54 - Meldungen fuer die Tabellen der Abteilung RP

The following messages are stored in message class 54: Meldungen fuer die Tabellen der Abteilung RP.
It is part of development package PBAS in software component PA-PA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP HR Master Data Application Development".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**** ID 54 MESSAGES HR MODULE POOL ****************************
001You are not allowed to specify infotype &
002Please specify source and target
003First specify a report name
006No entry in table & for key & &
008All entries deleted in table & key &
009Entry not numeric &
010Check digit "&" is incorrect: Correct digit is "&"
011If you press ENTER, calc.rule & will be deleted
012Specification & is invalid in processing class &
013Specification & is invalid in evaluation class &
014Incorrect entry - only 'X', '.', and ' ' allowed
015Validity periods will be delimited again
016& & & &
017Error while locking secondary table &
018Long text is missing
019This entry is pointless because wage type is missing for current value
023To select lines, please place cursor on a field
024Wage type & not valid for basic pay (country grouping &)
028Index & already exists for operation &
030Field & does not exist in infotype 0001
031Offset/length > or = field length of field &
049Time is incorrect
050Entry not numeric &
053Invalid entry &:
054Daily work schedule unavailable, has been set to '01'
055ATTENTION: Long text in table & will not be deleted
056Field contains invalid sign (only & is allowed)
057No entry in table & for &
058Table & does not exist
060Specify source
061Daily work schedule & does not exist for grouping &
062Length of time unit text must not exceed 8 characters
063Please define one flextime only - or a fixed work schedule
064Enter a flextime model or fixed working times
065Please specify the planned working time
066No work break rule specified in daily work schedule
067No rule specified in daily work schedule
069Breaks overlap
070Start of break > end of break (& > &)
071Actual break duration & < specified period & (min)
072At least 1 value must be valid for each string
073Please specify a new variant
074No entry in table & for & &
075Entries are not consecutive
076No entries allowed for daily work schedule class 0
077Core time 2 only allowed if core time 1 exists
078& & &
079Core time &: Incomplete entry
080End of core time 1 >= Start of core time 2
081Core time &: Start >= end
082Break &: End of break > work finish time
083Break &: Start of break < begin tolerance end time
084Break &: End of break > end tolerance start time
085Work end time - work start time & work hours + breaks
086& & & & &
088Break is not within planned working time and will be ignored
089Work break rule contains gaps in period & - &
096Please maintain user group data via & only
097Start date & > end date &
098New break overlaps with period that already exists
099Incomplete entry for start tolerance
100Incomplete entry for end tolerance
101Minimum work time > maximum work time
102Minimum work time > 24 hours
103Maximum work time > 24 hours
104Advance work > 24 hours
105Specified rule does not exist in table T550X
108Please sort sequential numbers in ascending order
109Minimum days must be <= maximum days
110BEGDA, ENDDA, and TPKLA must be compatible for day program blocks
111Specified ABAP program is not an INCLUDE
112ABAP program does not exist
113Report & could not be generated
114Hours specified are only allowed with break type 1 = 'A'
115EITHER from - to break times OR hours
116Only one value can be proposed
118Quotas are validated and deducted on screens 2001 and 2050 only
119Date 31.12.9999 only makes sense with regard to sickness
121A valid dynpro number has not been specified
124Time unit & is not allowed
125Please specify country version (country grouping)
127Country version & does not match country grouping &
128Time unit & is not allowed in table &
129Only the following entries are allowed: ' ', 'X', and '.'
130Minimum & > maximum &
131ATTENTION: Value = zero
132Specify a qualifying period
133You are not allowed to enter a qualifying period
134Please enter time interval
135Time interval may not be specified
137Time period missing for primary illness
138Time period unnecessary for primary illness in this case
139Daily work schedule '****' is not allowed
140Table entry exists already
141Unit & not found in table 538A
142Program & does not exist
145Only &, &, &, & allowed in this field
148Unit of measurement & is not a time unit
149Please specify start date and end date
150Please check DDIC entry in this table
151This time constraint class causes problems: See T554Y
152Total percentage must be &
153Please specify a counting class
154No exact basic pay split for internal table ZL
155Please specify processing time point (table ZL is not allowed)
156Please specify cycle, processing time point, and op.indicator together
157Start of break > end of break
158Please enter ' ' or '1' to '9' for day type
159Work break rule '****' is not allowed
161WType and WTM type have different permissibility for payroll categories
162WType and WTM type have different permissibility for personnel areas
163No entry in table & for & on date &
164Please specify update interval and unit at the same time
183Pay scale minimum > maximum
184Please do not specify a cycle if retroactive accounting <> 'T'
188Table TBANK is no longer used
194Enter a validity period
195Entries maintained in HR Planning may not be deleted
196Table either no longer used or only maintained via specific transaction
197No entries were changed
198Please do not use the & symbol
199Please maintain only one of the two fields
200Text maintenance not permitted as infotype part of Data Sharing (T582G)
202Input combination not allowed
203New entries via subsequent screen of &
204No header has been generated.
