3B - Trieda spr�v HR SK

The following messages are stored in message class 3B: Trieda spr�v HR SK.
It is part of development package PB31 in software component PA-PA-SK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Master data HR: Slovak Republic".
Message Nr
Message Text
101Report width exceeds 132 characters
102In tab.T7SK4D can be max. numb.of parameter
103You can page only for header entries
104Enter at least 1 parameter
105The main pers.no. must not be changed for an already posted period
107Reference person.no.was changed retroactively for the previous period
110Personnel no.&1 is not the main number in &2/&3, adjust infotype 0257.
111Pers.number &1 is not master, delete infotype 0256.
120Org.assignment "&1" found in table T7SK1L! Check entry.
121No data generated according to criteria chosen!
201Wrong ZIP code!
301Contribution payer entered already exists
302There is no letter for the current employer - please create
303Number of the payer is not filled !
304Do not create a letter for current employer
305Processing period can be specified only from 05/& to 10/&
306Processing period can not be specified before 05/2006
307Processing period can be specified only to 12/2006
308The processing period may only be entered from 02/& to 08/&
400Area of education was not entered according to code list.
411Existing record & & & not deleted
412Existing record & & & deleted
413Existing record & & & not delimited
414Existing record & & & delimited
415The vehicle price at start of use has already been entered
416Technical addition without initial vehicle purchasing
417Improvement of vehicle cannot be entered before start of use
418Line entries with amount 0 will be omitted
419Amount without currency
420Incomplete line entry
421For Working Time Account hours it is ncessary to enter the WTA total.
500Gainful activity: ' ', 'B', 'V', 'P'
501Gainful activity: ' ', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'N', 'P', 'V', 'B'
502For code D and E enter the contract type with type ZECD* in infotype 0016
503EE contract is marked as income for deduct.item of HI
510Education division is not alphanumeric
600Amount of dividends was changed retroact.; use the recalculat.with M990
898Parameter "Last payroll results" is to be selected for corrective report
899Parameter "Last payroll results" is to be selected for additive report
900& & & &
901Number is not numerical (permitted values: 1234567890-)
902Account number is missing
903Symbol number is missing
904Bank key not approved
905Wrong address type (infotype subtype 0006 ... addresses).
906For selected address type no address entered (infotype 0006).
907Wrong account number (spec./variab.symbol)
910Report width exceeds 132 characters
915Do not fill the work schedule rule
916Fill in full-time work schedule rule
920Number is not numerical
921Wage type not permitted for garnishment
922Garnishment number must be entered
970Exceeded number of children for non-taxable amount
971Child for the tax bonus is older than 25 years
972Child for % of old age pension insur.is older than 26 years
973Payment of pension savings fund of employee not entered in IT0253
974Work in category: ' ', 'X', '1', '2', '3', '4'
975Gainful activity: ' ', 'B', 'V'
982Including in calculation is possible only in period 01, 02, 03, 04
983Specify number of months od deduction between 1 and 12
984No valid SVAGP constant found for the given period
985Payroll period can be entered only if ATC is active
986Posting to payroll is possible only for periods 01, 02, 03
987Only one tax-free amount for spouse is possible
988Change the report date
989Maintain document number assignment by BELEG attribute
991Report date is outside absence
992Infotype 0255 is not neccessary for the absence
993No absence/illness not available
994Mismatch pers.ID number - birth date - gender
995Only one tax-free amount for disability is permitted
996Error on personal ID number (modulo 11 mismatch)
997Wrong birth date.
998Mismatch of birth date - date in personal ID number
999Other tax-free amounts cannot be applied
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