedure :&1 :executed
754Precondition :&1 :not fulfilled
755Selection condition :&1 :not fulfilled
756Procedure :&1 :terminated
760Configuration is complete
761Configuration is incomplete
762Configuration is inconsistent
763Configuration is incomplete and inconsistent
764Object access to user class "&1" failed
765Execution of user method "&1"."&2" failed
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