211Program class & for object type &: Numbers changed - see long text
215$ headers have been regenerated
216Inconsistency with table T551C
218Time constraint 'T' is not possible for infotype &1
219Function character '1' allowed for upd.0000 = 'X' only
220Status change allowed for upd.0000 = 'X' only
221Check feature only allowed for upd.0000 = 'X'
222Org. assignment change only allowed for upd.0000 = 'X'
223No additional cost accounting data may be entered in infotype &
224Please maintain dialog module & (& &) in TDCT (F13)
227& is not a field in table &
228The input value must match the internal key
229You did not select a valid object
230Infotype does not have time constraint 'A' in table T582A
231Field name & will not be saved because it is included in '*'
232All field names included in '*' will be deleted
233All data fields & & will be deleted
234Please maintain infotypes relevant to documents
236Field entry & not allowed in infotype &
238This text already exists. Please make your entry more explicit.
239Table name invalid
240Amounts chosen should be < min.amount and <> max.amount
241Object type & is expected for data entry
242Always state the target time type with the condition
243Maximum value must exceed minimum value
244Minimum and maximum values must both be entered together
245Number chosen should be < min.number and <> max.number
246User group differs from reference user group
247There are no entries for the reference user group
248Please mark entry as 'bgrpabh.' otherwise reaction will be loaded
249Response indicator not valid
250Do not use a purely numerical character (customer system)
251Only use non-numerical sign (SAP-System)
256Use the button on the detail screen to maintain the entries concerned
260Delimitation ID only makes sense for attendances/absences < 24 hours
261Attendance/absence type & > 24 hours
262Minimum duration of attendance/absence type is too high
263No attendance/absence types < 24 hours allowed for next day
264Attendance/absence type & & for the period is not in table T554S
265Please specify a percentage not equal to 0
266Please specify a wage type
267Please enter values other than zero
268Do not enter a dialog module
269Error when generating the header
270Please specify a period work schedule
271Report &1 has LDB &2, however report category &3 is valid for LDB &4
272Report & shows LDB <> PNP
273Report & shows LDB <> PNP
274Action cancelled - no line selected
275Action cancelled - too many lines selected
276You must first choose a model wage type
277A wage type name must consist of 4 characters
278Enter the number of wage types
279Enter a number to specify the increment for each step
280No time unit has been specified
281Cannot create so many wage types
282You must enter CWType for &
283You cannot copy & to itself
284Copying to the reserved SAP name range & is not allowed
285Cannot copy more than one wage type to the same wage type &
286You did not change the country grouping
287Country grouping & does not exist
288There is no wage type selected
289& is not a valid wage type group
290Company number &1 is incorrect
291Cannot delete wage type & more than once
292& is not a valid wage type name
293You can not delete from SAP model wage types (&)
294No wage type chosen
295Completeness check okay. All wage types in T512W.
296& already exists and cannot be copied again
297Action cancelled. Please leave the CWType area clear
298Action cancelled. No line is selected
299Cannot create an entry to copy & to & because & already exists
300Cannot create an entry to copy & to & because & exists in CWType area
301No entry in table & for &
302No entry in table & for &
303Cannot copy & to & because & already exists
304Cannot copy & to & because & exists in CWType area
305You can not delete from customer wage types (&)
306Careful! You can not copy to the reserved customer name range (&)
307Enter parameters for 'New wage type area'
308Parameters reset. Entries not possible when deleting
309There are no wage types in the area chosen
310New wage type area & must be smaller
311Table & is not active in DDIC
312Table & not found
313Table & cannot be maintained while working with project &
314Table & cannot be maintained from the IMG
315No language selected for Customizing wage type &
316No logon language selected for wage type &
317No access to IMG during test run
318Several entries chosen for language '&'
319No text entered for customizing wage type & in languege &
320Bank code may not have more than & characters
321Bank code must have & characters
322Bank code must be specified
323Bank code may only contain numeric characters
324Postal code must be specified
325Postal code must have & characters
326You have not selected an entry, no further processing is possible
327It is not possible to repeat a lock, table already locked by &1
328Both account number and bank code must be entered together
329The house bank & has not been created for company code &
330Tax class 3 contribution may not be greater than contribution
331Please complete either ER contribution or EE contribution
332Total percentage > 99.99
333Paying office number &1 is incorrect
335Minimum entries here are address 1, postal code and location
338Transfer indicator must be filled out
339Only one transfer indicator is allowed
341An OSI transfer record is missing in T5M3O
342Only 8 character text for reserve number 1
343Only 10 character text for reserve number 2
344Only 20 character text for reserve number 3
345Language key + bank code not in table T520
346OS/OSI must have bank code and account number
347OS/OSI must have PBS number
348There is no category as subtype in table T591S
351Operation must begin with &
352Number & must be < &
353Only one & block is allowed
354You cannot specify values for parameter type &
360Upd.0000 = 'X' is only allowed for Upd.0302 = 'X'
361change of org. assign. only possible with Upd.0302 = 'X'
370The retroactive accounting type must be specified
371Text maintenance not permitted as infotype part of Data Sharing (T582G)
405No payday exists for the year &
406No date for ID & exists for the year &
407No entry in table & for key & & &
408& & is already assigned to object & &
414You are not the person responsible for this object
415You are changing the person responsible
416Changing the person responsible is not allowed
418 There is no documentation for & & in any language
420You are deleting a locked object from table T99D3
421An U(pdate) may not follow an I(nsert)
422The new docu object does not exist yet
440No country valid for EGrp/SGrp &1 &2 - entry will be deleted
450Entry '&' not allowed for database name
520HI fixed values table is not needed for total amount
521Levels table is not needed for total amount
522Fixed value table NI not needed for total amount
523Step table not required for total contribution for nursing insurance
527Value '&' is not allowed - only values '&' are allowed
532Entry is incorrect (-->F1)
534& is not a valid SI key
536Fund is marked as receiving fund for statutory reporting
540Table & locked - automatic maintenance not possible
541Table & client & merely equated
542Table & is maintained automatically
543Table & client & does not exist
544Make an entry
552Status & is not documented --> RPDSYS00
553Return code & is not allowed for status &
560Statistics already exist for the specified period
562Statistics indicator deviates from consecutive numbering
563Exception already made for this period
564Statistics have not been defined - please maintain table T543A
573Current payroll result cannot be deleted
574Roll of client has not been clarified
575Enter a personnel number
576Error when deleting the payroll result from table &1
577The last payroll result was successfully deleted
578Payroll result for period & and personnel number & deleted
579No entry created in application log HRPU
580Payroll result for bonus payment & & for pers. no. & successfully deleted
581Personnel number & cannot be locked
582The functionality does not exist for country version &
583The personnel number does not exist
584Payroll results for period & (IN period &) for pers. no. & deleted
586Productive client! The control record has the status 'exited'
587Country grouping does not exist
588No other selections possible
590Personnel number cannot be locked for payroll
591Personnel number cannot be locked for payroll
592Form pool "&" could not be loaded
593Could not load the payroll results
594Country grouping "&" is not correct (you have chosen "&")
595There are several results with identical FOR and IN information
596Error occured in function module 'REBUILD_PAYROLL_DIRECTORY'.
597The payroll for NAMC has already been run; pers. no. & was not selected
600Data has been changed during a period of currency change
706With regard to exception &, please set flag for block & in T5D6C
707Entries are required for all fields except 'interim result'
708There is a module for the special case, not an execution rule
709You must enter the percentage rate for type &
710Entry of the amount for type & not allowed
711You must enter the amount for type &
712Entry of the percentage rate for type & not allowed
713Please enter the minimum transfer threshold
714The minimum transfer threshold must exceed the amount
715The minimum transfer threshold must exceed the minimum amount
716The maximum amount must exceed the minimum amount
719Relationships allowed for statutory/contractual severence pay only
720Equalization period allowed for 13th and 14th monthly benefits only
721Special case & not provided for - please check your entry
722Field & not provided for special case &
723'*' is no longer accepted and will be changed to 'Z'
724Use reaction indicator 'A' or 'E'
725Please use program RPUDIR00 instead of this program
750Constant group & does not exist
800Please enter only one definition for the begin date
801Enter only one default date for each date type
802Please enter amount or rule only.
803Please enter at least one limit
804For time unit 01, only the 1st of a month is allowed for the start date
805Birth type text not available
810Date ID for source and destination must be different
815Note: If you save, inconsistent dataset will be modified
816Settings for Concurrent Employment only possible for 'Other Actions'
817Settings for Concurrent Employment not possible for country change
818ID LePer change and selection of pers. assignments not possible together
819Period modifier &1 does not belong to country grouping &2
820Generation of periods prior to T549R-BEGDA is not allowed
821Changes to payroll periods not allowed during current payroll run
822Period modifier &1 is already linked to country grouping &2
823Period modifier &1 is saved for country grouping &2
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